Face Off: An Almost Ditto Version

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Once look at Keira from TIFF 2008 and it instantly reminded us of Deepika’s blue strapless gown from IIFA 2008 and that warrants a ‘Face Off’ post, of course! We like Deepika’s blue way more than Keira’s grey.

What about you?


Left: Keira Knightley, Toronto International Film Festival 2008
Right: Deepika Padukone, IIFA Awards 2008

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  1. Keira’s dress is a weird length plus its just making her look totally flat-chested. And gawd is she getting thinner by the day?? And yes looking too pale, needs to get some sun and a cheese burger pronto!

    Whereas Deepika is a picture of elegance here.

  2. I thought Deepika was reeeeally skinny but omg Keira just looks skeletal next to her. I wonder how miniscule she is in real life!! And she is so incredibly flat… she’s built like a teenage boy after a huge growth spurt.

  3. yep.. Deeps has the right body proportions to make the dress rock.. Kiera is looking lost in the dress.. and with that weird look she gives all the time, its not helping..

  4. why do i think that keira is carrying the look much better than deepika is? I like the colour of Keira’s dress much better than the blue…its more elegant and classy i think….wish deepika did try somethin with her hair considering the flow of her dress, she looks very safe than anything

  5. Thank goodness Deepika has boobs! She looks like a real person! The color is lovely on her.

    Keira looks like she is wearing a really big skirt fastened around her non existant chest. Not a good look at all. Not for the space alien body that she has.

  6. keira has that lost in “kumbh ka mela” look whereas deepika looks confident and poised. my keira is so flat chested – deepika wins hands down


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