Engagement News
At the party celebrating her recent engagement, bride-to-be Shloka was seen wearing a custom Prada halter neck gown. I have to admit the choice came as quite a surprise because we normally don’t see a lot of Prada gowns on these pages.
The real engagement which took place in Goa a few days ago saw her in a Needle and Thread tiered gown.
Our congratulations to the couple.
Shloka Mehta in Prada
Shloka Mehta in Needle & Thread
Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani
That Gucci dress is so odd on the lady. Am reminded of all the NJ gujju ladies at the bollywood parties.
What Gucci dress?
Seriously, I did not like your comment!
which Gucci dress?
Why are NJ ladies in Bollywood? I am curious, is it not possible to just comment on the outfit? Is it necessary to stereotype and drag down an entire state’s worth of women down?
sometimes out of a population of 100 if greater than 50 do something similar ..in this case the ladies of a particular state, then that becomes a common observation which the reader has stated
I am sorry, but your simplistic analogy does not take into account generalizability, which is necessary in order to make inferences regarding a source population; additionally, you forget the “reader” is but one examiner, whose ability to be objective is questionable. In order for your model to be true, more than one reader/examiner need to agree with the observation and the degree of correlation must be high. It’s a matter of both internal and external validity, both of which are missing in this case.
Ph.d scholar????
Seriously. One shouldnt need a law degree and 100 disclaimers before stating an opinion. That is why it is an opinion and everyone is entitled to have one. You dont like it, you move on. What is this deep seated need to correct and moralize everyone as per your learning of the world. This generation I tell you.. ( you see what I did there :))
Newbie, our generation has the same rights as yours. You are equally welcome to move on from comments you don’t like.
Cowsear, you are right on point. Newbie, you make complete sense and I have observed that few like katy’s comment are always an irony of the pot calling the kettle black. If Avani does not have right to her comment , then Katy does not have any say too.
I did not say that anyone does not have a right to his/her comment. I simply commented on the comment, and did not get into the commenter’s person/who they were etc. I don’t think I have once attacked anybody’s person, educational qualifications, their style of writing, and/or their moral standing, but my choice of words, morality, education, hypocrisy etc. have been derided. I won’t get into the definition of a “troll”, because that will start another uproar, but suffice it to say, that while I am disappointed that many of you would attack me personally, I am not surprised. As for some of you questioning why I have never questioned P and P’s decisions (in later posts) – I actually have, and in some instances, they have chosen to post my comments, and in others they have not.
I thought Katy gets triggered and gets anti only for aunty comments. :D
she seems to be lost in her own war of words.. while at it =P
I totally agree, she does look very “typical”
Yes, Brb. If you have ever seen the desi side of NJ, suburb LA or Chicago, you will realize this is typical.;)
Lol! This reminds of one Chicago based self-proclaimed fashionista cum blogger. She is from Varanasi though!
I know whom you are talking about. ;) I came across her blog through HHC only. Now I don’t see her comments on these pages.
I googled to see who you were talking about. :D being a UPite myself, was a bit curious. ;)
I did not like any of the dresses much! I’m sure that her journey of being a celebrity and facing the media has just started. What a lovely face though! Congratulations to the happy couple!
Lengthening the Prada ruined it completely. Just this evening I was telling my friend I wonder whose curtain outfit that was. Little did I know it was Prada!
She looks cute in the needle and thread number. Prada looks a little overwhelming though. Cute couple.
The Needle and Thread is pretty. The Prada looks like a curtain.
The first thing that struck me is how happy she looks…on the looks front m not a fan of either gowns… the colour washes her out.. Also the prada gown doesnt looks really well made..seems like a local darzi made it…
I guess all the money in the world cannot really buy style ! Those gowns age her….so not a fan at all.
Whoa she is so overwhelmed with all the media attention. She just need to learn the tricks and get used to the papzz flash :)
Prada more like Parda.
I wanted to criticize the *Parda* then I realized this girl went to Princeton and LSE…and is now helping connect NGOs with volunteers. You go girl!!! Show em!!!!
So, if she was not accomplished, criticizing her clothing would be OK, but since she’s a Princeton/LSE grad, she gets a free pass? It is not clear why her education or career play into anything – they are mutually exclusive.
She has quiet a bit exposure then, perhaps can get the fitting right..
Katy, your comments am sorry to say, are always reeking of hypocrisy.
why are you trolling on everyone Katy? relax
She went to Princeton LSE maybe because her family has the moolah to afford to send her there. It doesn’t necessarily speak for her accomplishments. As for NGOs are concerned, all big business houses do it. Doesn’t mean we can critique her dressing choices.
It is not easy to get into Princeton and LSE. The acceptance rate of Princeton is just 6.5%. It is hella competitive to get in. So kindly, do not take credibility away from her. Yes, her family can afford it for sure but her money can’t buy acceptance in Princeton. It has to be earned through merit.
You may critique her choice of clothing. But do not get personal. And at the end of the day it’s her choice.
The acceptance you are stating is for people applying for scholarship or tuition exemptions. There are several courses that can be completed if you cough up the fees. The same way Kareena did a course in micro-computing from Harvard University. She did not have to take SAT or GRE for it. I have no idea what course Shloka did or if she got through merit or means, but this whole acceptance rate comment is not correct.
Not fashion-related or anything, but just to clarify, Kareena didn’t even finish that course.
She got a Bachelors in Anthropology from Princeton, and a Masters in Economics from LSE. While it is true that you can take these two or three month executive courses which give you a certificate of attendance (eg what Kareena did), getting an actual degree from these universities requires you to be accepted. Acceptance is not based on ability to pay, only scholarships are. At Some Ivies, students whose families make less than $100,000 are considered for financial hardship scholarships. Those who do are super qualified academically are considered for merit scholarships, but they need to be accepted first before being considered for scholarships. As an FYI, getting in for a degree, including an executive degree is tough. Even the children of professors don’t automatically get in, and are often rejected. In one case, of which I have personal knowledge, the daughter of the Dean for Admissions at an Ivy did not get in!
Ah Come on. Haven’t you heard of endowments. Or a business house sponsored wing in the uni. Who are we kidding here. True she may have the grey cells and may have made it on her own merit by taking sat gmat toefl etc etc. But most of the times that is isn’t the case. Look a the cv of any billionaire kid, it boasts of an Ivy League college. I refuse t believe all of these kids are meritorious enough.
Also, just because a person went to Ivy League does not merit intellegence or grey cells. Subramanian Swamy anyone?
Katy, I do agree with you that it is very difficult to get into Princeton as my daughter was accepted there–she decided to go to Yale though.
However, I think there are some seats reserved for wealthy people like Ambanis (their daughter is not the brightest tool–she had a few classes with my daughter). There are 99% chances Shloka got into Princeton because she belongs to the wealthy class.
Legacy, endowment, feeder high school (where once you get in due to merit or legacy) A’s across the board are not so hard, essay being written by tutor, average SAT/ACT score combined with carefully chosen activities to pad resume and actually having access to the right people works every time for a lot of admissions in the Ivy Leagues. Colleges need the endowments and so they must have a certain percentage of people who actually can afford to give that bonus wing of the library or pay for a professors salary for a year. Its all about what prospective alumni can give. They need a well rounded class who are future donors -not a well rounded student- so each graduating class needs the rich kid, the average suburban richish smart kid, the athlete, the glamor actress who graduates without taking a math class, token poor but smart kid. While this lovely and obviously happy rich young woman must be more than functionally literate her education does not impress. Why is he dressed so poorly though?
These gowns are terrible ! even an intern can design better.They look so sloppy and there is so much fabric all over.
nothing designer about it
agreed !!
The girl looks so simple and unassuming. I hope she retains her simplicity in a plastic world where everyone is so focused on looking picture perfect, she comes as surprisingly normal, she has that ” girl next door” vibes. Congratulations to the couple, hope they have a happy life together
If she wanted a life of anonymity she would have chosen to get engaged to a scholar at Oxford or Harvard and moved out of sight. The fact that she is smiling ear to ear in a 1970s dejyner maxi tells me, she is in it for the long haul.
Yes, Aamir’s wife loves it all also. Despite her “I am not caught up in Bollywood fashion” pretense
second that for the bollywood wifey for sure
As an FYI, collaboration with scholars at esteemed institutions doesn’t always result in anonymity. Mira Nair, for example, is married to Mahmoud Mamdani, a decorated academic. Both are professors at Columbia, and both are celebrities in their own right. Yes, we may not be photographed in swanky clothes at fun events, but many of us help make the policies and discoveries that inform events across the globe, and impact billions of lives. We are not shrinking violets.
Here we go again! Sanctimonious, moral lecturing at a Bollywood fashion site :P
Your incredible so called “intellect, knowledge, smartness, fire power, use of “big big words”” is all better utilized on a SJW mission.
If Payal and Priyanka wanted ONLY “Oh my good ness she looks lovely” “Wow she looks amazing” “Oh wow she looks beautiful” comments, they could have very well censored all other comments. Its their website and I am thrilled they dont curtail free speech!
Thanks Payal & Priyanka!!
Let me show my lack of intellect etc – what is SJW mission?
*Sanctimonious, moral lecturing at a Bollywood fashion site* – Savage!
People like Dense Chocolate are rare to see in this blog. Loved the dig at Kiran Rao especially.
You do know she is the daughter of one of the richest Indians right?! Girl next door yes… But only to the swish set.
NJ gujju ladies at the bollywood parties.
She has quiet a bit exposure then, perhaps can get the fitting right..
I guess all the money in the world cannot really buy style !
The fact that she is smiling ear to ear in a 1970s dejyner maxi tells me, she is in it for the long haul.
second that for the bollywood wifey for sure
I really wish you ladies are hearing yourselves here…
I second your sentiments. It almost sounds like a case of sour grapes.
Yes we indeed are. Hope you are horrified enough to leave our company and spend your valuable time at a monastery instead? :P
On the contrary, the fact that all of you can become so angry over my opinions is amusing me no end, and will chose to hang out here, thank you very much!
Dislike the Prada
Loved the other one
This comment section is really amusing! One of the reasons why I keep coming back to HHC, but agree with those feeling that Team HHC went easy on the couple perhaps because they are well-heeled (pun unintended) …. :)
While we are collectively losing our minds over the sartorial choices of the bride, is nobody going to talk about the bridegroom’s ill fitting clothes and awkward/wide stance? Come on. Let’s all be equal opportunity (with regards to gender) while critiquing fashion sensibilities or the lack thereof :P :P
When it comes to engagements and weddings, because it is a happy occasion, we reserve our comments. Nothing to do with who the person is. We’ve followed that policy for a while now.
Ah well. I second that sentiment. :)
Compared to other occasions that are…unhappy? Who are you guys kidding with this holier-than-thou, self-congratulatory, pat-myself-on-the-back attitude? This site makes money off criticizing other people. Let’s get real here.
So strange that people like Katy reserve their ” we will fight” only for specific age and size group? Why no uproar on such a nasty comment on the bloggers?
Why are you after Katy? Strange!
This is a classic comment
Respect your POV but then don’t pay them a visit. I totally understand that HHC is making money from all the site visits but most of us are here for sheer entertainment and we get back to our normal businesses (unless I am totally mistaken). If P&P are not critical about newly weds outfits, I appreciate that. Their site and they have full right to call the shots.
Respect your POV too, but everyone (P and P, you, me) has opinions and reasons and justifications for those opinions, so I guess the point here is that none of us should be moral policing anyone (I’m aware of the hypocrisy of my statement but this is the only time I’ll do this) because we’re all here for ultimately the same reasons, except with varying degrees of meanness (in which case P and P already do the only type of policing required).
Ah….but it is a fashion critiquing site, isn’t it? If comments are to be reserved, then it is better not to post pics of these happy occasions.
Yes I have notices a number of times Payal, good policy !
And now we will have Shloka Ambani’s fashion outings all over these pages. Sigh!! That Prada dress is so damn ugly that I’m baffled someone chose it for their engagement party.
Well that escalated quickly. From the schoolyard bullying by the usual suspect to schoolmarm chiding to the scholarly treatise of others, it’s quite a spectrum of comments.
talha_yasin – way to spout venom…it’s their blog and if they decide somebody’s wedding day is off limits then it’s their business…and this decision makes them holier than thou? Really?! …and I have noticed they have more or less always stuck to this Rule immaterial of whether the couple is of a certain standard or otherwise…This site does not make money criticizing people but critiquing their fashion sense…don’t say bitter things for the sake of it – put atleast one reasonable thought behind it
Best wishes to the couple. I second P&P on their policy. I’ve been coming to their blog for a long time, it’s s stress busting source of entertainment ;). I also think P&P’s comments are very well-reasoned and artful without getting snarky, respect to you Ladies :)… And who doesn’t want what they have created to be successful. Obviously to sustain the blog they need to make money off it too… why is that wrong?
51 comments for a newbie to the fashion scene!! Well princeton or no princeton, fashion sense or no fashion sense, she surely has everyone talking about her! #missionaccomplished
Sup, all publicity is good, I suppose…unfortunately, a vast majority of the comments are not about her outfits, but her money, schooling, poor style, and of course, how awful I am!
I doubt her aim in life is to be discussed on a fashion blog. Sure she could have chosen a better dress but the pettiness of the comments is appalling.
PnP…I really love ur policy of not criticising the newly weds/newly engaged couples..Keep em up!!!
Why the bow? I have wrapped better bows on diwali presents when i was 3. The dress is awful.. she could have simply worn an Indian outfit rather than Indianizing a Prada dress into a ‘stitched at the waist lehenga – blouse’ look.
No idea that Prada produced such atrocities! She looked so much better at her brother’s wedding. The Needles and Thread gown is much more youthful and the makeup is also toned down.
BTW, more than the outfit, the comments section is hilarious. From gossip queens to holier than thou academic virtuoso and moral police, nice to see P&P have such a varied audience.
I was wondering what the 64 comments was for,little did I know there was a civil war going on here.so exciting.:D
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, its usual in once in a few posts here.. as i have seen in past. usually a word triggers ‘moral,humanity,social and many such police’
Shloka is another Natasha Poonawala in the making. We will soon see her with Aish… I hope :P
Wearing something atrociously ill fitting but dejyner, gracing a “charity” event where Reliance has promised “free” phones for all.
Right up her alley with the dejyner Ivy education.
P&P Thanks for the website
What do you have against that girl? Did you once set your sights on Akash Ambani.?
You endow a big enough/”right” sum of money to any Ivy League University, you can enroll your pig in. Ivy education is no measure of class or integrity.
Shloka is giddy with all the attention right now. I hope she continues to commit blunders in her sartorial choices so I can shred it with pleasure on these pages :P
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
so agrree with you! i’m sure, grants are way to get into anything..universities, internships, Bollywood offers, jobs, government jobs and positions.. any damn thing. merit off course, money too. =P
Don’t worry after being Ambani daughter in law they will also polished her styling.
But she looks very simple to me after being such a filthy rich !!
I’m happy Akash saw her heart not just her looks
Wishing them both a wonderful journey ahead
Hope you have seen Nita Ambani’s polissssed issstyle.LOL. Am sure she will fall right in line with -stepford wives-looks.
guess what i read all 81 comments …it.. was very informative…i learnt new words and had to refer a dictionary …i didnt understand few comments because of scholar level english used…..thank you avani for giving an opening …had a great time …
Nice to hear from tata on an Ambanis’ sighting.;-)