Images: Please note that this blog is purely for entertainment purposes only. All images used on this site have been purchased by us or provided to us by PR companies, publicists, stylists etc. The few times that isn’t the case, the images have been credited with a ‘Source’ or ‘Photo Credit’ and duly belong to their respective owners.
Opinions: The opinions on the blog is of the writers in question. The intent is not to hurt, offend or insult a person or group. The content is driven essentially by the writers’ opinions on fashion and if there is an issue, do reach out to us and the editorial team will be happy to address the same.
Sponsored Content: The sponsored content on the blog is clearly marked as sponsored, so as to avoid any ambiguity of any nature.
Affiliate Programming: Like most other blogs, this blog too uses affiliate marketing programs to earn commissions on resulting sales. This in no way affects our opinions or judgement.
Comment Policy: Comments containing the following will not be approved/will be moderated-
1. Botox, plastic surgery related.
2. A person’s body type. (‘Fat’ is not acceptable, but saying ’someone doesn’t dress well for their body type’ is).
3. A person’s personal life is off limits including a person’s conduct/gossip/rumors.
4. A person’s religious beliefs or associations.
5. External links to other sites unless posted by us.
6. Containing remarks about a region, communities, etc.
Personal attacks, non-content related malicious comments, abusive language (towards the subject in question, other posters or writers), hate words, insensitive words, possible racist comments, implied or otherwise, and comments that are posted merely to instigate drama will get deleted. Constructive criticism is always appreciated, as are opinions, just not the vile kind. The comments have to be civil. While some comments might have seemed harmless at first pass (to us or to you), they can seem offensive to someone who reads it much later. As a rule, we will un-approve the new and the old comments and any comment that addressed the original one, to keep things fair. At the end of the day, it’s at the moderators discretion.