Changing It Up

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We are all for changing things up but at the same time, so glad to see Pia Trivedi go back to her curly, curly hair versus the ironed out look she experimented with! Also, seeing her do casual, me thinks a certain Soha might want to look her up for cues, you know, just to change things up once in a while??

As far as Mansi goes, we are just glad to see her ditch those pants! The dress is nothing exceptional but gotta say, she’s workin’ it!

Mansi Scott
Pia Trivedi

Edit: Ooops. Fixed Image

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  1. love the way Mansis waist shows! soo thin! but thats about it..
    like the print towards the top half on pia..and thats about it again!

  2. not fair to compare the two girls. Both were different events. Mansi is for the first time in all these years I have known her, looking well put together (overdoes the accessories). Pia looks relaxed and chilled out, something girls in Bombay are very good at doing


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