Although Mughda’s hair+makeup is good, her accessories are strange. Why wear gold when the dress has such a strong silver accent? Anchal is better put-together.
Mughda ‘casue of her skin tone and figure… they help bring the dress to life. Nothing to do w/ her accessories. If that were the case then Anchal wins for having that bottle of liquor in her hand, haha ;)
Although Mughda’s hair+makeup is good, her accessories are strange. Why wear gold when the dress has such a strong silver accent? Anchal is better put-together.
I think Mugdha rock it because dress looks like it’s washing out Anchal
They both look good. It seems Anchal just didn’t have enough time to pose..and she’s holding a liquor bottle lol
dress suits mugdha better.
mughda godse i think
though the dress is beautiful and looks good on both
so the difference in marginal
i think it was mughda’s beatiful tan that got my vote
I think they both looks nice.. though, the tan does bring out the colour more..
Mughda ‘casue of her skin tone and figure… they help bring the dress to life. Nothing to do w/ her accessories. If that were the case then Anchal wins for having that bottle of liquor in her hand, haha ;)
Mugdha looks good. She has better figure..I guess any dress would look good on that figure and that height.
Mugda looks better in it, but Anchal has better accessories, as the belt is silver and she has kept it all silver…
Ditto what Adit said.
the colour of the outfit surely does suit Mugdha better but Anchal has accessorized it just right.
mugdha luks hot yar..