In Payal Khandwala

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Neha was the celebrity guest at a Mumbai School’s annual function where she was seen in a Payal Khandwala top and pants. Picking up on the green lining of the tunic, she finished out her look with emerald earrings and Ferragamo clutch.

She looked great!


Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. the tunic looks white with wide red borders
    reminds me of the pure clothes priests wear during aarati.

    what’s with this huge tent shaped tops that look like maxi dress and has no shape and everyone wearing them?

  2. It’s charming that she doesn’t feel the need to cover up the grey streak in her hair. Also, it takes her height and built to carry off such “outfits”. Not everyone can.

  3. She looked great here .. But it’s repetition is same ole same ole
    When I hear her name all I thought of is oversized clothing
    It’s boring now

  4. Most of the comments summarize what i feel; tents, unconventional, all the time, no style…really a repetitive fashion sense and really boring


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