Sari Style

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There is no denying that Vidya’s gold and cobalt blue sari look made for a very striking picture. Having said though, I would’ve preferred it if her blouse had been plain. Between the flared sleeves and the subtle print, it felt a tad distracting.

Overall though, she looked lovely. The pleated pallu look and updo made for a very nice change compared to her signature sari looks.


Vidya Balan at Filmfare Awards 2015

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Something about this look is really off. She is looking pretty neck up. I don’t like the blouse or the pleated pallu. Such a shame because looks lovely in Saree. Sorry thumbs down for me.

  2. While the gold saree is not my cup of tea, I do think that the pictures with the flash on don’t do it justice. I think the blue blouse was a nice contrast to the saree. I’ve seen better pictures of Vidya from the awards where the outfit looks much nicer.

  3. The bright gold/ bright blue required a delicate hair do to balance things a bit… the severe hair ( although a welcome change) makes the whole look …very air hostess like. No likey.

  4. Her face looks so unnatural and I blame the too-white makeup and a lack of a bindi. I do wish Vidya would consult w good stylist who would cater to her body type and specific sensibilities.

  5. Hey, this is actually a Raw Mango sari from Sanjay’s Shahr collection. The gold is an all over chevron print, and the blouse of one of his shirt blouses in mushru (hence the subtle print). I bought the same in black recently and recognized it instantly :)

  6. She makes even saris look bad. This lady and her weird clothes, hair & accessories. Never changes. That blouse sleeve on her body type. Urggh. To add to that the white washing. Blech.

    • Agree. It’s really baffling – she makes the one thing she looks half decent in (i.e. sari), look terribly bad. I’m sorry but she looks 50. She needs to quickly realize that even though she isnt a fashionista, given her profession, she can atleast try not to look 15 years older and frumpier.

  7. What is with that expression?!?!? I looked through the archives, she has the weirdest, unsmiling-fake-smiling-face-contortion way of posing. Oh, add to that a risen eyebrow for good measure.

  8. stupid blouse, gaudy saree, severe hair, no bindi , white washed face with red lipstick – why Vidya , why, do you do this to yourself? Not one redeeming quality! The only thing worse than this would have been if the blouse was the 3/4th sleeves she normally wears with a stack of chunky bangles in one hand! Ugh!

  9. “Overall, she looked lovely”……From which angle? P&P, it is not a fair comment at all. Of course, you are entitled to your own opinion but come on, nothing is working here…….I have nothing against Vidya, she is naturally very pretty.

  10. I’m sorry? “Overall she looked lovely” How on earth is that frumpy blouse, the ugly drape and that stupid selection of saree lovely? The saree, a Raw Mango, is nice on its own but it isn’t made for flash. Vidya here looks like she knows fully well she made a huuuge mistake in selecting those very elements.


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