Karisma on “My Yummy Mummy Guide”: (Un)Covered

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The older Kapoor sister has a book too, a guide to being a Yummy Mummy. For the cover, it was a Pankaj and Nidhi dress.

Will you be buying the book?


Left: Karima Kapoor’s My Yummy Mummy Guide
Right: Pankaj and Nidhi Kalina Dress

Photo Credit: Penguin

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    • Exactlly! if this was deemed worthy enough of being at the cover I’m not thrilled or even curious as to what could possibly be inside the book!

      • Lol it says on the cover about how she lost weight. And I am sorry if you havent noticed but this is what all them indians are doing right now. Dressing up and aping every single western culture move. So it should be no suprise this book will talk about nothing but the western ways. Oh our dear culture, it will be missed

        • Since when is it Indian culture to not lose weight?Being slim and healthy is not a western concept.
          Every mum on this planet would love to go back to her pre pregnancy shape, So if someone like Karisma who’s so fit after 2 kids wants to share her tips with us, all I can say is we are really lucky!!
          I for sure am going to buy this.. its great to see an Indian book on this subject..Karisma was the perfect choice.

  1. I love her sense of style, minimalist and elegant. I would pick similar outfits for myself (ahem, if I had the money, of course!). And yes, if the book has many more pictures of her looking fabulous, I would definitely buy the book.

    • Oh, the only rant I have is about the pose. What’s with the hands up in the air look that all Indian moms on TV ads have perfected over the years? Such a dated pose. They use this for everything – to indicate their prowess at cooking fantastic meals or their ability to make clothes spotlessly white. She should have just put her hands down.

  2. Ugggh.

    Not for the dress, she looks cute.
    But the constant, never ending ‘yummification’ of us. Can we just leave it at you are mummy and how awesome is that? So much pressure to become yummy too.

  3. Haha such a huge book as a guide for being a yummy mummy.all u need is an army or domestic help and one nanny for each kid… Life gets simpler making a dull mummy a yummy one :) but karishma looks great on the cover

    • Hahaha She probably has 2 nannys or “bais” for each kid haha. or more. I can just imagine the book saying:
      Step one to being a yummy mummy: Hire a nanny for your child. Or 2. Now that you are free, enjoy your life and forget you had a child.

      • Wow! That is catty! Why assume that if you have a bai for your child, you ‘forget’ about your kid. Responsible parenting and money are inversely proportional?
        I can understand that the book is pushing a sterotype of a supermom who is always well groomed and also on top of things, go after that if you must. Why must you doubt her instincts and capabilities as a mom.

        • IMHO, i dont think the point was to judge her capability as a mum. It’s quite natural these days for us mortals to get annoyed looking at another privileged person speaking down from a high falutin POV, minting money telling others how to live their life. Marissa Mayer saying motherhood is easy was just as ridiculed, given she had built a creche in her office. People need to check their privilege before trumpeting their “success”.

  4. I love the dress!!! And she looks elegant as always! Not sure about the book though, I’m wondering what great tips on being a mom and losing weight a priveledged celebrity is going to offer!

  5. Lol I am sorry, but we all know her being a yummy mummy is no thanks to herself. Its just going on expensive diets and even more expensive fitness trainers and much much more expensive anti aging creams.
    But jokes aside anyone know where I can find this book online haha? I dont live in India :P

  6. I read an excerpt of the book today. She comes across as the Indian Gwyneth Paltrow…talking about managing her household staff, and teaching the “help” to manage her schedule. Privileged much?

    And seriously isnt being a mummy hard enough without the added pressure of being yummy as well? I am not a mummy, but I think this is grossly unfair!!


    • Seriously there’s no pressure to be yummy if u don’t want to be. But its great for some women who want to look after themselves as well as their kids!

    • The book is clearly not for those living in America who have no ‘help’. Middle class families in India have maid and gardener and an istri wala..maybe i`m missing some more …the rich in India have nannies as well.. hence it is made for those who live in that privileged country.


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