Seeing Double. And Then Some.

Comment image 214

There’s more.

Read our post Here.


Another day, another video surfaces. Here’s another one for your viewing pleasure… the host cracks us up!!

Our original post carried this text:

“Last weekend Ms. D’Souza made an appearance on Farah’s chat show wearing a strapless maroon dress with Zanotti heels. I know the girl was trying for a more mature look but for me the curls were too much, the dress very ill-fitting and the shoes a complete mismatch for the look.
You like?”


If you feel our pain and outrage… send ’em an email… we’d really appreciate the support… Their address:

p.s: We’ve written to them, no response yet.

Look inside for M O R E.



Another Update: We’ve already notified the channel reps and are waiting to hear back. If we don’t, the gloves are off! A BIG BIG Thank you to all of you who have supported us and have sent emails! Also made this post a sticky so it stays up on top. Newer posts are below.

Update: And just when we thought there couldn’t possibly be more… there is… Guess what just got uploaded on You Tube today?

Oh, and read our original post Here!

Zing TV Scoops


Update: The more we look, the more we find.

Looks like Zing Scoops exists because we do.

Our original text from this post goes as follows:

Whoever is the stylist of this film has to get the kudos for picking great outfits for Ms. Kaif. Love the Alice + Olivia fitted dress on her, which you can also own for $176 (from $440) thanks to As for the Leger, we’ll have to wait and watch to see how she wears it on screen.

Just goes to show how important is a good stylist! Cuz, we all know how the real Kaif dresses up. :P”

Zing Scoops Stinks.

Check this out:

And us Here


When it comes to ‘Fashion’, plagiarism isn’t restricted only to runways.

Want to hear a word to word Hindi translation of this Abhay/Sonu Velvet post (shown below) with OUR pics (watermarks smudged of course)??

Zing TV Scoops


Our Post From September 9th, 2009

‘Chee Chee’ Zing… Yeh baat kuch hajam nahi hui!

Funny thing is, this isn’t the only time the wonderful peeps over at Zing’s Scoops have referenced us… yessirriee… there’s more! Look inside.

Zing TV Scoops

Our original post? Right Here and Here

(They used pictures from our older post; we updated with better quality pics later.)

And then, there was this:

Zing TV Scoops

Once again, our original post? Right Here and Here

You would think there couldn’t possibly be more right? Oh, but there is. There is more.

Zing TV Scoops

Original post… Here

And then there was this:

And us? Right Here

It’d actually be hilarious if we weren’t so mad.

A big, big, BIG ‘thank you’ to Bibbo and Neha for bringing this to our notice! Thank you. Also to ‘Shilpi’ and ‘Tan Ta Da!’ for tipping us off to additional videos.

  • Like it? Share it!


  1. OMG! OMG!…I’m so disgusted with these Zing people….that is absolutely disgusting and uncreative….I mean to lift word per word from your posts and then use YOUR pictures…OMG!!!!

  2. thats disgusting!!!! they are soo bad but more importantly im sure u ladies put in time and effort into this blog and plagiarism is just wrong ! they need to be shut down id much rather read about it than hear their annoying voices anyway!

    Keep doing ure thing!

  3. AWWWW man, they’re not even a website so we can flood them with threatening E-mails :( This is disgusting, you should sue them. I’m not even joking, due they have an E-mail we can right letters of complaints to? Or even an address? I would be happy to use postage to crack down on these guys. Boo, if I was done with undergrad and law school I would totally volunteer myself pro-bono, but alas, I am a mere sophmore in college :(

  4. Its freaking HILARIOUS! The Zing people have to be desperate losers plagiarize like this! Word for word?

    I say you guys strike a deal with em. Let them use your blog and you can get a commission out of it.

    Still rolling with laughter listening to this one woman monotonously drone “There a look on Gul Panag we like… rather love”… LOL… where is the originality?

  5. omg! this is disgusting! what are their content/script writers doing??!!! they should be fired and u guys should definitely sue zee’s sorry asses!

  6. oh plz….dnt even associate hhc with this loser channel….u can turn this into a paid memebership blog if funds needed….but do not partner this annoying zing thing….ugh!!!

  7. What do you expect from people who can’t even make out the difference between Kate Walsh and Kate Moss (check out their URL for the link to the Karisma story)

  8. What channel is this? I mean Zing…is it popular? I have never heard of it. Maybe they dared to copy stuff because they knew no one really watched the show? LOL. This sucks…I hope they read this blog post the next time they come here looking for new ‘scoops’. It would be funny! The most annoying this you can do to them is to just ignore this whole thing….but do leave this post here so that they can read the comments and realize what they have done.

  9. OH. MY. GOD. EVEN I AM FURIOUS ON BEHALF OF YOU GUYS.. LIKE YES.. IT WOULD ACTUALLY BE FUNNY IF I WASN’T SO MAD.. AND I CAN’T EVEN BEGIN TO IMAGINE HOW YOUUU FEEL! Wow. It’s so funny how they just totally used your ideas.. even your own pictures and just acted like it was theirs.. holy crap. I mean they didn’t even get their own inspiration from it like for example we look at what you write and we all write our own opinions on the outfit.. its so simple. and they couldn’t even do that!

  10. oh wow.. i thought maybe that it was a first time thing.. but to keep stealing.! =( what assholes.
    honestly P&P you two should try and do something about that.. it’s disgusting how they’re using YOUR hard work and passing it off as their own, with such a smug face from the host. irk.

  11. OMG! Sue them for every penny it takes!!! This is madness… HOW CAN THEY?!!! And that bloody woman is so annoying. She’s so “Arre, My fashion sense totally ROXXXX”!
    (Notice the plagarized Vogue May 2008 covers in the background…hahaha!)

  12. Dear P&P,
    I have been hooked to your site for some time..and few of my friends too cannot pass a day without browsing it(and yet blame me for passing the link ;))
    You guys do a lot of work and share your point of view with the readers. After watching this video i felt my stomach churn.These 24×7 ‘masala channels need to do some work on their own.If one is a regular watcher one can see how these channels flick ideas even criticism from various magazines and present them as their views. Be it art or science, i know plagiarism cannot be avoided but one should not shy away from taking a stand. Dont let it pass as ‘ hota hai chalta hai’ attitude. Take a stand please.

    I seriously think you guys should write to this so called wannabe channel and let them no you do not appreciate it and if not sue them.


  13. wohhhh and the traitor is amongst us…!!!!!!!so practicaaly that bloody show is the video version of hhc…n hey the script writer of the show…u suck man..n u r a big time looser…{u no he or she can read us..}

  14. That is so messed up! You guys do all the work, the research .. they wouldn’t know one designer dress from another and are blantantly stealing your pictures and writeups!!! You guys are awesome!! All of you (who get this channel) should stop watching Zing!!

  15. this is actually disgusting!!! u should definitely report it! and that host is SO annoying! her voice is unbearable! and she needs to look at herself before giving ‘fashion tips’ to others!

  16. that’s totally shitty, i mean you do all the work, and they report it on tv with their annoying commentary?! WTF?!
    they need to know this is not cool and need to admit their mistake to their tacky audiences!

  17. YES PLEASE sue them or at least tell them to credit you guys! This is no joke. They are a TV Channel and you guys do all the work and dig up stuff and post your comments and then they make it sound like it’s theirs! That’s wrong!! People think they can lift off stuff from the web and noone would notice! At least give credit to where you picked it up from!

  18. Absolutely horrible! I am livid for you guys. Like everyone said, can we do anything?? I would love to flood those thieves with e-mails or hopefully this post initselc will freak ’em out cause they’re obvs reading your material. Uggh, how annoying!

  19. hey i’ve seen some of these episode! remembered your posts right away.
    it’s not even a job well done…hate the tabloid-esque language they use.they should atleast mention the site before practically quoting from it.

  20. WOW!!! this is unbelievable.. And everyone is right when they say that something should be done about it. I am thinking of posting a comment on their youtube videos and also maybe email them so that they know that we KNOW!!
    Oh but wait..they will be checking the blog anywayyyy :P…so i guess they will KNOW… This is simply WRONG

  21. OMG …this is outrageous though not surprising, considering the television media is flooded with mediocre uncreative people. For them forming even a sentence is a challenge and translating seems to be their only hope.

  22. what losers… they cudnt even clear off the watermarks from the pictures…
    r u guys taking some action or not… keep us updated

    if u need some references to lawyers …m sure u have urs…just in case…ull need – then send me a howler

  23. Hey P&P, please demand a public television apology!!!
    that is the LEAST they can do!!
    Or at least have ZEE TV get you 2 to get you your own TV show on the network so they can have a real fashion buzz tv show going on!
    i’m so furious about this!
    love your blog and I hope this works out for you gals.

  24. PnP please make this post a sticky so that it shows up as the first post, so that everyone visting the site gets to know what Zing is doing !! just mailed them, i hope you take some action against them, at least get them send a notice,
    you guys are so talented you deserve your own show :)

  25. Thank you all for your support. Means sooo much to us.

    We’ve written to them and are waiting on some sort of a response. We’ll keep you all updated.

    And once again, thank you.

    • I know how awful it feels to have your work lifted off and republished as their own. Its good that they went on to use your exact words. makes it easier to get them to apologize because the rules around these things are so fuzzy. If they don’t have a conscience its rare for them to apologize.
      I’ve had a popular Indian newspaper lift off pictures from my blog including my content but never received any apology or acknowledgment. They even went on to say that they didnot want to ” market” my blog . WTH right. They stole my info but stating the source as my blog would be marketting my blog !!! I had no patience to take it up with them.
      And today I found another blogger take five of my articles and republish them on hers. Sorry about the rant. I do hop you get an apology and those anchors stop over acting.

    • no we should mail them, revolting against injustice is what should be done. that’s how india got independent, else 90% of us would have been dead like the red-indians.
      Gosh I am being too cynical… but whatever….u get my point

      • That’s not what I meant, did you not see my offer of service above?? No, I meant NON-VIOLENT E-mails (ha! get it?)- I just noticed that several people said that they sent nasty E-mails, but you have to be careful about the nasty-factor.
        And no, you’re not being cynnical, you’re being the opposite of cynical, I’M being cynical.

        • from what I gathered in my history class, the british made tribes fight against each other and that’s how they died. British tried to do the same in India too, thankfully our diff Raja’s didn’t revolt against each other. btw, m really sorry..I did not reading ur above post, yea u r right, we should not mail nasty ones, that never helps :).

  26. u guys are just weird!!! why get so angry over something so small!!! their just trying to create news and whatever u guys write on most cases what a clever person who knows fashion thinks!!! stop making a big deal out of nothing!! get over it, we all know whos doing the hard work!! dont worry, i just think you guys shud put the case forward (if u wanna) rather than getting people who visit ur site to, just unfair i think good luck anyways

    • it’s our own decision, I feel like (I’m sure we all feel like) we’re all a aprt of this site, P&P have never made us feel like we’re just the audience, we participate. That’s what I love about HCC.

    • More voice count. This channel will care, only if they see that this website has a strong backing. And the level of copying is so lowly (includes the presentation, observation and wording from this website), that it is a insult to the audience who are being taken for a ride.

    • Agreed..!! We can’t overlook the matter. P&P have worked really hard for the site. AND it is a big deal because even though we know who has really done the work, doesn’t mean that we ignore such acts!! That’s like inviting people to do whatever they want no matter how wrong they are.

  27. Good God! how shameless, and this is not some random TV channel, this is Zee TV we are talking about. sue them i say, we will mass sign an online application or something. We will get behind you whenever you need us.

    This is shameless and disgusting.

    And even though this is not important here, the women who host this show are terrible, and what shrill and irritating voices, my God!

    You have newspapers and magazines who have put you in their columns, so you are pretty well known and you have proof, go for it. They owe it to you, they should give you credit and the monetary compensation for all the money they make from the ads and other TV time they sell for these shows.

    Not Kidding at all here, go for it!!!!!

  28. p&p instead of mailing zing, we should mail zee directly, cos zing being a very small part of zee would not care much about reputation. is where we all should mail. We all can write about this is main subject of the mail, that way they dont consider our mail as junk. gosh I am so furious on them for doing this.

  29. you got to be kidding me! these guys are shameless, there is a limit to doing unethical stuff, blurring the watermark/logos off of stolen pictures is just lowly.

    The more i see it the more furious i am getting.

    Do something PnP, dont let this slide at all.

  30. Such disgusting piece of S**t these people are. Makes me wanna throw up.And those women on their show…hey bhagwan!

    Just shot them an email. Hope they get their a$$ sued. Good luck P&P, we are with you in this.

  31. Hey,

    Sorry to see this happen to you, hopefully this will yield some publicity for the website if not anything else.
    Frustrating to think how long it could take to put these people in their place.
    Zee has never been known for its creativity/ creative resources but someone sure knows where to get good content huh :)
    You have my support, and they my hate mail!!

  32. thats pretty desperate of them….but there is one positive point of all this…i believe this site is soo great and popular thats people have to copy it and call it theirs

  33. i didnt go thru the links, but ur copied in other places, i have seen the exact same opinion with exact same pictures, worded slightly different in mid-da.

  34. I just cant believe they have the guts to do this !!!!!!!!!!
    and in this age when it is so easy to detect Plagiarism !!!!!!!! they have to be stopped !!!!!!!!!!
    oky, me going to write them an email !!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. This is atrocious. Come on! they have the whole office full of photographers and journalists. All they can do is browse and copy stuff off the internet. Sue them.

  36. hey P n P…….u should get paid by them or they should hire you guys as consultants. gosh..they cant even use their own pics….send them a proposal for a deal…milk this opportunity to ur advantage ;)

  37. just saw the videos..god, they have NO imagination what so ever..why don’t you guys make a video showing how they are clearly plagerizing and put it on youtube? i will be glad to circulate it…letters are good but i feel like they need something stronger…let me know what happens and how we can support you..

      • ya this is an awesome idea, I hope someone here with the right skills makes a video like this and posts on youtube, then we can circulate the link across all forums we visit. Sure to make an impact !!

  38. I sent them a protest email as well. This is so horrifying. I’ve gone through a similar experience where my tutor stole my extended essay and passed it off as her own after informing me that my essay was “crappy”. I can’t even imagine what you guys must be going through when a news channel does this.

    My two cents: Sue them for every penny’s worth. Carpe diem!

  39. Never heard of this Zing tv .. but saw the videos and it was pretty disgusting !!
    where is there creative team.. or their script writers that they cannot even change the lines??
    Just sent them a mail ( PROTEST MAIL) to do this to one os my fav. blogs!!

    And P&P,I and i believe everyone who’s a regular visitor is there to support you guys!!
    SUE THEM!!!

  40. I emailed them in your support. Stupid Zee TV. They really are the stupidest channel. They dont pay attention to half of what they do!

    I want them to give you an on air apology and then remove the videos!

    If not, Im with everyone. Sue them.

    hahahahah these people suck! Their cheapness (and their gall combined) makes me wanna slap the shit across their faces.

    LMAO still at the way they said those lines! tsk tsk for turning well written paragraphs into cheap-sounding dialogues.
    HHC -1 ZINGwhatever – 0

  42. HAHAHAH… i can’t stop laughing!! “”cuz, we all know how the real Kaif dresses up””…They are literally using the exact words. Seriously, no shame at ALL…!!!

  43. You should do a post on what the anchor is wearing. For all you know, if they’re blindly lifting stuff off the site, that’ll also make an appearance on the video ;) :P

  44. Despite being wrong and infuriating, I think it’s a teeny bit flattering that Zee TV lifts your material… but they need to stop doing it right away and give you guys credit FAST! With your URL at the bottom of the screen so everyone knows where to come. If they don’t make this right soon, you should def sue them. Unbelievable.

    Oh and I agree with Miss Amin… you girls should have your own TV show… like The Soup, but with fashion na?

  45. P&P,
    This site is fantastic, and I so appreciate the time and effort you spend on bringing us original, high-quality content that rivals with any fashion blog out there.

    I’m flooding them with outraged mails.
    Please, sue their granny panties off.


  46. P&P,

    Please take other stringent courses of action to publicize this as well.

    You guys have a fashion section on the MTV blogs, don’t you? Is there any way you could notify them of this plagiarism? Or maybe find a post on those archives Zing has lifted as well? Having another channel like MTV bolster you couldn’t hurt.

    Maybe you could also reach out to those kids on MTV shows like ‘Wassup’, and they could do a small feature on plagiarism and “certain channels” lifting content off you.

    I’m writing to them kids already. And to think I found them annoying! :)

  47. P&P,

    First of all those photos don’t belong to you, just combining pictures and watermarking them won’t make them yours. you cannot do a thing!So stop crying hoarse and forget it!Anyway you aren’t doing any great piece of journalism to feel outraged, people visit you site for the pics not for the crap you write!Get real, there is a lot more to fashion than just crapping about people!

    • If this is such a “crappy” site then why are you here or even writing on this post? And aren’t you also “crapping” P n’ P? You contradict yourself my friend.

      I have submitted photos too this site and recieved credit for it and the site I found from was cited too. Obviously you don’t really pay attention to this site to know that they do give credit to people.

    • I don’t visit their site just for pictures…these pictures are available at many others sites… i visit to read their valuable …entertaining..informative opinion!

    • Wow. You are just blabbering without getting ur facts straight. Go educate urself first on what can happen to whom for doing what. Im so totally frustrated now.

      lol Im getting really hyper.

  48. hey it may sound funny..but jus a suggestion…u have a blog on mtv rite…u can mail them these thing wid proof…if they notice they wud love to kick zings ass on tickr as well as their new show stripped where they show who did wat kinda stuuf n band bajana thingy…don post it if i m soundin too stupid…lol..jus i no how bad it feels wen ppl take all yr credit…

  49. Hmmmm…the fact that they started before you shouldn’t mean anything; you have everything documented on your sight and they’ve taken it all

  50. Hi girls, I sent them an email . Hope you get an apology and proper credit soon . You are doing such a wonderful job on this blog , keep it up !

    P.S Do you think you girls could email Perez Hilton to ask for some advice /help on how to deal with this ?

  51. The best way to get them would be to publicize this through news papers and other magazines.. Every channel wants masala on their rivals so now they get a great story to totally bash up..

  52. Hey PnP,
    How funny it would be if you have your next coupla posts with all the wrong information!!!! ;) designer names messed up, designer brands messed up, and write exactly opposite of what you think abt the fashion :D
    lets see what zing tv does then ;)))
    just a funny thought! :D

  53. PnP, I totally understand your ire. I saw the videos and was like OMFG! That’s downright nasty, whatever happened to copyright infringement? Aren’t blogs protected by some kind of law to protect against plagiarism and piracy?? Sue them I say! I’m going to send them a real nasty email now, don’t settle for an apology (if they ever admit what they’ve done is wrong), you deserve more than that!

  54. write a letter to the zee CEO.. dont email customer service or the program/producers.. call the CEO office.

    other tip – have some newspaper or other network channel or news channel or miss malini or someone publish how the network is directly plagiarising from you.. there needs to be some print / television media reporting on this..

  55. Who are these people kidding? Imitation is the best form of flattery but this takes things to a completely different level!!!! Shame shame Zee network!

  56. Omg this is absolutely disgusting. It’s really sad when people whose work actually thrives on creativity are so unoriginal. I can’t believe they ripped off every single bit of your critiques. How long has this been going on and how did you guys find out? Because it doesn’t seem like a popular channel at all.

    P.S.- Those hosts need to go take a second look at their own wardrobe before they decide to go on national TV and give plagiarized feedback on what eminent personalities are wearing.
    Go hire a new stylist darlings!!

  57. Its amazing! How they’ve stolen every damn thing. Maybe you guys should take a vacation for a couple of days and then watch what they do! They’ll probably have to shut down their channel coz of lack of info!
    But if you guys have a copyright on this blog which I’m sure you do then you must go ahead and sue them.

  58. And actually there is nothing worse than bad publicity! So you guys just call NDTV or someone and tell them this thing. It’ll be all over the news!

    • I agree with the idea, you guys need to do something. This is serious plagiarism, can’t you sue them, this can’t be legally right?? I am amazed at how blatantly they are copying you guys, thodi bhi sharam nahin hai!

  59. WTH that show exists just coz ur blog exists……I have to wonder if you two go on a vacation, wt will they do? I really feel sorry for you, like if they had plagiarize cudn’t they find a better anchor….if I were you I’d protest that too!

  60. this is crazy! since they are sooooo good at keeping up with all ur posts and literally copying everything.. i wonder if they would create a segment abt how someone is stealing your content too!? :P have you guys heard back from these ppl?

  61. u mentioned u had contacted the zing tv personnel about this.. what’s the status on that? please do keep us updated..
    needless to say, i’m left speechless by such blatant plagiarism on a national level.. and the hostesses do NOT make it any better.. doing a WTHeyy on their dressing sense would definitely be a wake up call for them too.

  62. Hey PnP…please let us know a email where we can write and complain about this…this is downright disgusting!!!
    Zing Tv…get your own journos or shut down the this show…
    Its downright blasphemy…

  63. If P & P have a strong case they won’t ask readers to fight their battle, writing a letter on their behalf, they are afraid to sue as they themselves will get into trouble, for its NO BUSINESS of their’s to comment on the way people dress, P&P could get sued in turn, and mighty information this site has, “her saree is tacky, her dress is long” from fashion commentators who don’t even dare to show their face!And what about your own originality P&P? What is your contribution to fashion?Where do you discuss fashion, or do you at all know anything about dress construction etc?Which celebrity cares about your opinion?Its not that Shriya will be crying buckets because you guys called her dress sense tacky, NO BODY WHO MATTERS CARES FOR YOUR DAMN OPINION!

    Instead of mocking other people with some liberal use of adjectives show your dress sense and tell people THIS IS HOW TO DRESS if you can, till then do your silly blogging and there is absolutely nothing to plagarise from your site, you have a very weak case and you would be sued in turn and have to churn out millions!

      • Ironically, in India is freedom of speech and press is mostly dictated by political parties. Plagiarism is rooted everywhere. Sadly, unlike US, it’s pretty difficult to sue based on plagiarism alone. This is solely my opinion based on the time I’ve stayed home in India.Only mass intervention of some kind .. people who read HHC regularly can do something about it along with P&P. Pretty soon those car wrecks aka Zing will get unpopular and shutdown their show..

    • Ok, so called “fashionguru”… If you dont care about this blog, stop flooding this section with your nasty comments. P&P are really nice to approve your comments but you are just making all of us cringe with your nasty comments and rude behavior. Have you ever heard of “Freedom of speech” (which P&P believes in and letting you post your comments), so they are giving opinions about the fashion of celebrities in this blog. (Where I and many others who view this website actually respect their opinions and are really glad its not another gossip website). Why do you even care about how P&P dress or look, they seem to be more intelligent than most of the fashion journalists and I learned thousands of tips on how to dress by becoming an addict to this website. Nobody can sue P&P because they are writing their own articles and paying for the photos of celebs. Well, you are going to go on and on with some other silly comment… but all I think is, you are actually the writer/director of that Zing show and pretty pissed off that the truth is out! If you dont like this blog, go do your own thing, me and probably 150 others actually love this blog and respect P&P’s opinions! Enuf said!

    • fashionguru,

      I really hope Zing is paying you to make these comments. Because the alternative – you reasoning this rubbish yourself and actually spouting it out for public consumption- would make you an epic tool.

      • I think Fashionguru works for Zing too…

        Freedom of speech is what its called. And look at it this way, if they were so wrong about fashion or if so many people really disagreed, do you really think they would have this much of a fan base?

        Obviously, people read because they want to see, and give, and read fashion opinions, otherwise this blog wouldnt be so successful.

        And I really think you shouldnt be called fashionguru. Obviously, you have no taste for writing such outrageous comments. But hey, freedom of speech isnt stopping you either.

    • U have the f**k b**l to tell PnP that they are need to tell people how to dress?…. U seem a big illiterate to me… I for one know how much they have contributed in correcting an ugly duckling into a swan that I am only through this website… I am sure that nonsense copy show of urz has the lowest TRP’s in ur channel, U cant seem to do anything, hence u are venting frustration on the originals? huh!!… Go get a life honey… get out of scoops, the sooner, the better…

  64. The sheer brazenness of the whole thingy amazes me. Blurring watermarks, hosts parroting out your whole jazz in Hindi (ahh! the language is different after all!). I can imagine what the scriptwriter’s average day looks like:
    –> Come to office
    –> Log on to HHC & select a post
    –> Download pics of said post & hand them over to the inhouse graphic designer to photoshop the watermarks out (of which he does a sucky job!)
    –> Ctrl +C the text of the post & feed it into Google transliteration tool to get it in Hindi
    –> Sit the idiotic showhost down & ask her to memorise the script
    –> Lights, Camera, Action … viola! we have a segment ready.

    Please, please use your contacts to get their asses whipped, sue them whatever. For what it’s worth, the channel should be shamed into shutting shop for this behaviour.

  65. ahh this is so low!! how could they be so ridiculous? I am not sure about the legal rights for media in India, but you ought to take some action. I come to this site for it’s authenticity and would hate for it to lose that over something so wrong. GL!

  66. guys, comment on youtube, so if any one at all see theses vidoes, they will atleast know the origins. may be dont know what if we complain 2 utube abt copyright violation…

  67. PnP,

    Hey Zing is the new name for Zee Music and Music Asiais an India-based satellite music television channel owned by Zee Entertainment Enterprises, which carries broadcasts in Hindi and other regional languages of India. As well as broadcasting in South Asia, it also reaches audiences in Europe. It is promoted by the Essel Group. Zing was first launched in 1997 as Music Asia, relaunched as Zee Muzic in 2000, revamped in 2005 and finally repackaged as Zing in April 2009.

    Kindly visit the details in wikipedia, you might will know who are the real culprits

  68. mailed them. also mailed a friend at zee. i hope you get to hear from them soon. this is disgusting. the least they could do is credit you and this site with it.
    if i can get a response – unofficially even – i’ll keep you girls posted.

  69. i was channel surfin n saw the velvet hook(ed) episode lolz they ur exact same language figured it they were copyin u for sure lolz dint know they were stealin

  70. Fashionguru is a bit too pissed off with this whole thing! Gussa kam karo…:P the readers of this site value PnP’s comments pretty highly. We look forward to what they have to say about things. So don’t you trash the readers! And even if PnP can’t do anything according to you…at least everybody knows where ZING gets it’s fashion scoops from! :D

  71. I just checked out some more videos…it’s hilarious the way they copy comments…word to word…PnP don’t give up…they HAVE to credit you at the very least!

  72. I’m a regular here but I haven’t posted before :P This is my first time posting and wow just wow. Thew newest video posted of Genelia one..the host was SO annoying. I really wanted to slap her, doubly enticing because of the blatant plagiarism. I would say that you guys should sue them big-time. You guys work so hard on this site, it is not fair for some retarded bimbos to get the credit for all your hard work! Hope it all get settled in your favor soon :) Good Luck!

  73. The very fact that you guys jumped to the conclusion that I work for zing measures your IQ!Unfortunately you are wrong!Freedom of press in one thing and mocking people in another.Instead of writing to them “begging” to stop copying content why cannot P&P sue, say if Vogue feels its plagarised the company goes ahead and sues, doesn’t cry to its readers asking them for help! Grow up P&P, its not that you invented a cancer vaccine and someone stole it, yours is a blog that thrives on taking a dig on a personr’s fashion sense, a kind of yellow journalism, there is absolutely no creativity in your blog and neither to do contribute anything worthwhile!And celebrities care a damn about what you feel !

    • Fashionguru,

      In case you haven’t noticed, what with all the time you spend solving whats-the-next-number-in-the-sequence mensa puzzles, Vogue has been an established widespread publication for over a century. They have the connections and resources to pursue action expediently.

      Because HHC provides excellent, entertaining fashion commentary, it is easy to forget that HHC is two girls running a site, who don’t [i]necessarily[/i] have a legal wing or a publicity wing to push buttons for them.

      They reached out to their readers for a little help with bringing attention to an issue of brazen plagiarism. Incidentally, I see no evidence of them crying or begging (or anything to that effect_, as you so erroneously and misleadingly put it.

      I am amazed this needs to be spelled out for you.


    • Just a though fashion guru and others:

      Since Zing is plagiarising from this site, doesnt that mean that they are mocking people as well? Wouldnt they be held more accountable as a channel over a site like HHC?

      And talking about freedom of press, its being taking pretty liberally everywhere. If news channels headline katrina-Ranbir’s hug or priyankas guiness world entry or Taylor swift @VMA over and over and over again, hour after hour, that shows pretty much the lameness of the “freedom of speech/ press”, which i think atleast in todays times, shouldnt be considered to be some divine blessing that is given to us to set rignt the injustices of the world

    • Fashion critics are not yellow journalists for your information…and PnP don’t do this for the celebs…they do it for it’s readers…and of course it is so worthless that other people copy it!

      and are you saying that if a student copies a bad essay from someone else it’s not plagiarism? are you saying that if a tabloid publishes an article and someone else copies it and claims it’s their article/opinion it’s not worth complaining? a copy is a copy is a copy. period. and PnP have every right to complain and show that they are being copied.

    • I’m glad to know that celebrities care a damn about what we feel :) Whether you appreciate this kind of journalism or not, you can’t just target HCC, this has become a part of our culture. P&P have taken measures to prevent mocking of celebrities personalities and looks, we try to only comment on the clothes; HCC is defenitely one of the nicer blogs.
      But that’s not even the issue here.
      You can’t accept this plagarism, which is a LEGAL offense, just because you’re values don’t coencide type of news on this blog. P&P buy all of their own pictures, cite all of their other sources and don’t make a profit- something Zing TV can’t attest to.

    • Wow fashionguru. You are of a tiny minority here that have vehemently argued in favour of Zing. CLEARLY Zing employees frequent this site. It would thus be logical to assume that either you have some hidden agenda, have had a really bad day (week), or that you are somehow linked with Zing. That is a logical conclusion, not something so far-fetched that would “measure” one’s IQ as being very low, which is what you have implied.

      People don’t just sue the second they find out about such things. It is a long and arduous process, especially if a blog wants to go up against a major TV network, they don’t just call their lawyers and say right let’s sue them, and then think about the implications, the laws, legal precedence, etc. Comparing this blog runned by 2 women to Vogue (owned by multinational publisher Conde Naste) is a ridiculous comparison to make, as clearly the ability to take legal action would differ greatly between Vogue and HHC. But I guess the link you made was because both are in the same industry, fashion. In that case you have paid HHC a fine compliment, that they are comparable with the likes of Vogue.

      P&P never claimed to have made a major medical discovery. They commented on celebrities fashion. This does require creativity, or I’m not exactly sure what you define as creativity. Unfortunately you are also confused about the definition of yellow journalism. Fashion journalism (in the case of HHC at least) is not intentionally sensational, there is no gross overexaggeration of stories in a bid to attract readers. Unlike newspapers, which sensationalise stories on the front page (or print in yellow ink, hence yellow journalism) so that more newspapers are sold.

      I highly DOUBT that HHC are doing this for celebrities. But, if you can somehow see into P&P’s hearts and think this is their intention, then I guess I should refute your claim that celebrities don’t “care a damn” about their opinions – as far I recall P&P have been threatened before (by celebrities) for the content of their site (clearly these celebrities did care!). And as far as positive attention goes, just look at Miss Mallika’s twitter. Very recently she has tweeted “HIGH-HEELED RT;)Confidentially,I like ths blog,evn when they dont like me”

      Sorry this comment (essay) is so long!

    • alright, Darling! Give it a rest. You will give yourself a nose-bleed at this rate…and spoil that lovely fashionguru-isque dress you might be wearing. Not worth it.

      two things jump at my low-IQed brain, cause i kind of smell sour grapes here and also sorta kinda feel the same as some of others here-
      1. If it were not plagiarism/stealing, why would they do tacky crap like smudging watermarks? and why would every one of their posted videos here have the exact same text (albeit translated into Hingish and rather shrilly)

      2. If PnP’s opinions were so incredible non-creative/not worthwhile/not worth giving a damn about, Why in God’s name are you here and why, do you think?, would they go to the trouble of smudging watermarks, copying opinions etc etc, when they surely have the money to get their own writers and photographs?

      oh a third one, (sorry low-IQed brain remember?, so rather slow) – Explain how they will get into trouble for sueing or even having this blog.

      Enlighten us if you may, but after you cool down, Please!

  74. Hmmm the channel should hire you guys, or pay you for the write up and photos. If not, they should hire someone who work for fashion magazine or have a flair, but then one need to know to identify as well. Those who visit this site from India should send their CV to the channel, and they should hire one of you.

  75. I don’t post on here but I’ve been following this blog since its inception in early 2008 or earlier.I know when this blog was unknown, when comments dropped came up to 4 or 5. Therefore, I’m really proud to see this blog become such a craze. I’m happy for you p and p. You are doing a fabulous job! And really….sue their asses and milk them for every penny worth. These stupid thieves wouldn’t know what fashion means even if it hits them on their head fair and square.

    • I second that. I have been reading this blog ever since it started and its wonderful to see it become so HUGE. Obviously, you guys are doing something right and deserve credit for it. This is not the first time your content has been stolen though but I hope this time you take action and teach bollywood a lesson…since this happens very often in India. I wish you all the luck P & P.

  76. And methinks fashion guru does not work for Zing. I think he’s either Manish Malhotra (whose designs are so tacky and who all of us dislike) or Nita Lulla (whose no desginer herself and has only risen by riding Aishwarya’s coattails).

  77. Booo fashionguru!

    If you think this blog is a waste, what about all those gossip shows on TV, gossip columns in news papers, what about page 3? Aren’t they waste too? And if you really don’t like this blog, here’s something you can do. DON’T VISIT THIS BLOG. as simple as that! And to be honest, this blog is actually helping the indian fashion industry by making more and more people aware of indian fashion market!

    I wish you get well soon! and start thinking straight! If you can’t, get your head checked! I will pay the bills!

  78. Forgot to say this… HHC are not crying to any of its readers for support, it was a natural reaction of readers to want to support them (in fact it was a reader 1st that requested the email of Zing). All HHC said was “If you feel our pain and outrage… send ‘em an email… we’d really appreciate the support”… In no way crying out for help. In fact, by you saying they are “crying out for help” your style of writing does in fact resemble the sensationalist tactics of yellow journalism ;)

  79. I dont think fashionguru works for Zing but is one of the celebs who is a WTHeyy specialist. That would explain the shouting from rooftops that celebs dont care what PnP say. heh heh….

  80. You know, this situation really has been bugging me. Especially when sites such as this go through such turmoil, I feel bad for those that have taken the time to share their thoughts.

    Fashionguru, I like the comment someone wrote after you. Look at this from PnP’s perspective. Had you been in their place would you really feel the same? They are the ones that took the time to write their thoughts, watermark the pictures, and make it available to us. If it were you taking the time out every day to search for events, search out the clothes, what collection they belonged to, watermarking them and them posting them,- going through all that work and then finding out that someone blatantly stole your thoughts/picture/idea, would you really feel the same? Put yourself in their shoes rather than b*tching and complaining that we are just whining here. If you are so critical and hate the content, why dont you stay away. For every ‘one’ of you there are a hundred who like being here. (and that includes Mallika Sherawat, as well, given that she follows their twitter and admitted so despite the comments against her.

    I have been plagarized before. Its not fun. All the hardwork that I put into it was stolen and used under someone elses name. It hurts no matter what the content is.

    The content is representative of ones passion- and we can clearly see just HOW passionate PnP are about this subject matter. So much that we all enjoy coming here to read.

    My last comment here before I fall asleep on my keyboard:

    I give you (PnP) a lot of credit for finding the courage to keep on blogging and sharing stuff with us despite this incident. You havent stopped it at all, and I am just as excited when I get a notification on Tweetdeck that a new blog is up.

    Thanks for all your hardwork (no matter what the “Fashionguru”‘s out there say, your work is worthwhile to me!.)

  81. Wow I’m going to have to agree with both Fashionguru and all those yelling at her/him. Yes, plagiarism is bad and not acceptable but then again I agree with fashion guru’s point that this is a fashion blog, and not one from the view point of an actual ‘fashion critic’ but just two women giving their perspectives. That does not make one a fashion critic. And the women on zing said some of the same stuff but really, it could be anything one would think when they saw those outfits. So stop hating on fashionguru.

  82. The fact that Malliaka Sherawat is a fan of this blog shows its merit, the woman who lands on the red carpets of American soil in costumes borrowed from superman and combined with her own underwear is a HUGE fan of this blog, this is such a shame not a credit!And please don’t consider this blog so important that Manish would stop by to comment!Thats a bit too much! P&P are not suzy menkes(in case you guys don’t know she is a fashion critic for International Herald Tribune, NYTimes) that Manish would sit up and notice!P&P are a bunch of gossip mongers who comment on dresses which they lust but cannot afford and hence they get jealous and say bad things about people who can afford them!And get real, when you start any “creative endeavour” its your responsibilty to protect your content.Expecting that noone else steals your content is akin to leaving the door open and then crying foul that you have been theived!P&P need to be more mature!This blog might be popular amoung the fashion poor but its never a blog on fashion and has nothing original on it!Face it!Fashion is about being avant-garde not just posting pictures of people and saying they dress bad blah blah And what is P&P’s background to make those comments?Have they styled any celebrities, designed any clothes that their opinion should carry merit?And if you compare this blog to Page 3 well thats why Page 3 jouros are never considered fashion critics and hardly get any respect!


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