In Manish Malhotra

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New mom, Aishwarya put in a rare appearance at the Reception in Manish Malhotra. Look forward to seeing more of her!

Aishwarya Rai At Genelia And Ritesh’s Reception

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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    • Ash is such a refreshing change after seeing all celebs who r in a hurry to get back into shape. As a Dietitian I now understand how unhealthy that is to mother as well as the baby. Kudos to Ash for putting health before fame. Love her.

    • omgg.. I’m one of the biggest Ash fans there are and even I am sick of hearing this standard line. “She is the most beautiful, anyone who criticizes her is jealous”. Are you serious!? Yes – I think she is BEAUTIFUL and I do actually think she is one of the most if not the most beautiful women but I’m just annoyed with hearing people constantly shoving this down other people’s throats. No, people who criticize her are NOT just jealous. They are smart people with valid opinions like the rest of us. AHHH.

  1. Did you say new mom or grand mom?…I may sound bitchy…but this lady needs to be educated that there are other types of salwar suits out there which are very flattering and which dont make you look like a tent.

    • OUCH! btw have u ever been pregnant? not that it should matter cos I haven’t and I still get why women wear loose outfits after pregnancy.

      • More power to her. she makes women who’ve actually been thru the hard work of delivering babies and the sleepless nights that follow feel GOOD. this is what a new mom looks like. God knows we’ve seen enough celebrities turn into glamourous, stick thin babes minutes after popping a baby. this is seriously refreshing.

    • If she wants to be wear a pretty tent to be comfortable she gets to wear the pretty tent. The End. Not everything is about being fashion forward 24/7.

  2. Ash is glowing. Good to see her after a long time. I guess the weight comments are to be expected. Regular women don’t have a choice but to be up and about after pregnancy regardless of weight gain, but being in an industry where looks are the premium Ash would know that most of all – so I am happy she is here as she is – looking like a normal woman who did not go on a 1 calorie a day diet immediately after pregnancy! The comments here show me the class of commenters this site usually invites…on some other sites goodness me the vitriol is incredible and all about her figure! Anyway, enough of this…I for one think she looks great…glowing skin as usual, great hair, but the outfit is a little too jhatak for me – with all that going on in the salwar kameez, a plainer dupatta would have been a better choice. Loving the colors!

  3. 1st point – I think her weight and the way she looks physically is fine. It is refreshing, she’s not doing any movies, she’s a new mommy and all I wish is for her to be healthy and happy.

    2nd point – I really do not like what she is wearing lol. I hate the embroidery by the neck – I think it’s making her look very squished and extra heavy on top. I also dislike the color (green with the blue velvet neck bit) and don’t like the blue polka dot dupatta I think the dots are off in comparison with the rest of her outfit. I completely blame the designer for making it look this bad and credit Ash for making it look semi ok. I also don’t really know if this was the best choice for her I think I would have preferred her in a sari (not a see through one).

  4. So happy to see her. Also glad to see that people here aren’t picking on her weight. Let her enjoy motherhood. She’ll get back into shape when she gets back to movies

  5. Ash looks like she just stepped out do some grocery shopping!
    she looks pretty but the choice of outfit is drab drab drab!!!
    looks like she hasnt had time to go shopping since beti b arrived!

  6. I doubt a new mom’s priority is ever going to be her own clothes – having said that, I still think Ash looks lovely in that rather unexciting outfit.

  7. she proves yet again that she is one of the worst dressed in b’wood. its not about her weight at all, the suit looks like any tacky one you can get in a million bazars in any indian city and the color clash of the dupatta and the suit is painful. on another note, even ‘ordinary mommies’ ( am mother of a young baby myself) can find time to go suit shopping once in a while, surely ash with all the stylists and domestic help at her disposal can!

    • It’s a bit of a stretch to call her worst dressed in b’wood. I mean have you seen what some of the ppl in b’wood or hollywood wear? I mean have you seen Vidya??? I think Aish is one of the best dressed females in the world. Even this outfit which would be horrible on any other woman out there, Aish makes it look just okay. And not many women can pull anarkalis off at all. It’s the hardest thing to pull of in my opinion.And this was a wedding reception, this was an appropriate outfit for that occassion.Plus she just had a baby & has obviously gained weight which is apparent in the face, I don’t think she is in a mood to show off her arms or any other part of her body. You know what the media will do if they catch any bit of weight gain on her. They will rip her apart like they did at cannes this year. That being said, I’m not excusing her poor choice of dress. She could’ve chosen a better outfit. Maybe a lose flowy dress like the red dior one spotted recently on Kareena.

  8. Her taste is clothes is always suspect. It’s amazing how some people won’t give a new mom a break. And then we talk about celebs putting pressure on regular janes to look good. What about the pressure we’re putting on them?

    • Well said! Ash looks better when her face is smaller, making her features more chiseled. It will take some time but she will get there I’m sure. She could easily have picked something more elegant and not overdesigned on the bust area…but kudos to her for attending the wedding and opening herself up to so much criticism that each of her appearances seems to cause. Can’t be easy being her….aging is bad enough for most women but for someone in the public eye it must be so much more difficult. Especially in the face of anonymous commentators hiding behind their screens :)

  9. Never like Ash’s choice of clothes…her hair n make-up are also the same every time…no spunk, no variation. I guess its OK to look sloppy 3 months into child birth but its ALSO OK to except celebs to look and dress a particular way. They get paid LOADS N LOADS of money to do just that…!!! I just hope Ash doesn’t let herself go and comes back fitter n in a ravishing avatar soon like Karisma Kapoor.

  10. The outfit looks a like a bit of a mishmash: as if the wrong dupatta was paired with the wrong kurta. She looked so nice when she wore that baby pink one when Beti B was born….that was lovely!

  11. The only that I didn’t like about this photo is her dress! Its just too EWW ! I mean I can see so many suits of these kinds in almost every indian bazar. Look at the other celebrities who wore wonderful dresses doesn’t matter how busy they are! Besides Aishwarya is not a single mother living alone raising a child working soooo hard that she wouldn’t spare couple of hours to shop around. This dress of hers is just yucky! so typical shadi types that too of shadis that used to happen around 10 years from now!


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