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After a slew of appearances that were great, it was a downgrade for Prachi at the Stardust Awards and we blame the dress in this case.

A different LBD with those lace accessories, and it would’ve been another thumbs up look.

Prachi Desai at Stardust Awards 2011

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. The word ‘downgrade’ is a little too harsh. I am sure she put effort in whatever she wore. To use adjectives like that just reflects back at you. Please tone it down a little.

  2. her stylist is just putting her in clothes that she is naturally uncomfortable in. styling is not just putting a person in trendy clothes.

  3. Prachi don’t you just love it when you drive perfect people crazy and give them a reason to bitch about you.

    You look great by the way. Others may differ, but each are entitled to their opinion.

  4. More than the dress I think its the make up which is all wrong. and her knees need to be moisturised asap. I think someone more voluptious like Sophie wouldve worked this look

  5. The dress seems too short, and don’t like the fit at the bust. And Prachi’s hair looks rather messy. But the girl has such a sweet smile.

  6. She looks good….. i always believed she has heavy thighs but I guess in this photograph they look pretty ok.
    Well… she is looking stylish for a change.


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