
Comment image 21

I have been laughing so hard looking at this picture that I practically have tears in my eyes!

Me thinks, Mink might be the follower of the adage that any publicity is good publicity! How else do we explain this!?


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  1. Was she at the KHATRON KE KHILADI party??? Could there more a place more apt to (or rather not!)wear this? My first big laugh for the day!

  2. Why oh Why are we wasting time and space on a two bit starlet…..she and her white stockings…..and those hideous accessories….poor thing…

  3. That bag is ridiculous! And she decided to match it with those boots…gawd!! Did you notice that lip liner??
    All in all, well tunred out for the event considering she was ready to brave the “khatra” of dressing like that!!
    Hmmm….as an afterthought, I am liking that top.

  4. That bag is ridiculous! And she decided to match it with those boots…gawd!! Did you notice that lip liner??
    All in all, well turned out for the event considering she was ready to brave the “khatra” of dressing like that!!
    Hmmm….as an afterthought, I am liking that top.

  5. oo comeon ppl dont over do it..duno the occasion…she jus needs to replace the boots wid a pair of flip flops..n she ll look chik..wid leeser amount of makeup…

  6. Dear Neha, the point is that she did not, she wore those super fugly shoes to boot(no pun intended)…and wore that makeup as well….caked no less…with some ghastly logo and missed the whole session on “less is more” …hence the eyesore…


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