In Gucci

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For a meeting with Frida Giannini, the creative director of Gucci, Sonam wore a Gucci suit from the Fall 2012 collection. Instead of the maroon shirt, she opted for a white one witha gold choker completing her look.

She will be making an appearance at the Gucci dinner today.

Left: Gucci, Fall 2012
Right: Sonam Kapoor at Hotel Du Cap Eden Roc

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  1. she looks good neck up but i’m not a fan of the plunging neckline,it looks tacky on her..unlike freida who managed to pull off the plunging neckline without looking thumbs down for this..

    • I think she’s going to be wearing Gucci for one of her red carpets. Why else will she be meeting the creative director of the brand. Think about it

  2. the styling is done well, but personally this masculine baggy “suit” look I don’t really like on women. So am on the fence about this, maybe if I saw a full standing pic I could decide better :)

  3. Come on you guys, you’re hard ! She looks very pretty ! A plunging neckline is not always tacky. Here it adds a feminine sway to this masculine suit. And the choker is a nice way to “stop” her figure from being too long: a plunging neckline, a flare suit plus Sonam is really tall, so the choker balances the whole silhouette.

    I think she looked really nice. Looking forward to the rest.

    • Have to agree with you i don’t think the neckline looks tacky at all she manages to pull it off without look vulgar, love the hair and choker.

  4. I think she looks rather nice. She has taken a risk and is working it. The choker which I think is from Suhanie Pittie is simple but striking and adds the right touch of glamour.Very few Indians can pull this off.

  5. love the suit but the pic is all wrong… one can hardly see the entire garment to even leave a comment.. putting both the pic side by side also does not give the viewer a clear picture… and frankly the pose and the plunging neckline definitely is a clear no no

  6. she is not an exotic beauty like Aishwarya and Freida but does have that classic look and must know that not everything is going to look good on her. I don’t like this Gucci suit – looks 80’s on her and she could have gone without the choker loook…

  7. She likes fashion and has a good dressing up sense…. How ever …..this looks like she is trying too hard to look fashionable…this is not her style at all….. i don’t think it works for her. she doesn’t look attractive at all in this masculine look.


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