At The Races

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Natasha attended the Poonawalla race on Sunday wearing a very flamenco inspired ruffle dress paired with black Sophia Webster sandals and a Stephen Jones fascinator. Can’t say I was a fan of the dress itself, especially the fringe detail at the waist in the front. It just looked rather awkward!

Natasha Poonawalla at Poonawalla Races 2018

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  1. P&P can u plz post all Sridevi best dressed pics in here as a tribute to her
    It would be really good to catch all her old best dressed sightings.
    Thankyou ???

    • I do love the idea. But having seen the venom spew on the Superstar and her teen daughters on several blog posts (with the blog owner itself hahaha-ing on a condolence post), it will just end up in bad taste. Let her soul rest in peace. There are millions posts online of her on & off screen presence, as fan let’s be content with that and celebrate her glorious half a century of greatness.

      • So, no one is supposed to haha (did you even read what she was haha-ing about? Her own misunderstanding of a popular song lyric). Is Boo-Hoo okay? Shocking as the demise was, people remember her in different ways. I wrote a blog post, watched some of her songs and that morning, when one of her old Tamil songs came on the radio, found tears rolling down my cheeks naturally. Which of these forms is okay and which one isn’t? And who is to police?

        For some reason, Sridevi’s sudden passing away has really jolted a lot of people. And sharing what we loved about her (and yes, even if we were critical of her when she was alive) is how we express our grief for someone who was intrinsic to to the landscape of our growing up years. Perhaps we are mourning our own youth as much (I’m talking about myself) as much as we are of our most beloved star. For it is a brutal, unvarnished reminder of our own mortality. If these seemingly unblemished stars could disappear in a quiet hush of a blip, what chance is there for us really?

        As ever, I ramble. But ladies, do what is right by you. And personally, I think you have done plenty already.


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