On An Aside: Mumbai

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As you may have already heard, Mumbai was attacked by several gunmen who opened fire at various locations.

Mumbai, besides being a financial capital is also the entertainment and fashion capital of India. Although we avoid all non-fashion commentary on this site, a majority of the events we cover on this site happen in Mumbai and so it is only appropriate that we acknowledge this awful incident.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by last night’s incidents.

After all, there is nothing more precious than a human life! Stay safe, everyone!

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  1. it’s awful.. just watching Taj up in fires.. makes me sad. My prayers and thoughts are with the injured and families of those who lost loved ones:(

  2. Good thought, P&P. My prayers are with those who have suffered and are suffering. We are India and we will not let the crude methods of those who oppose peace, harmony and humanity create terror and fear in our hearts.

  3. selfishly, it’s so sad to see the place where i grew up change overnight. though, this is not the first time.
    my prayers & thoughts are with everyone!

  4. Its so sad :( I’ve been going through every website possible to get more news. I hope they free the hostages soon.. and my prayers go out to those who died in the attack, especially the police officers.

  5. I knew I would find a post on this despite it not being fashion related. Very thoughtful P&P.

    Sigh my prayers are with everyone affected… one of my really good friend’s brother was staying at the Taj, but luckily was not present at the time.

    Sigh, it’s all just so sad.

  6. My prayers for the people affected by this.
    There are some places you think are immune to this kind of horror. They are impenetrable and you feel cocooned and safe in them.
    It feels like the whole structure of the world has been shaken about when places like the Taj and Oberoi are broken down. It’s so tragic and needless.

  7. Horror still unfolds. Glad to see this post, I was on this site just to get away from watching and reading the news. It affects one and all, whether we live in Mumbai or miles away from it. Hope the toll does not go up as time goes on.

  8. To see so many innocent lives go away in pieces by the terrorists gives me a cringe in my stomach. I had been to all those places in my last visit to Mumbai. It is such an inviting place for everyone…I grew up in Mumbai which was Bombay then and love everything about it. I hope the intelligence in the terror struck countries like India and Pakistan work out the best path to uproot these terrorists.

  9. It’s still going on, it doesn’t seem to end; we’re so tired of catching all the action on the tube. I can’t imagine how the families of all those who died, those who are injured and their families, the hostages, the army, policemen, commandos and the media who have been covering this nightmare tirelessly must be feeling? It’s just unbelievable how such an attack could happen. All we can do is be resilient and pray.

  10. my thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this horrific and cowardly attack. let’s pray that those still in danger are rescued soon.

  11. Wow! its very nice of to dedicate a lil section of yours to incident in Mumbai.
    Its good to know that High Heel Confidential is affected by other issues than fashion.
    Thank you.

  12. my heart bleeds for mumbai and its people…
    with a corrupt goverment and a slowing economy, how much more can the people endure….
    where the politicans have the best security for themselves, they have no budget for the security of a city so exposed to terrorism…
    thats because all the tax payers money, is going to their swiss account…
    its a feeling of frustration and hopelessness….

  13. My thoughts and prayers to people who had to face this terror, hope this never happens anywhere.
    It’s really coward and selfish act of the people behind this plan to use so many lives for money and power.


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