Doing Denim

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Priyanka attended the website launch of her movie ‘Pyar Impossible’ in her favorite skinny jeans pairing it this time with a white sleeveless shirt and blue peeptoes. While neither look is wow-inducing (to us anyways), got a preference?

You can check out more pics of the website launch here or click on ‘The Gallery’ tab anytime for pictures from other events.


Left: ‘Fashion’ Press Meet, Nov 2008
Right: ‘Pyar Impossible’ Website Launch

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Well…there is nothing to fault in her look…. but I dont know why something is always off….. also I think she will look better if she doesnt go for skinny denims keeping her body type in mind. Nonetheless , she looks better the second time around as the hair is much better.

  2. i just can’t figure out what it is about her, but she looks like she belongs more on the sets of a hindi soap opera than anywhere else. she carries herself very guardedly, almost lacking in confidence.

    there’s nothing wrong with the outfit. she carries it off just fine, but there’s no x-factor that makes you want to remark at it. it’s just like oh, okay, next.

  3. I prefer the look at the website launch, they had butchered her hair for Dostana, the layers were so short. He layers are longer so her hair looks good.

  4. @ pdabre, so glad i’m not the only one who doesn’t know where she goes wrong each time. also, i agree about the pants and her body type. she has a triangular body, no curves in her bottom. the skinny jeans only accentuate that, like if you tap her on the shoulder, she’ll tip over.

  5. I agree with PeachBellini, she almost looks too careful all the time. I think the outfit’s are okay and is it just me or does her head always look very big compared to her body? Is it her hairstyle thats doing that?
    But yeah, she seems sweet. Boring. Haha.

  6. The outfit is fine i guess, nothing special. not digging the whole bobble-head doll look- big hair, and reallyyyyy skinny in the bottom (the realllyyy tight clothes dont help either)…..
    i guess she has a bod to show-off, but she looks quite disproportionate….

  7. I love priyanka…I think she has a great style and in fact she from her interviews she seems like a very secure and confident person. Although this look isn’t out of the world impressive, I like the fact that she doesn’t try too hard to impress…like other actresses such as aishwarya, sophie,shilpa…there is something sporty and casual about her appearance in both pictures, and that’s nice coming from a successful celebrity.

  8. There is nothing wrong really with either outfit but she looks so blah in both of them. I agree with PeachBellini’s comments!

  9. I think if we know the personality of the person, it plays a part in how we look at the person’s sense of style. It’s usually those people in extreme who catch attention (not necessarily good), and I think she floats in between. Sometimes one has to be daring to be interesting, esp. in fashion.
    Coming to this look, she has a classic look going on, hair and make is up is good; safe and likeable.

  10. I know most people like skinny bodies. But I think Priyanka needs to gain some weight. Her head is too big and her shoulders too broad for her body size. It is very off putting.

    She needs to do something with the hair too. Boring

  11. One thing is for sure.. she needs to do something with her hair ASAP… I am almost hating her hair now.. and to think that at one point i used to love them..she had gorgeous hair some time back.. wonder what happened after Love Story 2050!!!

  12. The only thing off about this outfit is the fact that she is now a bobble head. You know , like those noddy dolls, with tiny bodies and big heads? She either needs a shorter haircut or stop doing her hair up like a puffin fish. OR, she could eat a sandwich.

  13. Definitely prefer the second look. Really simple, but looks great. Ensemble would have been even better if the shoes were a brighter shade of blue, and she was carrying a colorful clutch.

  14. Why cant she be experimental for a change? Its like she has an amazing body, and is very good looking. So what stops her from wearing something quirky? And even the pose is pretty much the same here.
    If i had that body, i would totally be getting myself Manish Arora outfits! :D

  15. I agree with PeachBellini, she’s always plays it safe when it comes to her wardrobe choices which IMO = BORRRRRINGGG It’s always the same makeup, hair and pose.

    I think it’s her late ’90s news anchor style hair that makes her look like a bobble head LOL

  16. Totally yawn inducing. I want to erase all that deep nudes/browns in her makeup and doll her up in some spring pinks and raspberry lips. Her safe choices are boring. Also agree with the hair…needs to lose the volume. That being said – killer bod !

  17. @Pri – totally agree with you, her head looks far too big compared to the rest of her body.
    I prefer the second look, it’s a laidback casual look, and the sleeveless top is way better than that satin monstrosity she is wearing in the first one. But then again, its a ‘wow-less’ laidback look!!

  18. major yaWWWWWnNNNnnNNN inducing

    if u cover her body, her face looks like she is at the same event!!!

    @peachbellni: LOLLLL at the tipping over remark

  19. Only yesterday I saw Nina Manuel sport denim, white blouse in such a chic way!
    And today i see this…

    Its like, Priyanka is wearing casual wear… but she just cant pull of the casual attitude. She looks DRESSED up. I pity how some of these people just cant do the casual look. Hate it!!

  20. she still has that Lollypop figure, big head small body, lets say for how long she can stay this skinny and avoid temption of having good yummi food

  21. I sometimes get the impression that people on this site don’t like the independant, intelligent, beautiful, lean type like Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone and Frieda Pinto, but I might be incorrect. I think with Priyanka’s body and face, she can wear anything and always look good.

  22. @sarita – I like women who dress up well.
    When i mean dress up well, its not abt wearing designer, expensive clothing.
    I think dressing up well is knowing your body, knowing your style(which is what we are as an individual, isnt it?), putting in a tiny bit of thought as to what works with your body and what doesnt.

    Yes, there are some people who always look good, no matter what they wear. Too bad some of these dont have a fashion sense.

  23. @ sarita,

    i don’t understand how the other women of the industry (whom we purportedly like) are not independent in comparison to priyanka, deepika and freida.

    also, i don’t think priyanka gives off the “independent, can do anything on my own, don’t need a man” vibe. on the contrary, i find her to be very traditional in the way she carries herself. as i mentioned before, she holds her body very guardedly and sometimes seems as if she is too self conscious – far from my perception of independent and self-confident.

  24. Looks better in the second pic. I agree wid most of the comments here, she’s a looker alright, but always looks very guarded…the same poses and evrythin. Gee, that somehow reminds me of myself(excludin the looker part perhaps)…blah blah

  25. There is no ‘wow’ factor in this chic. Outfit seems outdated and boring. Body shape tight jean blah…I agree with some – she tries to hard falls flat no appeal also her body language says it all insecure and edgy.

  26. First outfit is ok. Jeans are nothing special but the satin shirt & red heels only just save the outfit.
    Second outfit is downright boring!!

  27. Out of all the Miss world s she is the one who knows what she is doing ..she carries herself elegantly and i just love her dressing sense…

  28. @charan: tasts are different; I think everybody is beautiful and sees something beautiful in the choices they make; if I can see that or not, says something about me. the beauty that I see comes from within and Priyanka has that. maybe it works out different then you would have choosen in clothes-choice. fashion is different for different people.

    @PeachBellini: I didn’t say anything about other women in the industry (I don’t “know” most of them).
    these 2 and Frieda of course caught my attention. I think Priyanka is very independent and self-confident. may be our definitions are different, because the more independent and self-confidentt you are, the more you can truly be a we-person and have respect for traditions. not because you need other people/man/traditions to know who you are/be whoor what you want to be.

  29. the last sentence: because I think that the more independent and self-confident you are, the more you can truly be a we-person and have respect for traditions. not because you need other people/man/traditions to know who you are or be who/what you want to be. so then you don’t use other people, a man or traditions to define yourself. but it is about the other people, the man, the tradition instead of yourself (in a negative way)

  30. uumm… her hair look a bit boring… I think she must do some experiments with her hair.. and must find some other edgy hair styles .. that make her look like a hot actress. Nothing wrong with her dressing sense.. its casual and simple here.

  31. Priyanka is a beautiful and strong individual. I really admire her a lot. She looks really good here. She doesn’t try too hard which is the important part!!!


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