Comment Policy

Comment image 81

P.S. New posts are below this post.


Dear All,

Besides a person’s fashion sense, Comments are becoming another heated discussion.

Here’s a quick reminder about what comments will be allowed in future. Fashion related and only fashion related comments will be entertained. A long comment off-tangent with a view on fashion thrown in will not be allowed henceforth.

You may complain that in the past we have let comments of all kinds become part of the post. Well, over the next few days we will be revisiting all old posts and moderating those comments too. Next, you might say that we don’t follow the same rules for everyone. Our answer to that is that some discrepancies have occurred on posts because we (Priyanka and Payal)are two different individuals and sometimes we both have different views on what should be allowed and what not. End point is that, we both have agreed to a NEW standard and will be following it VERY strictly.

Why the sudden change? We have no choice to do so because as owners of the site we are also owners of the views expressed by the readers and that makes us liable. Having been served notice over comments received on some posts, we have no choice but to take a stance. We neither have the money nor the time to get lawyered up and fight defamation suits so we’d really appreciate it if you guys help us out with it. We maintain this blog for fun and for no other personal gain than the ‘hobby’ it presents itself as for us to indulge in.

Lastly, us explaining to every individual as to why their comment was not approved only takes time away from bringing new material to the rest of you. So, if your comment wasn’t approved, can we get the benefit of the doubt that either, we might have missed some of them because we had a large list to go over or because of the fact that something that sounds harmless to you may come of as offensive to another person. Also, sometimes a comment that was approved seems offensive to someone else. So as a rule, we uncomment both the new and the old one out. Either way, it is and will be our prerogative.

We get readers from all over the world and from all age groups and it is bound to happen that people have different views on things. So lets try and be respectful to other readers.

Recap of the rules. Going forward, comments containing the following will not be approved.
1. Botox, plastic surgery related.
2. A person’s body type. (‘Someone is fat’ is not acceptable, but you can say that ‘someone doesn’t dress well for their body type’)
3. A person’s personal life is off limits including a person’s conduct/gossip/rumors
4. A person’s religious beliefs or associations.

We will keep adding to the list as and when we encounter issues and will post this list as a separate tab as FAQ.

In the end, we appreciate all your support over the years and hope you understand our perspective. You make us want to keep writing and we hope to continue doing so.

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  1. I completely support this new stance on comments P&P! I just want to let you guys know that I really love coming to this blog, and I want to thank you for being so patient with us. I know we can get a little rowdy, LOL.

  2. Hey you guys!!! You should start celebrating now. Its definitely time to celebrate if you start getting lawsuit threats over comments posted by people on the internet!!! Lol. Congrats!! I’ve seen this site since it was a fledgling and it brings me so much pleasure to see you two have become sooo famous!!! Well done!!!

  3. p & p. you guys are doing an awesome job with this blog. we appreciate the hard work that goes into it. i support these new rules.

  4. you’re facing charges against readers’ comments??? woww p&p, you really should congratulate yourselves. your blog has obviously become really important for something like that to happen! well done. its amazing how something that just started off as a hobby has become such a big hit! and more power to you!

  5. can you tell us who got offended? I was sure this blog will become popular …i got hooked to it when i first visited it…and i am sure most of the celebs are visiting it since there is a noticeable change in their dressing sense recently

  6. “Having been served notice over comments received on some posts, we have no choice but to take a stance.”

    That’s disgusting that someone would do that. Despite that, you have every right to design a comment policy for your blog. This is your place and you should run it the way you like. Those who can’t handle it can go elsewhere.

    Well written!

  7. Would one of you guys please explain something to me…I read on a whole bunch of other fashion/gossip sites. How do you guys get served notices when someone mentions someone’s botoxed face or makes a comment on a star’s body type when other sites get much, much worse comments from their posters and they’ve been in business for a very long time? How come they can stay afloat when they make some bogus report about a star having some weird STD and then hundreds of people come in with all kinds of “true stories” and you guys get in trouble?

  8. Thats the last thing i would want…HHC getting caught up in a lawsuit and being shut down for a day…ohg… I cant imagine it.. coz… its the 2nd page I open everyday ( after GMAIL) and log on to it like 10 times a day..its like my stress buster.. its where I get I love most…fashion news…fashion gossip.. and fashion ideas…

  9. I’m glad you guys have gone over this! I really do love this blog, and I would hate to see it be taken down for a few nasty comments. That said, I was thinking about when people comment about how a person hasn’t scrubbed their knees, or anything in relation to skin tone. I am learning now that complexion issues are just as big in India as they are here in America, so it is very interesting when people voice their opinions on that, but I’m wondering if that would be out of line, or depending on the nature of the comment?

    Love you guys!

  10. We promise to be good. :D You girls keep rockin!

    ps: a request. maybe you should add a no regional camping-bashing(along with religious beliefs/associations) like north-west-south-east indian divides.

  11. @ Neha: Oh my goodness, me too! I check my gmail, and then HHC…but noone emails me anyway(lol) so it’ll probably be HHC from now on! :)

  12. P&P, is this based on the new case law in India where a web site was successfully sued? I saw that story a couple weeks ago and wondered what would be the impact.

    The new rules are reasonable since you have to protect yourselves. Good luck.

  13. You guys provide so much entertainment and soul satisfaction to so many people.

    I think you are doing a great job and I am sure all your readers are indebted .. I know I am .. I look at all the fashion stuff and it just makes me happy amidst the daily stuff..

  14. hey hats off to you guys for all the hardwork you do…will definately abide by the rules….just keep the gud working going………….

  15. Hey P&P – I am shocked that somebody would go to the extent of getting a lawyer and direct their misplaced anger towards you. But I guess I just wanted to say it is absolutely appropriate for you to monitor, delete our comments in any manner you deem fit and you should add deleting people’s accounts to that list. I am sure this is a case of few rotten apples spoiling the cart and if somebody uses the same IP address under a different name you can block those. I would hate to see the website shut due to people’s thin skins.

  16. “Having been served notice over comments received on some posts, we have no choice but to take a stance.”
    I am very very VERY dissapointed…but not in you ladies. This is dispicable, how could ANYONE serve charges against a nonprofit fashion website like this one when there are daily publications (i.e. tabloids) that legally exsist and contribute to the economy (undoubtedly why they go largely unpunished) that publish COMPLETE RUBBISH and ACTUALLY SWAY THE PUBLIC (unlike the movies that get censored).
    This why I could never live in India, I would get arrested for exersising my (nonexisitent) right to free speech and free press. Without a doubt.
    I apologize if I have caused you, Payal and Priyanka, any grievences and promise to never do so again.
    Damn you conservatives (…ok, starting after this comment)

  17. Thank you! The non-fashion comments about celebrities have always irritated me here, there are enough gossip websites that these people didn’t need to abuse other people in a fashion website too. So, I am really glad you put your foot down! And ofcourse, like almost everyone addicted to this website… I am a big fan of your website – Keep it coming!

  18. Kudos to you guys….This site is definitely a huge part of my life and I’m on it like every 10 mins so if it shuts down I’d be like fish without water:))) Thank you for the on-going entertainment. I have to admit I have been become quite fashion saavy and have learned sooo much about the right and wrong fashion so thank you P&P.

  19. I love the new rules. People think since it is the internet they can say whatever and get away with it. I see such horrible comments in so many sites and it is absolutely despicable! Vandalism and insult cannot be allowed in any respectable and reputed site! And I believe this site is a reputed site where people come to have fun with fashion!

    I initially loved this site because it stuck to fashion but recenlty people have gone into gossips, rumors, hateful comments and such things about people and that is a big turn off! So thank you!

  20. I agree with you girls, except

    1.) comments on botox/plastic surgery

    …but sometimes certain celebs and pictures scream for these comments *I’m thinking of you PZ, though I love ya* haha seriously though, some gossip make this site 10 times more fun. if we restricted to clothes and how they look, all the comments will start to sound(read) the same. just my opinion. other than that, I respect your rules and will try to abide by these. I love this blog!

  21. Thanks P & P. I think this change was needed anyway. Comments had started to get really nasty about celebrities some posters don’t like.

  22. Ditto-ing Indianlover! lol this site is the first one i hit simultaneously with facebook! haha…
    ladies keep up ur excellent work, there’s alot of work for u to do…like get me to be even more knowledgeable about the fashion world (Tadka laga ke) as well as make me fall in love with a birkin! ;)

  23. I think a clean place on the internet is always welcome:-) I do have strong opinions but I wouldn’t want you guys to get into trouble because of my opinions so I fully support you on this!!

  24. One of the first things that attracted me to your blog was that you benevolently discussed fashion and till then I never thought that was possible.

    So it’s kind of bad you are threatened by lawsuits.
    great work anyways. I do try to remember the spirit of your site always before commenting and will be even more careful in the future.

    I see lot of publications are using the inputs from this site to write up stuff without due credit, hope you can send them some notices too.

  25. THANK YOU! Great job guys! I’m so glad you’re doing this because at first when I joined this site I really loved the whole idea of comparing styles, looking at different trends, and just generally getting a chance to look at and learn about the various flavours and styles in fashion. Although, I must say after a while I didn’t feel like commenting or even reading anyone’s comments because all I kept seeing was comments on people’s facial features, body, gossip…and also hatred for certain celebs just for the heck of it. Also, being told nasty things just for not hating on a person like the others was also a bit discouraging. So really, thank you for these rules. I really appreciate this because I love this site and now I can feel more comfortable here :)

  26. (This is another Ritu). So what about comments on hair and makeup, is that also fashion or does it fall under the ‘beauty’ category and therefore not allowed…?

  27. This is madness really that you would be served a notice over inane (and anonymous) comments on a not-for-profit blog!? what about freedom of speech? i have seen enough slander of Obama and McCain on various American websites during and after their presidential campaign. I doubt any of those websites have been served legal notices!

    This is just plain repulsive.

    Is the notice from India? It has to be.

    True that someone could be offended but a legal notice?! There is a law for this?

    If there is, it surely is archaic and needs be changed!!

  28. ok its ironic that i have to make an irrelevant comment under this post, but i guess i just have to.
    @ pdaervo:
    Please don’t make comments about India like that again. I’m going to be very succinct about this because I don’t want to create drama and another series of posts – If it weren’t for the power of media and freedom of speech in India, a small time model, Jessica Lall would never have been granted justice!

  29. P&P,
    while I agree with your policy whole heartedly (I mean, you have every right to decide which posts to allow and which to deny), I am dissappointed that this has come due to threat of lawsuit. It’s almost like caving in to a beast that you can’t actually see.

    To be honest, no one should be liable for comments left by others on your website. The power of anonymity makes people strangely frank, or arrogantly rude. But you in no ways, should be liable for that especially when your policy clearly states that the views expressed by the readers are solely their own.

    The fact that you are getting notices from folks means:
    A) You are important!!! You guys are crowd pullers and your word matters!
    B) Some people just cant take criticism properly and when they cant penalize common public for it, they try to grab any handle they can get to get a sense of vindication…hence they came after you.

    My question to such people who serve websites owners with notices is —“When tabloid writers and Page 3 reporters print nonsense untrue garbage about you, you decide to take the so called “high road” and categorically “not let such things get to you”. Then, how come the word of a bunch of women/men spread across the world gets so to you?”

    CONGRATS Payal & Priyanka — You now wield the power of the mighty pen!!!!

  30. Being one of the many that almost always went off tangent and commented about things that were non-fashion related, I apologize for my previous indiscretions and will definitely happily adhere to this new rule.

    I love this website and what you guys do — so I hope everyone will respect your perspective and keep this website up and running without any further issue.

    Appreciate you guys addressing this issue!
    this is the FIRST time i’ve posted on this site although i’ve been visiting it for almost a year and a half now.

  32. I completely agree with you P&P. I love this site and im such an addict! wish you guys all the luck and am sorry for past comments which weren’t proper!

  33. hey guys, i am really glad to hear about this new policy because there were some recent comment on skin color and sexual orientation of certain celebs that left me feeling really uncomfortable..thanks for doing such a fabulous job on this website! you are my dose of escapism in a otherwise stressful day!

  34. You guys have arrived if you are being served lawsuits. The rules are perfectly fair. This is a fashion site, and not a people bashing forum. Keep up the good work!!

  35. I guess it becomes difficult to draw a line between what’s fashion related or not , I have seen that gradually the comments have taken a non-fashion turn sometimes and are getting too off tangent. I think the policy will help maintain the basic spirit of the site , which was about just fashion.
    k=, totally agree with you , can think of tonnes of other examples , arundhathi roy ,tehelka, films like firaaq or amu . I too don’t want to comment on something like this given that the whole post is about comment policy but calling “press freedom and freedom of speech” non-existent in India” is generalizing and carrying it too far.
    The situation has arisen because internet is a new medium and the laws are still grappling with how to deal with it.People posting from different corners of the world are unable to practically pursue the matter in a court there when faced with such threats , I think its just a matter of time before somebody will do that leading to amendments or more definitive guidelines.
    Print media has been around for much longer and is a totally different ball game.

  36. this is draconian. sorry to say i find it disappointings
    in anycase, i can understand u felt the need to ‘regulate’ as much as i am repulsed by the word.
    but this it just it, the moment we start bowing to such ridiculous things as lawsuits over çomments- its the end of free thinking. this is good-bye from me. good luck and try to maintain your integrity

  37. I sincerely aplogize if I offended anyone with my previous comment
    I’m just very very liberal, and anything with a censor makes me mad. MAD, I tell you MAAAAD!
    OBVIOUSLY, complete freedom is not guarenteed ANYWHERE-but I plan to fight for it as much as I can (which is why I plan to be one of those dirt-poor lawyers…or a physcologist)
    very sad indeed

  38. Payal and priyanka,

    Im glad you guys cleared this and i sincerely hope these new policies are adhered to in the future from both ends.

    again, kudos to you both on doing a good job

  39. I have never commented on any of the posts earlier. However I am a regular visitor – I just like to read and look to at all the pictures, but too lazy to comment. But after reading this post, I just wanted to say good job and keep on trucking!!

  40. Hey P& P, so you guys have arrived. I love this website and I think if we want to read and participate on this site, its but given that we follow the rules.
    Having said that, whoever sued you, its just a case of going for the small fish first ( as oppossed to dialy corporate based publications). And like someone once said to celebs ” If you invite us for your wedding, we will come for your funeral”- and discuss clothes and how you look when you come to a public gathering to be photographed for media.

  41. Oh well What can I say but that in my mind, fashion, personality and lifestyle are irrevocably linked… What a person makes of a dress is what makes it unique, for better or worse… if the comments are just about “oh that blue is good” or “that heel is nice” where’s the fun?! We may as well get links to store websites and comment on the clothes hanging on the mannequins! That way, we can rest assured no one will comment on the dress- forms having thunder thighs, or their dress sense having changed after beginning to see someone!
    If celebrities don’t want to get needled by the general public, then heck, they shouldn’t aim for the spotlight in the first place, where every wart is shown up 10 times larger!
    The cult of celebrity extends far beyond the person’s film role, and the sooner they realise that, the easier it will be! It’s not as if people were spreading malicious stuff through your site, it’s all pretty watered down.
    Anyways, having ranted thus far, I hope you’ll be able to enforce your rules, P and P! This is the first site I visit every morning and will continue to do so!

  42. I think you guys are doing a great job and if politically incorrect comments are hampering your work, get rid of them as you have decided to. Best of luck!

  43. wow, i like most of the posters, apologize for any negativity that i may have brought to this blog.

    but im disappointed in ppl who have threatened or warned you because there’s no laws against ppl reproducing fake designer bags or any designer items for that matter.. but there are warnings against freedom of speech? wah wah.

    anyways, i hope this change will create a pleasant and a positive atmosphere!
    kudos to you, P&P! it was about time someone took a stand against “off topic hatred” lol.

  44. and yes, i dont go online on facebook/gmail that often as i visit this blog.
    love you guys for my daily dose of fashion and my regular dose of feasting for the eye!

  45. We all have our blogs n we decide which comments to approve n which not. So PnP u have the same right too. Good that u took this stance.

  46. Glad for all the well deserved attention HHC is getting and feeling bad for the lawsuits…Yes, a well defined policy will help in the long run..Good Going P&P

  47. And I see a a few good bye comments too..Trust me,those who love fashion will keep coming back here! (and to save their ego might log in from a diff IP machine)

  48. its just another example of suppression of freedom of speech .. i agree some ppl, some times become abusive but its a part and parcel of that freedom..

    This is increasingly becoming a trend.. ndtv recetly sued a blogger bec he criticized barkha dutt .. imagine, the institutions of free speech are the ones squashing it.

    but this takes it another step further- not being sued for your own comments but for those of your readers… dispicable..

    i imagine, the stars can’t go after big magazines bec they desperately need them when their next film releases.. so they probably throw tantrums, threaten to boycott the magazine who then issue a retraction on the 125th page in the corner, or better still offer a front cover.. all this after the scandalous issue has been sold out and profits made….

    conveniently forgetting their PR machinary who keep feeding sordid tid-bits just to keep them in the news, they target a blog … disgraceful..

    keep up the good work guys.. sorry about what you ppl had to go thru.. the legal system in this country is very tiresome

  49. I’m so glad about this. It annoys me when people go out the way to act like complete aunties.This isn’t a gossip site where people put their heads together and make nasty comments about people. If you don’t have the guts to say something to the person’s face then (even if it’s a celeb) then you know it’s rude then why say it. I know I’ve made botox comments but only when their perceived change actually ruined a look. I’ll keep in mind to keep my mouth shut about it.

  50. WOW I couldn’t help but laugh at this.

    I totally understand the monitoring, but for you guys to get served over some stupid comments? What has the world come to when people are ready to sew over WORDS OVER THE INTERNET???

    People need to stop being so overly dramatic and stop taking this site seriously…it’s a fashion blog (that i love!) not some hard hitting news website!

  51. I am assuming celebs are too busy/sort of mentally prepared to take criticisms/wouldn’t want to ridicule themselves by suing a site over our comments, so may not bother to file a lawsuit, unless they have formed a group. Well, almost all who are featured here posed for the cameras for public view, should have thought twice before posing, otherwise it wouldn’t have been the subject of our discussion.
    Anyway, apologies if the comments have led to depression or embarrassment; will refrain from commenting if I run out of nice words.
    Nothing personal. Ignorance is bliss.

  52. lucky anu dewan, suzzanne, amrita, malaika, dia, kiran juneja, priety zinta and a host of others that people on here love to hate.
    u are getting served only means one thing that this blog has so arrived in every sense of the word.
    good luck!

  53. Its not surprising you guys are doing this. One thing that blog owners, media and celebs need to understand is..if they are so critical of people’s thoughts and views then why are they even putting themselves in the public eye. I mean, comm’on the world is going to talk about good, bad and ugly…does that mean you are going to become sissy and hold responsible to blog owners and blog owners in return hold such policies? Although, a social responsiblity should be practiced by the visitors of the site but what about opinions and thoughts of the end of the day it is blog where people talk about their views some nice, some not so nice.Since, I am not allowed to speak my mind, I stopped commenting in this site..Long time ago.

  54. Hi folks,

    I have to completely agree with watsitsname. I loathe this sort of regulation. If I’m thinking someone’s had a botched facelift, why in the world can’t I say so? I think the “rules” are bordering on silly. Sorry, had to say it.

    I wish I didn’t have to, but I’m leaving. The comments were the best thing about this site, since you folks don’t offer much analysis/ your views anyway. Surely you know that.

  55. I feel the same as Neha and whoknows. Today i wanted to comment of model carol’s look..her features etc.. however I did not. I keep thinking what if it will go against the policy?
    I am not faulting P&P here. They must be in a huge delimma to have taken this step.

  56. Yea I’m quite doubleminded on this as well. Neha is kind of right.. there isn’t much analysis (for example all the pictures of the fashion shows that just happened), the comments really do keep this site going. On the other hand though for you guys to keep this site a success in the fashion world.. u gotta go hard or go home. It’s too hard to moderate when you have “iffy” rules so ya.. go hard or go home. (does that make sense)? Neways can’t you just write that the views and opinions expressed in the comments have no affiliation with the opinions and beliefs of High Heel Confidential?

  57. N i bet it’s some actress or celeb that want’s to sue. I’m sure they’re not too happy with the success of highheel if comments like “YO HER NOSE JOB IS WACK” are being posted on this site!

  58. I have a question. I thought you guys were based here in the US? Can these bollywood morons still sue you? I mean if you don’t live in India so how does the same Indian internet laws apply to you? Or does the same internet law applies to every country in the world?

    This is making no sense to me whatsoever! I don’t think we have these kind of rules here. Otherwise Perez Hilton would have gotten his ass fried up by now and countless other bloggers who criticize celebrities.

  59. I have to say I agree with eclat. And there are so many sites with all kinds of comments up there; how come they don’t get sued?

    Anyway, I do think this site is heavily biased toward certain stars and against others. There have been some serious fashion crimes featured here, but if worn by a ‘liked’ celebrity, they were never featured under WTHeyyy or Not Quite, but under some diplomatically titled feature.

    If this site were purely about fashion, such biases wouldn’t exist. I’m just trying to point out that none of us, including the moderators, are entirely free from linking the fashion to the person wearing it.

  60. i don’t know whether it’s right or wrong to monitor comments for offensive remarks, however, i have to say that this website has been a huge help to me because i’ve learnt how to dress nicely. i used to wear terrible clothes that didn’t suit me and over the months of reading highheelconf every single day, i’ve learnt how to look stylish or at least better put together. that’s gotta be a good thing.