In Dolce & Gabbana

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Giving Shilpa a run for her money in a sequin Dolce & Gabbana was Kareena at the London premiere of Ra.One.

Kareena Kapoor at Ra.One London Premiere

Kareena Kapoor at Ra.One London Premiere

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  1. Flawless makeup! Beautiful face! love those earrings. Don’t really care much for the dress though! like glittery giftwrap complete with the bow!

  2. sorry, i totally vote for shilpa here…can any one beat that figure and look how she is working the dress !!
    kareena isnt bad but comes after shilpa definitely!

  3. Ouch! Bad, bad choice….the hair is awful, and the clothes are so unflattering – what’s with the ugly bow and the weird posture and the giant jewelry?
    Her make-up rocks, though. Wish she’d stuck to her Chamak Challo saree or picked a different dress…

    • Good, I wasnt the only one who thought that dress was bad. The hair is flat and dont like this look one bit.

      And pls dont compare this to Shipa. Shipa even though over done, killed that dress!

  4. Kareena individually is a beautiful woman. But you can’t compare anyone with Shilpa. Look at the bone structure, arms and the slender waist of Shilpa which makes any dress looks good, no matter what she wears. Kareena’s arms are looking large in this dress, which looks disproportionate to the rest of her body.

  5. Kareena does look very beautiful in this pic. But, is it me or is that a peek-a-boo of her strapless bra, or is the dress just made that way. HCC since you’re comparing Shilpa and Kareena in their D&G, Shilpa wins handsdown…noone has curves like Shilpa, who rocks her D&G. Infact Kareena looks as if she’s sucking her tummy in….it’s almost funny.

  6. the fit looks really weird. the dress seems to be too snug around the bust but it also looks like it’s falling off :/
    her hair is ok, but she has such gorgeous hair, it could have been better IMO

    shilpa totally blew me away in that dress, am usually not a fan but i got to give her credit there

  7. Gorgeous is the word..she looks absolutely stunning..glad she pulled her hair back cuz it show offs her awesome shoulder bone straucture..make up is picture perfect..understated accessories..all in all ..she hit the homerun with this one..!!

  8. Kareena looks ravishing n definitely gives the Twinkles n Suzannes and even younger stars a run for their money but nowhere close to Shilpa. Shilpa “THE BODY” is in a league of her own. Especially in that hot Dolce n Gabbana.

  9. Not a great dress…that weird flower thingy is well just that weird and what’s up with the hair??? She still manages to look good….certainly is one of the few “movie star” looking actresses.

  10. Even though I otherwise find Kareena quite gorgeous, I think Shilpa works the dress far better. her body is unbeatable and can carry a dress better. her bone structure and arms look great too. Kareena on the other hand, looks a bit tired and old, also the dress lacks detailing around the waist.

  11. Is she wearing the dress wrong? it seems like the black strap right at the boob level is suppose to be on the inside. Glad she’s toned down the makeup but shilpa wins this hands down.

  12. Neck up , Kareena looks gorgeous. But in terms of an overall look, Shilpa wins hands down – it was not necessarily a better dress (i like the graphic print on this one) but it was a great dress, and it fit well, whereas the bad (and unflattering) fit on this dress takes away so much. Plus, Shilpa’s overall look just won out. I’m not even going to mention the figure.

    P&P – Is there a runway pic for comparison? This dress fits poorly on Kareena, especially at the waist, and I am wondering whether the belt is an add-on, rather than part of the original outfit – esp. because it hides the major portion of the red sequins.

    • I don’t think the dress has any ‘graphic print’ or red sequins. That’s the red carpet reflecting off off those sequins on her gown! Tricky image I know!

  13. Gahhh I truly wish she had pulled up her dress to not show cleavage and just allow her neck, clavicles and shoulders to do the talking because that would have been just beautiful (cover her with ur finger and ull see what I mean)

  14. Kareena has bags under her eyes….the dress is so fugly… that bow thing is such sore point… her hair seems dirty oily.. not the slicked back sorts…. and her shoulders look humongous to the rest of her figure!!!

    p.s. that square jaw can put Johny Bravo to shame

  15. Seems like she is wearing her Corset under her dress to get her figure right!! Not working… and Shilpa looks way more attractive and has owned the dress.


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