WLIFW Autumn 2009: Kiran Uttam Ghosh

Comment image 15

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  1. love the colors in the 2nd pic. violet, blue and bronze. gorgeous. the outfit is ok.

    what’s with the eye makeup. they all look like battered women

  2. i like the jackets…very chic! btw do i see models wearing tights under knee lenght outfits in some of the photos? (2nd & 4th row) its funky!

  3. i am honestly, sincerely curious as to why designers choose to have their models look strange via makeup. i can’t imagine how it enhances the outfit they are modeling in any way.

  4. peachbellini: may be so all the models look same and people conc more on cloths …

    I think collection is interesting ..but too many things on each outfit ..U can actually make 3 different wearable outfits out of one here ..teaming every thing will be a disastor in real life ..

    I liked the second dress the best ..but then it is something every boutique lady muct have stiched atleast 1000 times in her career ..


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