Shimmer And Shine

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Ms. Chopra stayed true to her style in a shimmery lil’ dress. We wouldn’t be wrong in saying same-ol’, same-ol’ right? Not a fan of the mossy sequins. Despite the dress being sequinned, the dress totally washes Ms. Chopra out.

Priyanka Chopra At Maxim Arctic Bash

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. wtz wit ths horrendous hairstyle.. looks like some 80s style..
    n those cut in the sleeves..

    • I agree. Regardless of all the negative comments she gets, I think she looks gorgeous. Her style is tried and true; however, she does have the figure to pull it off. And she always looks so sweet to me.

  2. HHC, why are you always so critical of Priyanka? I understand she gives us the same look (short dresses) but even when she changes it up, you are still critical (make up, hair or shoes!) of her appearances! Priyanka has a great body and dresses to appease young fans presumably. I see the stark contrast between your comments on her and then right before on Sonam and cannot help think you are biased! Sonam looks frumpy in her white dress with puffy sleeves and yet you are ga-ga over her. What gives, HHC?

    • You are asking someone that why-pretty-please-why they don’t like someone you like? Its PP blog, not SS…

      Don’t like this dress, hair, heels…and camera angle makes her look short in a weird way..

    • Umm…maybe, just maybe, not everyone likes the pathetic-mutton-dressed-as-desperate-lamb aesthetic? Sonam, while getting it wrong quite a few times, never looks tacky and cheap.

  3. She looks nice in her retro attire attempt but she to me is not the best dressed or best styled woman…she and Sonam (as she has no personal style) would in fact would not be on the radar.

  4. The outfit’s not as bad as other short numbers I’ve seen on Priyanka. There are very few people who are able to look this good in such a dress (or tunic) Priyanka has mangaged it rather well. Nice shoes.

  5. I think she wears the dress well but the color ant doin much for her and the hair and make-up is one thing she always fails at, needs some serious help with that.

  6. its like high school………hating PC is in……agree its pathetic,yea i said it,but why are so always harsh,cant we just for a moment appreciate someone’s personal style???agree its not so good,but she owns it,she’s doin her thing yo……she hasnt succumed to this blog or watever,she’s doin her own thing,sticking to wat she feels comfortable in…….dat is commendable.i mean not everyone can like a look,bt isnt it like the first rule for you to be comfortable in what you’re wearing???to me she looks damn comfy……….


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