Fresh Off The Runway!

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Malaika appeared at the Apriati jewelry showcase in a Surily Goel creation that was just showcased at WLIFW Fall 2008.(See model to the right of Carol.)

Looking at the dress below from Hermes Spring 2008, is it obvious or is it obvious where Surily got her inspiration from?

Hermes Spring 2008

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  1. It’s good for the people who can’t afford Hermes and want to keep up with the trend, but too bad for Hermes. In a way it’s complimenting Hermes dress because people love it so much that they want to create their version of it.
    The dress actually looks like an inspiration from the white sari with black/gold borders worn by actors in hindi movie near river/waterfall. It’s funny how westerners took the elements from India and then Indian designers went on to borrow from them when they are actually their own. I hope they will use their resources well before borrowing from others.

  2. no she does not. Mallu is a pal and looks great. What no camera can catch is that she oozes sex appeal, lovely girl, not a bad bone in her body, but then she does not reveal that either.

  3. someone should do somethign abt the plagiarism. though what that something is, fails me.

    on the other hand – i cant imagine anyone other than malaika in that dress. she has a fantastic body. and a lovely back.

  4. Did someone say plagiarism? Excuse moi silvous’ plait!!! That Hermes dress is a bloody fooken SAREE. What about THAT plagiarism? I hate how the parisian and ny fashion designers take everything TO the T from local Indian crafts and then sell it for a fortune as a “Creation”. Kenneth Jay Lane is such a bloody prime example. Wtf I’m mad. What happened to fashion being art in motion.

  5. dats not really copying..copying is when u do it 100%..Surily has done a variation…which can be counted as an inspiration ;) lol ..malaika looks gorgeous*


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