Throwing Us A Curveball?

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Things are heating up around here! Ms. Pinto ditches her goody girl persona and goes sexy vixen not only on the Vogue cover this month but also in Bruno Mars’ latest single ‘Gorilla’. It’s a surprise and we likey! If this is any indication of what’s to come in the recent future, sign us up.

The shoot was good but in that video below, she is hawt! See if you disagree. Be warned, it may be NSFW.

P.S. Catch the full photoshoot inside.


Freida Pinto On Vogue India Oct 2013





Photo Credit: Facebook

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  1. Can’t help to notice the same expression in every pics. She’s a pretty girl but that trying hard to look sexy expression isn’t helping.

  2. While she looks good in the Vogue shoot, the attitude and vibe is kinda forced IMHO.
    As for the video, after watching Trishna, this didn’t come as a shocker :) She looked great though!!

  3. why does she look in pain ? and that too in every pic? fierce looks would have made the whole thing better .but something is totally off with the expressions.

  4. The poses are priceless in a comical way. I still cant stop laughing over the cover photo. That leg pose, is she sitting or squatting? bahaha!

      • Yeah and that is exactly why half the people commenting here are laughing as well at her shot at “sexiness”. Ha!Anyway, after seeing Priya Tanna and Bandana Tiwaris appearances here on HHC, I’m not surprised with the poses and the ridiculousness of it all.

      • Oh the Video, even more funny. I hope you have enough time to comment on all of them, it looks like there are a lot of Frieda haters out here. :P

        • Agree with you Adara…though no hate from me. I think if we had seen just one of the pics and that was it, there would be more compliments here. Seeing the same hold-breath, squint-eye, open-mouth expression in all the pics made it seem overdone and then kinda comical.
          As for the video, nothing great there…the usual booty and boob shake aka the phoren version of a desi item number!

          • Ditto! The fans just assume one dislike or comment on the negative= Haters. I think majority of the people commenting on this post are of the same opinion, it’s forced and funny.

  5. She looks smoldering hawt n for the expressions I prefer it over Sonam’s closed eyes Photshoot for Elle which was for almost 5/ 9 pics Way to go Freida luv it

  6. Daring & Hot! I adore Mr Mars´s music obviously & Freida is werking it. Great to see true beauty recognised even if it has to be outside of India.

  7. I love the cover. The styling is fantastic but her expression in most of the pictures is repetitive.
    btw she looks fab in the video. hats off!!! the best i’ve seen her…spunky, hot, oh so sexy..

  8. The most awkward sexy siren to hit the screens in a while. Sorry but she is very unconvincing..her make out session with Bruno is not pretty (shudder).

    • That is precisely the problem for Freida haters :) S*x is not pretty in real life outside Bollywood. Freida is angular, she is not chubby cheeked and foreigners find her hot – how crazy is that? I found the video plenty sexy!

      • No one is saying she is not pretty. I personally think she is a gorgeous woman but this video/poses are anything but. As someone else put it, her expressions are forced/comical.

      • Sorry Adya, but unfortunately you got personal here for no reason here. Why did you make the assumption about a total stranger (me) that I hate Frieda, I like my sirens chubby cheeked and pretty? And what makes you think I am not a foreigner?

        Sorry to disappoint you but this foreigner does think Frieda is the most over hyped foreigner to hit Hollywood because she can’t act to save her life. It has nothing to do with her angular face. And this video was just plain silly!

  9. Love the cover and she looks fab in those outfits. As for the video, when was the last time a desi girl took off her dress and looked so hot and toned in a music video. To top it off it’s a Bruno Mars video which is a big deal.

  10. You take a lovely girl and instead of sexy… make her slutty and call it hot? Well, to me sexy is a little different from what she’s in the video. The expressions too are over the top and forced.

    • Ah, the proverbial slut-shaming… I was wondering when this would come up. FYI, i think the video is supposed to give a film feeling. & that´s how strippers do their work, so she nailed it.

  11. I seriously DOUBT your judgement sometime PnP.
    The clothes are yummy, Frieda? Not sure.
    Shes definitely a gorgeous lady, but this shoot is just trying way too hard to be sexy. Theres nothing thats coming with ease or naturally here, its like a very OBVIOUS need to look SEXY. while the real sexy is effortless, and this just looks like the severe hard-work of a team.

  12. The video is far from sexy. It is a representation of the media’s exploitation of women. Four days ago, Freida Pinto was a UN representative for International Day of the Girl Child. Today, she glamorized the sexual exploitation of women by stripping, getting money thrown at her by men, and screaming give it to me mother f**kers. Sad.

    • I agree totally. Even after Trishna, i used to like this girl. But this is just exploitation. Even Charlotte Church said in a recent interview how music video makers are coercing women to shed off their clothes and dance suggestively. And now even Frieda fell for it. Disappointed.

      • err..”fell for it”?? What is she eleven years old? No. Was she plied with alcohol/drugs while making her decision to star in the BM video that rendered her of unsound judgement? Highly unlikely.
        So how is it exploitation? Here’s a grown woman who signed on the dotted line with her eyes wide open and brain fully functioning. She holds absolute power to accept or reject roles. She knows all that she has to gain from the attention that this music video will potentially receive. Please stop making her sound like some abla,bhartiya nari, who was duped into playing a stripper, with no legal recourse. She’s a professional actress who knew what role she was taking on prior to shooting the video. That’s what actresses do (or at least are supposed to do), play a variety of roles that have nothing to do with their real-life personas.

    • This exact train of thought ran through my head when I saw the blog post. I was and still am confused about this one.

      In my opinion, Frieda (or her stylist) has a good sense of classic and modern fashion. However, this video was strange. It seemed very unnatural.

      And whats up with that gorilla running away at the end of the video…very comical :)

    • Her career is in the toilet. She is only getting ensemble cast movies. She, like many other damsels, will not survive for too long. So I do think doing a Bruno Mars video was a bit of a genius move by her agent….if this video becomes big, it will give her career a jolt. You can be Mother T all you want but while you are in Hollywood and NOT Angelina Jolie, the UN thing is on a need to do until a better thing comes along basis.

  13. She looks like her dog just died but she has been forced to stay and complete the shoot. Also, I don’t find her pretty – one in ten Indian women resembles her. But the styling is really great, especially in the last pic.

    • Um …pretty has nothing to do with a photo shoot. Great styling and the right expressions can elevate things, and the expressions are a bit off. I think the point here is the styling and not if she’s pretty. So what if one in ten indian women resembles her? I’d be happy if I did.

  14. She doesnt have the figure or the body,height to carry off those dresses… it looks awkward on her. Sad but true. Fortunately – shes got great features and skin and that helps her.


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