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If her objective was to shock, she definitely achieved it but whether she wowed is a whole different story! Meet Mallika “Xena The Warrior Princess” Sherawat!

For more pics of Mallika, go here.


Mallika Sherawat at ‘Inglorious Basterds’ Premiere in LA


Mallika Sherawat at ‘Inglorious Basterds’ Premiere in LA

Photo Credit: TwitPic, Dlisted

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  1. ohmigod, that is sooo horrendous, i don’t even know where to begin criticizing it…her notion of dressing ‘sexy’ is so raunchy that its almost paramount to public indecency. I cannot imagine stepping out of the house dressed like that, so i must give her props for her confidence…but it’s way OTT…

  2. I agree with the above poster…. where do you even begin on this one! I have no words to describe the ghastly horrific or whatever you may call it attire! What was she thinking?

  3. well, her way worked in getting eyeballs in india. so why not the west? i can’t imagine the bank of photographers let her go without a shot!

  4. Haha she so knows what she is doing.. She even Tweeted:

    “Wait til all u Tweeps c th dress I’m wearing! I thnk I went2far ths tym!”


  5. I dont know where to begin!! I am seriously embarrassed by this outfit…she looks so trashy and indecent in it. She has a great body and a lovely smile…don’t understand why she has to demean herself with such clothes.

  6. wtf!!! it looks like she’s wearing velvet underwear with a sheer dress over it… and it’s not even flattering! it makes her tighs look much bigger than they are

  7. Horrendous outfit!!!!
    What I don’t get is .. why is she covering her hands/arms by wearing cloves when she’s showing EVERYTHING ELSE?!?!?! Does that even make sense?!

  8. LMAO – she has taken her trashy act on the road. She is all over LA with her tacky slutty outfits saying she is representing India. She has even fooled people into believing she is a ‘big’ A list star in BW. The LA city council is proclaiming her a honorary citizen on India Independence day.

  9. Hahaha. I guess she got what she wanted…attention! She was never gonna get written about and thousands of flasbulbs popping dressed like Jennifer Aniston, was she?

  10. Haha, such a funny sight this is.
    I almost went Hallelujah when I saw her. Proved that you cant look good in almost anything, if you have a hot body. :P

  11. My eyes my eyes……Good Lord!!! This should go down as the worst outfit in the history of outfits, this one is on the same level or may be even worse than Bjork’s infamous swan outfit .

    Shame on you Mallika. I always admired your gut, but not this time when its its coming out to say ‘Hello’ in this excuse of a dress.

  12. She did manage to shock and get attention. I like her, not her sense (or rather, the lack of it) of attire.
    Also, those earrings are REALLY not going with that thing she’s wearing… is it a dress? Props for looking so confident in it, though.

  13. gives me a goth feel – black nail polish and all…but utterly distasteful of u mallika, if its really u who tweets behind ur twitter a/c – someone who seems to have a head over her shoulder…

  14. normally with mallika sherawat i’m like whatever it’s her, she does her thing…good for her, dont care
    but this is wayyyyyyyy too much
    it def looks like a display at an adult store

  15. I would feel bad for her except I think she enjoys the attention – i mean she looks so happy, always throwing her head back and laughing when she dresses weird, which is 100% of the time..

  16. LOL! cant stop laughing…this is much more entertaining becuase of the shock value…cannot believe this woman and her self marketing…she will soon be giving lessons at B schools about how to take full advantage of your limited USP

  17. Now that I over the initial ‘shock’, I am kinda getting her though. In the movie industry, almost everyone is an insider. kareena, Sonam, Abhisek, Karishma, rani, Kajol, Hrithik, Esha…the list goes on and on… Where would these ‘stars’ be if their families were not in movie business ?
    You gotta give it to this girl. She made her way into the industry by being totally outrageous. And no one else in Bollywood has a body like her. She did not have family help, she did not take the beauty pageant or modeling route.

    And still made it. Now she is trying the whole thing all over again in Hollywood. Good luck to her. I think she got a lot of press for this joke of an outfit. Western blogs are buzzing about it.

  18. They way most of you feel about her is the way I feel about Kareena, Rani, and Kajol. She does her thing. She wasn’t given a famous surname. There have been oscar winning and A-list actresses (i.e. Cher, Sharon Stone etc..) who’ve showed up in worse at events.

  19. ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!! Way to go Mallika!! Yeah don’t feel bad for her…she knows what she is doing and enjoying the attention! LOL! Rakhi Sawant of Hollywood!

  20. Is this “costume” specific to the role she plays in that movie? Or was this intended to be her dress of choice?

    Its embaressing to be blunt. But I have to give it to her. Still the same confident Mallika, proud of herself and her popularity. Thumbs up for that.

  21. the dlisted article is a riot she has now joined the club of phoebe price etc and if she has any shame she wud run and hide but its her we r talking about she is prob gunna bask in it
    a shame to india

  22. She will be in the back section of all the American weekly tabloids (Life & Style etc) next week guaranteed. You know- the section about what were they thinking when they wore that :)

    I don’t have anything against her. I think she’s very pretty, but that dress is just tacky.

  23. p&p – this is most def. nsfw! i closed my browser after 2 seconds! lol.

    what is ms thinking! she has a lot to work with – such a waste…

    btw who ‘designed’ this?

  24. LOL. People should seriously consider stop acting like it’s the end of the world. Hell, this outfit – which screams bad taste – stiil isn’t worse than M.I.A and her sheer, polka dotted maternity outfit at the Grammy’s. That said, Mallika clearly achieved her goal. She’s the talk of the town.

    IMO, no one can carry off this monsterity of a gown. Velvet …eeks.

  25. OMG does she have to give bollywood a bad name? I mean the woman has a great curvacious figure, but this is just too much. She seems to be going for a dominatrix look more than a celebrity of sorts. In what world does she even remotely think she looks good!? I know in THIS world she DOESNT look good!

  26. I’m so glad Freida Pinto became famous in America before this one… at least people will know not ALL Indians dress so horrifically. on another note… to everyone who is saying “she got what she wanted, she’s being talked about” I don’t think anyone wants to be talked about on a negative note unless you’re reallllly desperate, in which case… gag.

  27. If you can’t be famous…be infamous!

    She’s definitely got some cojones for that…and she definitely has a great body, and she definitely understands that any publicity is good publicity. But in the industry today, things are changing…you can do outrageous things like this but you better be prepared to back it up with some serious talent or you will just be a joke on both sides of the ocean. Mallika is a smart woman…I hope he plays her cards right with this one.

  28. I am too busy looking at her body (and wondering what can I do to get such a body!!!) to notice the dress. :-)

    The dress is trampy but her body totally rocks!

  29. Good god. If attention was the end goal, surely there were other tabloid-attention-grabbing dresses to choose from..? Why THIS??

    Pity, cos she’s got a great body and loads of chutzpah. But even those factors can’t compensate for this…dress, is it?

  30. Hey you know what..I think she is trying to make a statement, with the a flashback to Elizabeth Hurley in her leather and pin Vercase dress for the premiere of Four Weddings and a funeral, where the WHOLE world remembers her and not Hugh Grant and it was his movie. that what Ms. Sherawat is doing, in the words of George Bush “Shock and Awe” and she is succeeding!! Good for her. She will get more twitter followings, more mileage and maybe more moolah for all this. SMART GIRL

  31. After this sighting…I forgive all those who were in WTHeeyyy section. I even forgive Kareena for her super tight leggings!!…go away…everyone are forgiven because Mallika will be rule the WTHey division forever with this outfit!!

  32. I would have understood if it’s a costume themed party. If I see people dressed like this in future for the shock factor, then I shall not give a second glance or comment. She may be nice and all that, but this is a major turn off for me.

  33. in her head the poor girl is probably thinking ‘this is my liz hurley-in-the-safety pin-dress or maybe even the JLO-in-the-stuck-on-with-DST-dress’. Shame its neither, its bold without being even close to beautiful.
    Change your stylist, woman! Yesterday!

  34. Woah… She deserves applause for wearing such a hideous and tacky outfit yet stand with confidence and represent India! Am sure none can do this!


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