From Shoot To Show

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Designer Mandira Wirk is dressing up the lady judges for the NDTV Imagine show ‘Knights and Angels’. We’ve already seen Anushka wear a Mandira maxi from the runway and here is Malaika wearing a green silk mini.

We know Malaika loved her dress (after all it is short! ;) ) but do you?


Left: Mandira Wirk and Malaika Arora
Right: Malaika Arora on Knights and Angels

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  1. i think it’s ok that she wears short dresses even though her hips and thighs are ginormous. it sends a positive body image message to young girls.

  2. She could mix it up a bit, I guess.

    But I disagree that she doesn’t have the legs– her hips and thighs are perfectly fine and more normal-sized than the twiggy thighs seen elsewhere on this blog.

    If a person’s clothes suit their personality and attitude, they don’t have to worry too much about bodytype.

  3. love the color of the dress..the design isn’t anything special..and i think her legs, thighs and the rest of her body are perfectly fine…

  4. Is it hust me or did she put on weight (even at Amrita’s sangeet…)
    whatever it is, it looks good on her (esp. in the face!) she looks fab, love the color

  5. Ok WHAT is with all the weight comments? If this woman is “ginormous”, then we are all in trouble! If anything, I don’t think she quite fulls out the bottom half of the dress, so if she’s gained weight, that can only be a good thing!

    Ladies, Priyanka is not the standard! *exhales*

    As for the dress, i love the shade of green. The fabric seems a little flimsy, but overall it is lovely and she wears it well.

  6. YAWN

    I would probably pass out from shock the day Malaika starts wearing outfits that cover more than just the middle section of her body.

    BTW, the dress is nice and a beautiful color.

  7. @kimmy: I KNOW!! Malaika has a toned, healthy body, and I think she looks fabulous. It’s nothing new, but this lady knows what works for her.

  8. Mandira’s outfit looks better. Malaika’s dress has a weird hem, doesn’t do anything for her legs. The color is very nice, though.

  9. I LOVE her shoes with this dress! The gold and olive together are perfect. Now I need to buy some reeeeaaally gold looking stilettos like that!

  10. I really like her dress…but her age is now showing up in her knees. As Hercule Poirot said, a woman’s knees can never lie about her age

  11. i cant bring myself to believe that people actully find malaika “ginormous/overweight”.
    she has an amazing figure and has the attitude to pull off whatever she wears.
    she maybe pear-shaped. but how many of us arent?
    enough with the rant i suppose. :P
    I LOVE the dress on mandira. and the color on malaika. and malaika’s haiR!

  12. I can’t believe that ppl think she has big hips and thighs!! Ladies, we really need to stop idolizing the stick think Hollywood figures of the West.. and start loving our curvy bodies. I’m sure 90% of us here on this site are curvy.. and curvy is healthy. And sexy. I do not want to be size zero and hope you guys will feel the same way too. It’s bad enough that the media keeps throwing it at us!

  13. same slutty dress cut up to there…that’s her style. would loooove to see her class it up for once. if you’ve ever seen her in real life- she’s 5 ft nothing, really does have a massive ass in proportion to the rest of her, has serious buck teeth and is really not so pretty…thank god for makeup and photogenic faces!!! BTW, here is another e.g. of the black thread around ankle…tacky square

  14. everyone had enough of the weight comments? Can i just add one more please?…. I have to say, I am so proud that so many of us here stood up for bigger proportioned hips and thighs… thank god! there’s hope yet… whatever shape and size Malaika may be, hat stands out most is that she is comfortable enough in her own skin to show tonnes of it… good on her!
    Ps – dress is uninspiring, love the shoes, love her face

  15. and.. y is it slutty if she wear a short dress..everyone wears them..i think she looks great..and comfortable in short clothess..

  16. PRECISELY. and i love the fact there are people like malaika around who make us want to sign out loud, like our own bodies better. in comparison to what a certain ms.chopra does to that body image. *sigh*


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