Aishwarya at Pink Panther Premiere: A First Look

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Here is a first look at Aishwarya on the pink carpet at the premiere of ‘Pink Panther 2’.

Looking great we must say. Your thoughts?

Update: Aishwarya is in Christian Dior. A different version was worn by Anne Hathaway during the The Creative Coalition’s 2009 Inaugural Ball.

Another Update: So, while I was clearly convinced because of the draping that Ash was in Dior, ‘Megan’ mentions that Ash is in Ferretti and now that I have had a look at this Ferretti on Franka, she is quite right! Thanks ‘Megan’!


Aishwarya Rai at ‘Pink Panther 2’ Premiere


Left: Aishwarya Rai at ‘Pink Panther 2’ Premiere
Right: Franka Potente at Cannes 2008


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  1. She looks stunning and so regal as always.

    But I am sure every part of her body including each strand of her hair will be analyzed and criticized here.

  2. She looks good! I think this is the first time I’ve said this about her in a very long time! She usually doesn’t have the best fashion sense even though she’s pretty but here she did just right!
    I like the make-up and hair because I wear mine like that too with black dresses.

    For Aishwarya this is a major step forward, finally!

  3. Finally Aishwarya has learned less is more. This is a very elegant look. The dress looks better on her than Anne. Anne has bones poking out. Whereas Aishwarya has curves and her skin is glowing.

  4. gorgeous necklace
    flawless skin
    classy dress
    don’t think the hair suits her face shape though.
    regardless, a good show, ms. rai err bachhan.

  5. I like the dress on her, but one complaint I have is: why must every single Western stylist put this ponytail on Ash? We’ve seen this a zillion times now. It’s like the only hairstyle they try on her. Not her fault though, but the stylists’.

  6. she looks fantastic……even though i think ‘black’ is a safe colour anyway she looks fabulous and OMG i just saw the trailer and i think … I THINK! her voice was doubed my some one else :S LOL

  7. Wow, LOVE this, probably the first time I’ve said this about Ash! Hair, makeup, necklace and dress, all FIERCE. Usually she’s a pretty wallflower…now she’s the STAR!

  8. she looks GREAT!
    very chic, despite the fact that she’s put on some weight
    as I’vealways said, simple and chic are the best on her- and she got it right!

  9. Fabulous…I have always admired her sense of style and dressing…just a thought maybe she should invest in a diamond bracelet…would have been a lovely complement to the necklace and gown.

  10. A new stylist or finally she learned that Frieda’s getting international acclaim for fashion so she needs to up the fashion level too! Took her a long time to get started when she should’ve been the first one to start the fashion trend in Cannes and all. No worries, there’s still time Ash! hehe

  11. usually however mnade up she is, she never manages to hide the lines on her neck and that is one of her weak spots beautywise – this time she has managed to pretty much cover that …

  12. the dress is nice. not a fan of the neckline though! her make up looks cakey but she carries herself well. not liking the hair either. she should have worn chandelier diamond earrings instead of the necklace.

  13. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!!! I love the dress and that diamond necklace is to die for. I wish she would’ve worn little diamond studs (it just looks so bare). But other than that, she looks WOW!!

  14. @ B: Don’t underestimate us! I think Aishwarya looks simply gorgeous!
    I love that she stuck with a simple necklace and put her best asset – her face – on display. She is aging wonderfully, and it’s amusing that Anne Hathaway, who is about 10 years younger, looks horrible in her outfit.
    I actually like the strong makeup because it gives the dress a more dramatic effect. And after all, the event is a movie premiere.

  15. dress doesnt suit her…makes her look too wide.
    also, instead of necklace, she shld have worn earings…necklace is just drawing more attn to her odd wrinkly neck. too much makeup, and i dnt like how her one eyebrow is always extra arched.

  16. I think she looks absolutely divine! She seems to have put on weight, but it suits her. She has made a successful(by that I mean well-styled) appearance after such a long time, its nice to see!

  17. dont like the hair style AT ALL.. she looks nice neck down..which is rather disappointing – something’s wrong with the makeup and she looks uncomfortable with herself.

  18. I don’t know guys. I don’t think this is her best. She looked outstanding during the Cannes festival but this time she has disappointed me. I am a huge fan of hers, but I feel she looks rather old in her close-up. Elegant dress, beautiful necklace, but the hair- do does not suit her. But she still is beautiful regardless. I hope the movie does well!

  19. she looks stunning.

    however, i wish she had worn some sort of studs, her ears look really empty with the pulled back hair.
    her hair actually looks cute, i like it!

    btw what kind of a clutch is that?

  20. She does look FAB except for one thing that kinds deterred me. I don’t like her cheek color. It stands out and doesn’t look natural. She should have used a more light rosy color rather than a coral looking one. Not a fan of the hairstyle either, but she is looking fantastic otherwise. Very elegant in this dress. And her skin looks flawless!

  21. Love the hair, love the makeup, love the dress, love the necklace – it all falls into place with understated yet dramatic flair. I love how international in the truest sense Ash can look – more so than the all American Hollywood stars. At her best, she’s such a global beauty!

  22. eww heavy cleavage exposure, to me it looks vulgar and her facial expressions are like a hindi-soap vamp!! I saw her other pics on another site and i was like wtf????

  23. As usual there is always something or the other off about her appearance at international events. If the make-up is good, the dress is ugly. If the hair is good the make-up is ugly. In this case, the dress is great but the hair and make-up are bleh. She always manages to get exactly one thing wrong. The speedbump hairstyle does not suit her face shape at all. It’s making her look like a turtle. And the make-up makes her face look harsh. Google photos of her the previous day at the PP2 press conference with normal make-up – she looks like a goddess! When will her stylists figure out that less is more when it comes to her? She doesn’t need all that gunk.

  24. I’ll be honest, She looks beautiful, but there is something wrong with the shoulders.. and that hair… no no no

    and I am a die hard fan

  25. the top of the dress like the first picture on the left is great but from waist down a big no no, the dress doesn’t flow nicely and that little knot effet on the tommy part makes her look big and chubby there, HEY maybe she is pregnant

  26. Okay so yesterday when I saw the first two pictures I thought she looked pretty good FINALLY. Stylist did good.

    Today I looked at some insider pictures(unpublished press photos) and talked to folks who were there and very observant and some websites and she dosent look good. The make up is chalky and tacky and she looks heavy. The blush is too low and too bright even for the cameras. The dress is nice though. The cleavage is a bit ummmm… how should we say…. Gina Lollobrigida… just teeny bit this side of tacky… not the sexy way.

    Still a major, major improvement on previous red carpet appearances.

    Girlfriend, aint going to be a style icon.

  27. I must say I find this a little hypocritical though. She behaves all glamourous and poses etc when abroad but in Indian awards and other functions she completely ignores the press. You’ll never catch her looking or posing this way at the Filmfare.

  28. J, that is probably because at Western functions they have a line of photographers all gathered at a certain area facing a sort of promenade (sorry, couldn’t think of a better word) for the stars to walk down so that the press can take their photos. In India it is less organized – as far as I know there is no such promenade – the photogs are all over the place – so no one fixed place for the stars to stand and pose.

  29. Hmm the dress is fine looking and necklace super cool, but the eye makeup is not the same on both eyes or may be it’s my eyes and like Violet said, the cheeks look too colored and are distracting and agree with gul on the big white ring on index finger is missing. I thought it must have been her lucky charm.

  30. me again, a pair of earrings is saddly missing here, maybe just a pair of one stone one karat bling would have brighten her smile even more, maybe she was in rush and forgot to put them on, with that kind of hair style you shouldn’t leave the house wihtout a tiny sparkle of bling on your ears

  31. I usually like Ash, but I have to say that she got it all wrong today. The makeup is too chalky..casts a white cast (not visible in above photos-except one, but google to believe) . The hair, OMG, what was her stylist thinking. Even soft simple down curls would have been better.
    The dress… safe color, trashy neckline. Makes her look too broad. Nice necklace, but IMHO with that hairstyle earrings would have helped to soften the face.

    And pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeez ABHISHEK, buy her a diamond bracelet!!! That steel/silver tacky bracelet does not suit the occasion.

  32. Actually, I might have to take my comment back on how you she doesn’t need to diet. Just a picture of the back of her in this outfit and that chub and flab on her back just ain’t working. Good front though! :-P

  33. she looks great. I’m more puzzled by why there has been no media coverage by any of the talk shows, hollywood magazines, anyone non indian on her! Did she totally blow it with all her snide comments on the interview run a couple years ago?! What’s going on??

  34. Enne, she was on Martha Stewart’s show this morning.

    I too saw a picture of the back. Scary stuff! You can see all the rolls of fat. Whoever chose this dress should be shot. So completely wrong for her body.

  35. UMMM…. I think its boring ….. she didnt take any risk ….She picked somthing that anyone would choose to just be on the safer side …. hairstyle is bad and her cheeks just too pinky :D

  36. some how this dress making her look wide shouldered but better than her earlier disasters .. she confirmed her dress is Ferretti , bag Armani, shoes jimmy choos … i want to look at what jaya was wearing it was some thing green but could not find any pics without the coat :P can u find her pics.

  37. Thanks k= for the info on the bracelet. So I’ll take the ‘tacky’ comment about the bracelet back, to be fair.
    BUT I still feel, an add-on diamond bracelet would have sooo helped the look. So ABHI, my instructions to you still stand!

  38. She looks good ,makeup ,hair ,dress everything is fine ,but i kinda feel that she lacks something…she is looking little dull….
    it might be dress/if dress-fabric was more dark/pitck black /shiny or dark lipstick…Something is missing i feel


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