Paris Fashion Week: Manish Arora Fall 2009

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Manish Arora presented yet another offbeat collection complete with animals, neon colors and everything in between.

We love it! You?

P.S. These are the themes we noticed…


A Little of Fauna


Artful Pieces


Brightening The Moods


A Touch of Whimsy!

Update: Here is a video with behind the scenes footage. Thanks ‘zee’!


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  1. And totally wearable, yeah! I can see myself wearing any of these to my presentation to the finance guys on 2009 forecast and budget! LOL, this stuff amuses me cos its soooo far away from my life..but each to their own, more power to him..

  2. Sumi,
    May I suggest wearing this deer/antelope one to the presentation! ;) LOL…

    Anyways, Manish’s runways outfits are never high on wearablilty. They reflect his creativity. We will see the outfits more in magazines or on stage, as always…

  3. Why is something soooo quirky and weird considered art and high fashion?!!?? i just don’t get it….. its like my 3yr and I could brainstorm this(as long as I had a good tailor;)

  4. i actually like the 2nd 3rd n last one…i like his ‘creativity’.

    i was wondering if anyone knew how i could get hold of his designs on reebok? i haven’t seen any of his stuff in the u.k…so any ideas where i could get hold of em?

  5. Some of the dresses are pretty much like the Miss World costumes of faraway, exotic countries.
    Even though this collection is completely kooky, I can see some the fabrics and prints translating into real life. Its interesting, but not outstanding.

  6. Love all of them; I checked out all the other pieces as well. I think when it’s separated as Artful Pieces, it looks a little skeptical as though it doesn’t flow with the collection, but on the runaway with the mishmash, it was amazing as usual.

    PS: He is the reason I discovered this website. :)

  7. P&P, is the first outfit is repeated in the last row as well or am I missing something?

    Love the collection though. Very funky!

  8. I haven’t commented on here in a while, but I thought some additional context on the pieces would be of help. I was at the Manish Arora show, and the literature/pamphlets that were handed out mentioned a collaboration with Disney, and using characters from animated movies The Jungle Book and The Lion King as inspirations.

  9. Everytime I look at Manish Arora’s clothes I alwaysss think of my favourite quote from the book, the Fountainhead: ‘What can be done with one substance must never be done with another. No two materials are alike. No two sites on earth are alike. No two buildings have the same purpose. The purpose, the site, the material determine the shape. Nothing can be reasonable or beautiful unless its made by one central idea, and the idea sets every detail. A building is alive, like a man.’

    Manish Arora is actually reinventing clothes. He is actually a Genius!

  10. actually…i’d probably wear dresses 1,3 and 4 under the “artful pieces” section if the sleeves didn’t look so space-agey…the rest of the collection looks about as wearable as the dress that M.I.A. wore to the grammys!!

  11. @Tina: Yes, these outfits may be “quirky and weird”, but the amount of effort and work that must go into each outfit is astounding. Very few of Manish Arora’s outfits are wearable, but you can’t deny the workmanship of each piece. Compared to the hundreds of bedsheets passed off as “dresses” by high-profile designers, I’d rather see Arora’s collection a thousand times over.

  12. I really like the artful pieces ones. He’s brilliant.
    I wish I lived the kind of life where I sashayed around in peacock dresses. Unforch. peacock dresses are just not the thing for sashaying around campus, and they would look just weird under my lab coat, and I don’t even want to think of the dry cleaning bills after an anatomy lab….
    Someday, hopefully :)

  13. Creative, interesting, some pieces totally wearable. I would love to see such desi designers walking the ramp a la Gucci, versace,et al, on an international ramp.

  14. Stunning… very edge, quirky, whimsical – above all, different. Even if making a style statement that’s ‘hatke’ to everyone else’s is an overrated concept, hats off to Arora’s creativity and inventiveness

  15. AND… and and and – i think he truly stands out as original among a sea of Indian designers who otherwise just churn out clothes that are obviously ‘inspired’ by Western names. Manish Arora is the Alexander McQueen of India – different, dramatic, lots of flair

  16. since when did rajasthan & gujarat become countries? And the interviewer was surprised to hear that lions weren’t extinct ?!!! which ‘country’ is she from?
    exciting collection though!

  17. @ arrack- lol i thought i was hearing things and so didn’t take notice! lol, as for the presenter she’s a british celeb…but i don’t know her name!

  18. Wow – i’m speechless – way to go Manish! I love the use of electrical motors to create movement – did you see all the “firangi’s” taking photos? haha… sorry i just learnt that word and had to put it to use somewhere!

  19. Manish Arora is among the very very very few designers in India who is more famous internationally (I guess)…his designs are completely offbeat yet delicious (the colors). I am inspired by him ??


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