The India International Jewellery Week got off to a start with big names walking the runway. Katrina Kaif walked for Nakshatra diamonds in a lehenga by Neeta Lulla and Deepika Padukone for Farah Khan Ali in Seema & Jamila Malhotra.
Between the two, there was a clear winner for me and it was Deepika who looked absolutely ravishing in the beige Seema & Jamila Malhotra sari. The outfit was beautiful without being overwhelming and it did not take any attention away from Farah’s design. That was so the case for Katrina, though. Between the lace lehenga and the gloves, I can’t even pay attention to the diamond necklace that SHOULD be the center of attention.
P.S: The models in Farah’s show were dressed in Ana Singh but, Farah and Deepika were in Seema & Jamila Malhotra outfits. Their looks were styled by Ana though.
Catch more pics inside.
Katrina Kaif (for Nakshatra) and Deepika Padukone (for Farah Khan Ali)
At India International Jewellery Week
Katrina Kaif (for Nakshatra) and Deepika Padukone (for Farah Khan Ali)
At India International Jewellery Week