She Disappoints

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For someone who rarely ever makes any fashion gaffes, this look sure comes as a surprise…

Preity Zinta At Toronto International Film Festival

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  1. is she gettin that old? and forgettin how to dress? or does’nt she care anymore now that shez settled with Ness Wadia??….wht bag is tht ?a birkin? hate those granny bags…

  2. oops…dnt get me wrong…get an Hermes in the right color and shape (like the lizard kelly…yummm)..otherwise its just a granny bag…my granma has 3 just because its birkin…

  3. Can’t figure if she’s trying to come across like a young college student or a 30+ actress. Either way, she looks really blah. I love Preity but this is ridiculous.

  4. Manisha,

    Your comment didn’t get approved because we as a policy do not allow any external links!

    As for the jacket being Chanel, yup, we too figured that out! Especially considering on the same tour, ‘Chanel jackets paired with denims’ has been a fav look of Aishwarya Rai. They must have rubbed off on each other! :)


  5. i don’t understand what’s wrong with this outfit. i must be fashion impaired. i know it’s a matter of personal taste but p & p please could you let us know what’s wrong with it. thanks

  6. Aah, Anoo thank you , for you have described the Birkin for what it is (and what I hate about the Birkin )– yes, its a GRANNY bag and its (almost) luggage, for Gods sake!! People just carry it anywhere and everywhere because its a Birkin? Talk about being fashion victims …

  7. The jeans seem to sit on her very badly. I mean, the bottom half looks turnip-shaped. Maybe it’s just the angle of the photo that makes the jeans and the hair look like this?

    I like Chanel’s new jacket line – maybe this would work with something that’s a bit more Fall and less Summer Casual?

  8. I’ve always loved polka dots and oversized in the old hollywood movies. However, they dont seem to be working here.
    Priety’s look isnt great,but its acceptable.

    Hey Adit, yeah..i saw closely..mayb they’re not polka dots after all.

  9. when i look the pic closely , i felt she s doing mureen wadia
    impersonation like mureen wadia wears this type of clothes , plz preity just don’t do that
    just be the way u are , we all love u just the way u are
    the new hair cut doesn’t suits her

  10. pretty looks slightly immature but its a forgivable fashion gaffe compared to the stuff that other b’wood actresses come up with…the jacket might have worked with a diff top + some over-sized sunglasses and the birkin is too boring for this look


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