Front Row Fashion

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We don’t have pics of her appearance at the Gaultier show yet but here is your look at Sonam wearing a Deepti Pruthi sari with an Elie Saab lace shrug at the Saab Haute Couture show.

We love the idea of the shrug with the sari but with the blouse itself being so busy, the look felt a wee bit crowded. Major props for picking a sari!

Sonam Kapoor at Elie Saab Haute Couture Show Spring/Summer 2012

Photo Credit: Sonam-Kapoor.Net

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    • I agree.. Except for the shrug, i LOVE the look ! So classy and elegant and fashionable. Never thought a saree could give THIS look too, if u know what i mean.
      Kudos for choosing a saree.

  1. What is she, 80 years old?

    And you guys really are biased when it comes to Sonam Kapoor. Or at least conscious about not offending her! Whatever happened to commitment to your art & speaking the truth no matter what?

    • Arent you guys following this blog since a long time? Sonam has never EVER had an off appearance as per the HHC girls! That itself should say a lot about them!

      • Actually they’ve criticized or found fault with a number of her looks. For instance, they pointed out that her Rachel Zoe look was too monotone and that there were unsightly bumps at her hips in a Falguni and Shane dress. If you’re going to accuse someone of being biased, at least get your facts absolutely straight. Fashion and style are subjective. One person may lok at Tilda Swinton and see a hot alien mess and someone else might think of her as the empress of androgynous chic. This is not a news site. There is no onus on P&P to be “objective”. It’s a blog where they air their own opinions on celeb style. Don’t bash them for not sharing your own opinion. Instead of saying ” I hate this; how can you like this”” a more constructive discussion may be fostered by merely talking about why *you* dislike the look.

        • Well said Sal(SS)…
          Fashion is amalgamation of our choices, attitude, prejudices, upbringing…Everybody has there own take on it…I do find PnP favoring Sonam sometimes, but then everyone has their favorites…many of us find Madhuri absolutely charming in most garish sarees…Mr. Bachhan’s fans will find him elegant even in head to toe red velvet…I like Deepika Padukone, so even if she is in tackiest of dress, i’ll still look for a silver lining by applauding her fab body…Some find Sabyasachi boring while he is really classy for others…If everybody liked the same things, we would be living in a world of uniforms…so lets just celebrate our differences and opinions…This world already has enough hate to deal with…without us throwing some more to HHC.

    • Sonam Kapoor either wows or takes such big risks and does something totally different from the rest. I would find that difficult to offend. I would say her choices are at the least ‘interesting’

    • I donno … age has very little to do with it!!!

      I do agree that the shrug doesn’t quite gel optimally with the whole look! but c’mon HHC didnt say anything biased- she should get props for wearing a saree !!!

  2. I do not care much for the sari blouse, however, this is clearly a look which stands out among a whole crowd of people wearing jeans. I think it is great that she is wearing an Indian designer and the shrug is so beautiful that it is worth just for the heck of it and for introducing the beautiful work done in India. Her hair, make up and jewelry are flawless. My guess is that she has worn this outfit to showcase the whole “Indian Look”

  3. I realize that this look might not be everybody’s cup of tea, but it is one of my favorites. It’s original, whimsical and glamorous, and Sonam looks like a princess.

  4. the sari seems clumsily draped. and it ages her, the draping and the color. it would have been nice if she wore a natural weave, or something artsy like a graphic print satya paul sari, instead of this. it’s just entirely off. and what’s with the shrug? who wears shrugs anyway?

    neck up she looks nice. i’ll give her that.

  5. i get where she is trying to go with this look but sorry it just doesn’t work. she looks like a victorian era bride. good attempt though…sari with a shrug…now that’s new…

  6. I think this was a very clever way of integrating Elie Saab into an Indian look. Sonam’s Masaba sari look from Cannes was the most appreciated so going with a sari was a great idea. The pink looks lovely on her (though the blush may be too strong)

    However, I do not like the exposed stomach. I know she’s in a transparent sari, but there are ways of wearing it to cover skin, and given the scenario (a day time fashion show in Paris!) I can only assume exposed midriffs in whatever way isn’t universally appreciated.

    • Well, if you are going to comment on the nuances of fashion, then perhaps you should have a general idea of what is acceptable. A bare midriff on Hanneli (the blogger/model) was one of the most striking looks (yes, at a day time fashion show!) as per too. Anyhow this is a fashion show, not the Davos summit.

  7. I love the soft pink colour on her, suits her well! But that blouse….it’s gotta go. The lace shrug, in this case with this sari, is not working. At all.

  8. She looks timeless (and not matronly as some are suggesting). Hats off to her wearing a saree at such an event, although I don’t like the layering in the shrug. But still, a lovely sight.

  9. Well, she looks like a grandma! The white frame purse, the pearl cocktail ring, high neck and long sleeves, it ages her. With good intentions to embrace tradition, elegance and refinement, she tries too hard, her style picks always seem contrived.

  10. When r P&P coming back from their holiday? i have to admit off late the posts have been a bit contrary to the original HHC style sense. Is it just me, or are others feeling it too?

  11. I “third” that…the shrug looks way OTT…She could have saved it for another time- we know she has it ALLLL! The sari and blouse are so beautiful by themselves :-)

  12. Sari+blouse=great
    Sari draping sucks. The colour is also a little grannyesque but she ungrannied it with the lipstick which is great.

  13. The saree is very pretty and so is the Saab blouse. But not together, its a bit incongruous. Either she should should have picked something western if she wanted to tip her hat at Saab or she she should have gone all out Indian if she wanted to be patriotic. But this east meets west combo is not working for me.

  14. It seems the only reason that she wore an Elie Saab shrug was to incorporate a piece of the designer whose show she was going to. She couldn’t go to an Elie Saab show without an Elie Saab piece!

    I agree it is to busy.

    Also, P&P, didn’t Ash wear this shrug to that French polo event (for Longines) last year before her pregnancy announcement?

    Can you confirm?

  15. The sari without the shrug might have worked. But with the shrug its a complete no-no. Its like just because she was at the Elie Saab runway – she had to wear a piece. It doesnt work with the look at all.

  16. That shrug seems to be an idea picked from the 80s movies and a nice idea for sure….BUT, blouse + shrug is too much on the eye and her makeup is so heavy!!! the color of the saree is beautiful…

  17. I am not a fan of Sonam at all.. but am with P&P here.. major props for trying something new. The colour is awesome on her and am intrigued.

        • The only positive thing said by P&P was giving Sonam props for wearing a sari at this event. Whether the shrug works with the sari is irrelevant in giving this props. And, since you mention it, sometimes even when a look doesn’t work, there are positive points to it as well. Things, especially in such subjective and artistic arenas as fashion, are not simply black or white. Respect your opinion, and even I think the shrug is not working, but one can state one’s own personal opinion without pointing fingers of favouritism or questioning another’s opinion :)

  18. liking the whole look..neck up she looks P.E.R.F.E.C.T
    The sari looks elegant..and though the shrug makes the look seem busy..but makes it so much more interesting !!

  19. absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the make-up! neck up, she looks perfect. Neck down, is a whole different story. In an effort to look elegant and sophisticated, she ends up looking much older than her age. The look is different, yes, but too cluttered to be flawless. What a pity! :(

  20. She looks cute…in a ‘girl trying to play dress-up’ sort of way :p

    High neck blouse, big earrings, busy lace shrug with full length arms, loud make up…waaaay too much!!

  21. Looking lovely and stunning. May be on others, the shrug would have looked too busy but I think she carried it well. How does she get the ideas? She hardly repeats her look.

  22. Agreed…thumbs up for wearing saree there. But this this shrug looks so out of place…like an entry pass to enter Elie Saab show…just kidding…
    This appearence, or her last at races, great choice of saree…but she’s let down by her poor draping…her pallu and navel folds look so untidy…for me it just bring the whole look down

  23. I love it. I think she looks great, definitely the way to be noticed at this event. The shrug questionable yes but she is pulling it off. Go Sonam!!!

  24. MAJOR thumbs up to this look! AND MAJOR THUMBS DOWN to jealous haters. Anyway, I can just say that Sonam Kapoor looked reallllly gorgeous. She looked classy, beautiful, amazingly elegant and very stylish. The sari is beyond beautiful, her hair, make up, jewelry, everything was simply perfect. She looked scintillatingly stunning. THERE IS NO DENYING THAT. P&P just keep doing what you do best, and dont let all this unnecessary hate affect you, your thoughts or your opinions. If you like something, you like it. If you dont, then well. you dont. You’re not answerable to any hater. This is YOUR blog, and you can operate it the way YOU want. ONCE AGAIN, I LOVED IT. Sonam looked beyond gorgeous.

  25. Love the look totally. She is pulling off the shrug so well. I totally adore her sense of style. And honestly I dont find the look crowded. Love it !

  26. Try this: in the photos above, hide her face and look at the dress. It will reveal its true self: granny disaster. Sonam’s face is what is saving the dress, and this being a fashion site, one would think we could look past the face and focus on the sari-shrug monstrosity.

  27. We’ll she got attention-the woman beside her is checking her out instead of the runway!! Let’s face it… I’ve been to Alist designer shows and this is just a bit over the top…unless the designer has okayed it! In this case its probably a yes!

  28. Response to a few comments:
    She has the best stylist- her stylist is Tanya Ghavri who styles Kareena & Asin these days.
    She has lots of money- so does SRK! They are stars they all have money!
    She tries too hard to live up to the fashionista tag- should she not? When she wears something safe, I have read comments like “she is a fashion icon she can do better” or something along those lines.
    Looking like granny- I don’t see the big deal with trying to look elegant and sophisticated and hence a bit aged! Sonam usually looks very young so she tries to age up a little…nothing wrong with that!
    Again fashion is subjective so you can like this look or not but these comments seem more “attacking” rather than “critiquing”!

    • Aha! That explains why Kareena and Asin are making near ditto appearances..

      Was anyone else immediately reminded on Asin’s Star Awards appearance when they saw Kareena at Apsara??! The white gown, red lips, sideswept hair..

  29. Whats with the shrug??? Thats something my grandma would wear The halter neck crochet blouse was just good enough. She just went overboard

  30. P&P u shud have a poll to check how many people think u r biased n how many think u r not. That will say it all. If somebody else had worn this, u would’ve been like “has potential, can do better”

  31. Oh that shrug is a creation! why did Sonam use it over that beautiful blouse which is highlighting her face so well . Sonam, please pair that shrug with something else soon.

  32. Love, Love, Love it. J’adore. So classy and refined. Pl ignore all silly comments on favg Sonam, Frankl she is the ONLY movie star with any style.

  33. Woo hoo adding to the list of comments here! I doubt it’s Sonam alone bringing us here but also this notion of bias/favoritism. For me Sonam is usually more of a try hard who seems to go by the adage “is designer hence good”; but when she does get it right she knocks it out of the park. This look – not so much. Very crowded and like she wanted to show all the pieces at one time, whether they went together or not.
    As for the favoritism towards certain stars especially Sonam – I started commenting here very recently and soon picked up on that! I also feel since it’s a blog it’s really up to the writers to have their personal favorites. But one thing – and please this is well intentioned criticism – if tomorrow you want this blog to become even bigger and influential you will need to be acknowledged as fashion critics who are objective to the point of being clinical. Else at best it remains a very popular blog – which is so definitely already is.

  34. Its so so so sad to see Sonam Kapoor in a TT rip off by some low grade designer on an Ellle Saab show.

    A sincere request to the ‘The Stylist” Sonam Kapoor, she’s a fashion icon
    please, please do not make her wear rip offs.
    Sick sick.

    A Sonam Kapoor and Tarun Tahiliani fan..


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