While filming an episode which had Asha Parekh and Waheeda Rahman in attendance, Shilpa in their honor went with a more retro-inspired look in her Picchika sari. With flowers in her hair, Shilpa rounded out the look with jewelry from Roopa Vohra, Anmol and Amrapali.
A non-fussy/pre-stitched/contemporized sari was refreshing to see on her. But that said, having followed Shilpa’s styling on this show, this look on her felt more costume-y than it ought to have. She did look nice though!
Off the sets, would love to see something like on Ms. Shetty… Minus the flowers, with a wispier low knot and maybe with just one necklace instead of two.
Shilpa Shetty At Super Dancer Sets
Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani