Preity Repeats!

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What was Preity thinking wearing a similar looking dress twice to two major events!

Here she is at the Vogue India launch party wearing a Surily Goel dress with a silver belt.(Not a big fan of the belt!)


Except, look at the dress she wore to the premiere of “The Last Lear” at the Toronto International Film Festival!


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  1. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    give her a break!

    So many stars wear the same jeans with a different top to events so why can’t she wear 2 similar dresses?

    Come on aren’t there more important issues to address? such as global warming, poverty & illiteracy?

    Preity is an ambassador of hope against fighting such obstacles within society so she has every right to wear what she wants.

    Get over it & please blog about more constructivee issues such as the surge in patriachism since chak de! india released or even the growing confidence in the youth today.



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