Kareena on Marie Claire: (Un)Covered

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Marie Claire’s seventh anniversary issue is all about influencers of 2013 with Kareena featuring on the cover. Even though its a black Costume National gown on the cover, the waist-high slit revealing the shorts and the Dior neckpiece make the look stand out quite a bit.

You can catch her photoshoot for it below wearing Naeem Khan and Reem Acra.


Kareena Kapoor on Marie Claire June 2013


Left: NAeem Khan, Spring 2013
Right: Reem Acra, Spring 2013

Photo Credit: Style, Twitter

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  1. blah blah blah, clothes r great, photos r great. i’m passionate about everything and can’t give any intelligent answers. but she’s hot anyway and she’s werkin that black dress.

  2. she looked incredibly stunning in the red reem accra dress in the video. at the end of the clip they showed a bit from the finished marie claire kareena article and it showed a quote from kareena, “when you think movie star, you think kareena kapoor”. really, that’s too arrogant. i have met in passing, some people who are much more successful and rich than kareena and what struck me was their humbleness. it’s off putting to come across such a brat.

    • I don’t think humility is a word that many movie stars understand. I agree with you that real achievers are nearly always modest, and happily attribute their success to happenstance and a fortunate turn of events. For example, Bill Gates is happy to mention the role of his family’s economic circumstance and a number of other factors, in his success (I read of this in Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers-a great read about how truly remarkable success is often a result of factors outside the individual’s control). I think being in a profession where they are easily replaced by someone younger, movie stars and models forever struggle with insecurity. It doesn’t help that the world they’re surrounded with is so incredibly shallow and vain. They’re just mirroring the microcosm of the world that they inhabit.

  3. I honestly find this quite boring and uninspired for a magazines anniversary issue cover.
    With such a gorgeous face like Kareena’s who can look amazingly stunning in the simplest photographs, this just does’nt make it. Its got no character and presence.

  4. to Karishma
    sometimes people who make quotes like Kareena are the ones who are honest about their stardom.Nobody who is hugely successful or rich can claim to be unaware of their status.That is offputting. I like that fact that she Admits it , and still continues to work hard at her movies giving some stunning performances

  5. How on God’s green earth does Kareena Kapoor “inspire change” I would love to know. Suffice to say, they just needed a movie star on the cover and Nirupama Rao or Mary Kom wouldn’t sell the mag, I guess.
    Well, mission accomplished. She looks good. I would still buy it only for the other women, anyway.

  6. No matter how gorgeous her face…or how gorgeous her clothes…I find she gives the same old expression in every picture in every magazine….so the end result is pretty but “meh” and “uninspired”.

    Similarly she gives the same wide eyed expression when she tries to act sexy in every single movie…..

  7. I’m not sure how I feel about the cover. It’s not bad but not really that great either….kind of blah. Love the makeup and the statement neckpiece though


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