
Comment image 82

We thought it couldn’t get worse than those pair of chappal sandals. Apparently, it can! We’d any day prefer Ekta dress like the women in her soaps over having to see her like this. But, doubt that’s ever going to happen. :P Until then, we’ll just keep hoping for a divine intervention.


Ekta Kapoor at Keshav Pandit Press Meet

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. clothes aside, whats with all the red threads on her wrist! One thread would have have been sufficient to ward off all the evil eyes.

    • I have to say – not sure that falls within the fashion realm. She is quite religious and to each their own. Who are we to say anything on how many ‘red threads’ she is wearing.

        • annie,
          It’s about belief, which is why you won’t see us pick on people wearing rings/black threads/red threads. As for the the multiple threads, with each puja you get tied a new one. I still wear all of mine even though they are almost 3 years old.

            • Hah! When you put it like that, of course it sounds ewww. But, it’s just a thread that with daily showers also gets it’s regular cleaning in the process. :)

          • im with u payal … i still have moulis from years ago … if they fall on their own … they do … otherwise they stay on.
            and theres no ewwww about it Hccfan – the threads get washed with us everytime v have a bath ;)

          • I too have had occasions where I have worn multiple ones – why diss someone’s faith. Really now. And there isn’t anything ‘eww’ about it mind you – for the person commenting below this one.

          • P & P…u cant say that u dont pick up ppl wearing red or black threads or anything…i remember sumtime back u guys had discussed sumthing related 2 shilpa shetty wearing a black thread/anklet in her foot…if m not wrong…otherwise sry

          • Sometimes the thread is thick – which is what this seems to look like. And as far as I know religious threads are not worn on the foot so doubt Shilpa’s was what we’re referring to here.

  2. Sadly, this woman looks like this ALL the time. We spotted her the other day at a very chic suburban eatery, wearing the ugliest skirt, a top too tight [underarm flab in it’s full display] and yes, those patent ugly my-rubber-chappals-became-platform-chappals-chappals !

    WORST EVEN, [yes, it does get worse] when she walked into the cafe, she had a man friday following her holding her single lone bag. Like WTF? How lame is that !? So very uncooth !

  3. *thunderstruck* my eyes literally popped out of their sockets!! Why can’t she divorce those chappals of hers where half of her feet are hanging out…
    …and what’s with that tie or is it a design on her t..?! Good god gracious…save us from these inundating ghastly pictures in future!! *Amen*

  4. OMG…She is into movie/serial -making and makes her bahus wear best sarees and look at her.

    BTW,has she lost some weight.

  5. OH MY GOOD.. so much money and such bad taste.

    i dress better than that and i probably make a 100th of what she makes in a year LOL

    she’s such a pretty lady and so much can be done with her, but looks like she’s too busy dressing others up all the time. ahhhhh.

  6. It’s like she borrowed Jeetu’s tie, Tushar’s track pants and added that top from her own closet to create this masterpiece. Too bad this is the last thing I’m seeing before I call it a night – kkknightmares ;-)

  7. you know what stumps me – she has a decent face and body and all that money – should be a lot of effort with all that to look this bad!

  8. good lord. with ALL that money, THIS is what she can come up with?!?! can’t buy taste i guess. there is not **one** redeemable aspect of that ‘outfit’ – if u can call it that. jeez.

    • Me can see too! (And I dont think we both have X-ray vision). I cant believe others havent seen that. I’m almost suspecting that there is no inner wear (a la Liz Hurley) either, coz I doubt camera flash can get that far.

  9. OMG !!! Thats a definite WTHeyy !!! Words cant describe how ugly pathetic atrocious ridiculous that looks !
    Nothing is right in that look..not even the undergarments !

    Really she could atleast learn a thing or two from her serial’s leading ladies or stylists.

    • repeat after me Ekta..black bra goes underneath the black tee’s..white bra under the white tee’s..easy peasy

  10. No inner wear is Ekta Kapoor’s trademark. I’m surprised you didnt already know that. She does this all the time, everywhere.
    SO, SO TACKY!!! But considering the soaps she produces, what else can you expect of her?

  11. :-O :-O horrible! she can spend at least 1/4th of her soaps’ budjet to buy herself a decent wadrobe…pity..

    on other note…looks like her girls are hanging from the tie knot :-D :-D

  12. this is ridiculous, i think she is doing it in purpose. how can we exlplain wearing the same disaster pair of shoes for 3 years. She is a pain in the AAAA.

  13. OMG!!! she looks horrible. Did all her creative ideas go into plotting for her soap operas and no creativity left for styling?Sometimes she reminds me of Kristen Stewart…good for her, bad for Kristen

  14. Wow so many comments for this post! The lady sure gets a lot of jabs and laughs for being super successful. She is very superstitious, maybe thats why she wears those hideous slip ons again and again and again, coz she probably considers it her lucky charm. She’s also very smart, saving all her money instead of racking up big shopping bills and rolling it all back in investments! Like who cares if I dress badly, I got enough money to make 5 trips to outer space if I want!

    • i don’t think a person’s finances should be taken into consideration when one is observing their dress sense. what kind of logic is that? just because she’s made a ton of $ she’s got the green light to go around dressed as a fright?

    • She doesn’t have to rack up big shopping bills to dress up decently. It’s not that we are all spending huge money on dressing up. She could have bought better top and pants with the same money she got those clothes, even better she could have saved money by not wasting it on that ugly tie. :-)

  15. Nothing’s looking right except perhaps the tie print. Those sandals always make me laugh :-) first thing i want to notice when I look at Ekta.

  16. I’m very VERY curious… WHY doesn’t she get rid of those chappals? how many years has she been wearing them… and why? Forget how bad they look, they couldn’t be comfy either with her feet jutting out like that.

    She’s really really looking bad here. Which is a pity coz I don’t think she doesn’t care about her appearance. She took the effort to lose weight (some years ago), and has a nice face and hair. She clearly conditions her haid, and is wearing eyeliner. So she does care… but then… this??

    I don’t understand.

  17. P and P.. please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, puhleeze…, please, please , please, please
    please ( 1 million times please) stop featuring this person

  18. Can she take me under her wing as her PERSONAL DRESS DESIGNER!!??
    i WILL work for FREE!!
    She needs help! Cant believe tht she wastes her money on such awful outfits!

  19. She’s a fashion snob! What else can I say.Must be a psychological condition which prevents you from dressing decent even though you have access to the best.

  20. What an eye sore!

    I just don’t get it — these guys have the moolah & yet they dress up like this? Why not get a stylist & make things easier for themselves & others too!

    Such a pity! She’s supposedly a shrewd er… savvy businesswoman, so while busy working on her brand, did she forget to work on her own image?!?! Holy cow, what a waste!

    If you wanna wear that tee then hit the treadmill, sister! And while at that, get a style icon too. How about Ivanka Trump?

    PS: I feel bad for Jeetendra, for the first time! Poor dad!


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