Question Is…
Yes you’ve got to wear bling when on television, especially when on a dance show and no one quite wears bling like Malaika does, good or bad!
Question: is it time for Malaika to re-invent or why mess with a good thing?
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Malaika Arora Khan On ‘Zara Nach Ke Dikha’
Malaika will always be a sexy woman, and will always cashin on that. To reinvent herself as what? Business woman- that already, actress- not intrested, talk show host- done that? She is well aware of what product (SEXY) that she sells and will continue to do so till the cows come home or till offers dry up ..whichever comes first….
malaika has grace. no matter how tacky her clothes sometimes are-as in above-she manages to carry it off with elan.
she looks like she needs to eat atleast a little food though…a bit starved looking in above pic
it looks like a bellydancer’s dress! im waiting for the day when bling is completely banned from indian television! cuz more than movies, thats where the general indian population gets influenced from in terms of fashion among many other things!
I have a question rather than an answer, I dont und why Malaika has to always pose like that. she seems to be so desperate in such poses ditto with the sibling. she is good looking lady wid fab figure but then wat a waste , as she bhaves very tacky. I wont call her a lady with a class.
Occupational hazard, just like welders need safety glasses, we need shades to look at malaika. malaika can try the chaiya chaiya route now and then to vary the now-boring western chamak with some ethnic sizzle. Love her earrings though, would totally jazz up a black dress, jus’ da earrings.
I keep reading in your blog that work attire would not be published – but I keep seeing pictures and comments on it. Raveena’s pics from her show were printed few days back. This is not fair.
She is awesome…
I guess we weren’t clear enough so let me reiterate again… when we say work outfits we mean the outfits you wear on stage to perform or when you act in a movie or television show and those wont be commented upon… both Raveena and Malaika are judges on the show… quite a different ballgame!
And as for this particular post, I have mentioned it is for a show so ‘bling’ is understandable.
Thanks for the clarification – It makes sense.
She’s looks incredibley skinny.. that’s the first thing that comes to mind.. I’m not too worried about any bling rut she may have fallen into.. she pulls it off pretty well and manages to evolve her style along the way
my eyes hurt!!!
Malaika looks tacky no matter what she wears – no class. It’s because she tries too hard to get attention with her sexy look. Subtle sexy works more than in your face sexy.
She is like a HW wannabe starlet.
Pity because she is pretty and has a good figure.
Malaika Arora Khan treats life as one big photo-shoot.
her Chocolate buns are better than JLO’s
she works it. you can call her tacky or anything you want… but she really works it.
oh my that is a perky butt! but she needs to tone down a bit
I actually like this dress, the colour is really nice and it does look good on her
Her face is starting to look old. In that regard, she needs to stop being so tacky.
I love it – MAK does what these guys are meant to do best – pose, pout and preen! Tacky dress but wonderland on her… fabulous muah muah!
someone around 35 years having such a toned back…kudos to her.
whats that on her arm(near her elbow)…is it a skin burn ?
I think somehow she pulls offall bling dresses and such backless dresses without being all sleezy. But I would have preferred this dress plain the colour is nice but how the bling is not quite coordinated right on this dress. Her sexy back and perky arse is good for show with the earrings and bracelet why does she need an entourage of bling on that dress.
The arse stickin out in the first pic makes it cheap..y wear a thong wid clingy satin!
…I was going to say reinvent, then I saw Adit’s comment and I have to heave a sigh and say-he’s right
If she was a talented actress (or a talented singer, or even anything talented) I would say REINVENT REINVENT, but this is her bread and butter (ok, so more like her Louboutin’s and LV’s but) so yeah :/
Malaika might look too sexy and slightly sleazy but noone else does sleazy with more class… if you get what i mean:/
at the end of the day, she is malaika… and no matter what she wears, she’ll still be a sex symbol
i happen to think she pulls off the bling look really well. i like this dress too.. the bling doesn’t overwhelm her appearance so its fine
Some one please find out from her.. where she got that body from?? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
Like they say, money cant buy you class. Tacky.
i just feel tht lately she’s been trying too hard when she does not really need to. i mean with all those low cut dresses with half her assests spilling out etc…
i wish she would stop doin tht coz i quite like her
whats with all the poses?…
Her butt looks awful. That’s the problem with these satiny fabrics. Very high risk of the above and also VPLs.
And yeah like someone said above, I wish she’d put on some weight. She looks almost skelatal sometimes on those stupid tv shows.
gorgeous woman! but I don’t like the bum cheeks fighting to get out of the satin dress – it makes the hole loom tackier
The bum cheeks?! More like the bum bones! I though this girl had some booty but I was wrong she’s a skinny bones like the rest of them.
Oh and actually Priyanka I just wanted to say I don’t think being a judge on the show is a different ball game. If they get paid, it’s still work. I mean they’re not doing it for fun, they’re obligated to look a certain way, it’s not like they can show up in pajama’s because they’re not performing on stage. It’s fine I mean you guys mention that she’s on the show so bling is understandable but I just feel that it’s not a “different ballgame” as you stated.