Freida At Oscar Wilde Awards: A First Look

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Just when I was about to write off Freida for giving us lackluster appearances on TV, she does quite a turnaround in a yellow strapless number at the 4th Annual ‘Oscar Wilde: Honoring The Irish In Film’ Awards. Is there something in the air, because this is the third time we are seeing really red rose hued lips (after Sonam) and this one is a first for Freida who normally goes with nude.

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Update: The lips are not red but more of a rose hue.

Another Update: Freida is in Missoni spotted by Fashion Critic.


Left: Freida Pinto At The 4th Annual ‘Oscar Wilde: Honoring The Irish In Film’ Awards
Right: Missoni, Spring 2009


Freida Pinto At The 4th Annual ‘Oscar Wilde: Honoring The Irish In Film’ Awards

freida-tyra-banks-show.jpg freida-jay-leno.jpg

Left: Freida and Dev on The Tyra Banks Show
Right: Freida on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno

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  1. Like the yellow dress.It’s OK types. Don’t like the shoes too much.
    But what is she wearing on the Jay Leno show?It’s looking horrible.

  2. Ooh I actually found out who Freida’s stylist is – George Kotsiopoulos! Phew, its good, albeit slightly evil, to know that she’s got someone to help her choose those yummy dresses!

  3. i like the dress she is wearing on the tyra banks show, very classic. The dress on the right is too big for her frame. She is not tall enough to carry the massive belt.

  4. i think she looks reaally nice in the yellow dress.. the fit is perfect for her! as for the make up.. i think she’s looking very fresh! i like her in jay leno’s show as well..the grey dress i feel is toodull for her!

  5. she looks cute in yelllow, but the red lips aren’t looking good in this pic, may be a close up is better,

    yana gupta does red lips very well

  6. i think she looks alright in the yellow. its very blah though. from what i saw on youtube..her dress was kinda saggy on the tyra looked like she wasn’t wearing a bra. and thats one monstrosity on jay leno. what happened to the fashion forward freida? i also agree w/ preeths. she comes off as cocky in some of her pics. i hope she brings it on for the oscars!!!!

  7. That’s not red lipstick, maybe you need to check a magnified photo. I don’t like any of the looks; prefer the second dress if I had to pick, but she looks bland there.

  8. For god’s sake will she ever wear a sari or anything remotely Indian anytime in the near future ?? She blissfully seems to ignore the fact that her roots are Indian. There’s no better way one can showcase their own culture in all its glory than before American media coz if done the right way they are the first one’s to lap it up and give it the recognition that its long overdue on an International level. Hope she is saving for the best and does a turnaround for the Oscars.

  9. Obsequious, fake spontanaiety, and totally self-focused. Last night’s Leno had her in a mumu kind of dress, overly leaning to please, flashing smiles, took the spotlight. I find her subtle digs at India to cater to the stereotypes, as well as her inbuilt need to graze into greener pastures a tad tiresome. Yet she is getting the mileage exactly because of the enchantment that is India, and knows when to capitalize. The west is only now discovering india, ARR was a blip on the show, and was introduced erroneously as AJR, This borders on the ignorance of Leno and his ilk to the body of work this man has put in. What has Freida achieved to receive so much adulation?

  10. haha all you women are so jealous.. thats y all the bitching! Feel good for her, she’s done really well for herself, and she deserves all the accolades. besides, it’s hard to please everyone, when you are being scrutinized day in and day out!

  11. And why does she have to wear a sari or something Indian? she already has in the past. Geez, you people will find anything to criticize, what jealousy. Just like with Aish.

  12. Now, coming back to her dressing.. I’m a bit disappointed to hear that she has a stylist!
    Her dressing seems to have come down a *bit* honestly.. not much…but then, you can’t always look your super best 24/7, so we can bear a bit.
    Overall, it’s still not bad though. I do like the yellow a lot…and I love how she doesnt shy away from color. The grey doesnt work for me..Though both outfits (tyra show & leno show) are well stylistically, the colors, I think, make her skin look a bit ashy.

  13. I hope she wears something Indian at the oscars…it would be a nice way to promote the movie and country. Though I love her outfit in tyra..the jay leno one I did not get. But she was sweet in both shows.

  14. P and P,I am very proud of you guys.I can see all the trashy comments gone :) Good job on keeping this web-site clean.About Frieda’s dress,I love the yellow one though she does look a little tired in the Tyra Banks show.I think the Jay Leno outfit looks interesting,maybe a full length shot will help.

  15. yea… PnP have an OCD for deleting every comment that doesnt not agree with what they say.. even if its a healthy discussion… w/o foul language

    wonder why it doesnt happen in ash-bashin posts???

  16. Freida looks a little over made up in my eyes in the ‘Oscar Wilde: Honoring The Irish In Film’ event. I feel that she looks beautiful with a simple and subtle make-up as she has got a good bone structure of face…

  17. ..and why do you guys delete comments if its not offensive? what happened to freedom of speech? i don’t think I said anything that would hurt someone…

  18. anastasia,
    We respect freedom of speech, after all we write a blog that comments on other people. Having said that, our goal is to keep the commentary mostly about fashion and personality( part of that includes how a person presents themselves.)

    All the above topics are acceptable, but when people get into personal matters (more tabloidy…)we have to draw the line. Having said that, did approve your comment after a second look.

    Hopefully the personality part above answers your question about Ash posts.

  19. @me – That is so true! I read somewhere that Freida is moving to NY. Ummmm…for what??
    Coming back to fashion, I think her look is getting repetitive. Also, because we are seeing too much of her, she doesn’t look as fresh and appealing as before. Hope she has a good surprise lined up at the Oscars!

  20. i just saw Freida and the cast of SD at Mr. Chow restaurant in beverly hills, she was in a salwar kameez. Looked good, may be she wear an indian outfit tomorrow.

  21. “For god’s sake will she ever wear a sari or anything remotely Indian anytime in the near future ??”

    She’s under no obligation to walk around in saris and salwars just because she’s Indian, that’s analogous to saying Japanese girls should only wear the kimono whenever they have special events (which, to me, sounds a bit absurd). Also, she wore a sari at a couple of promo events including the Mumbai premiere, so I don’t see what the complaints are about.
    Freida can wear whatever she likes as long as she’s happy with it and all her bits are covered- she’s under no obligation to ‘represent’ just because of where she’s from.

    That said, I like the red lip on her, but the Jay Leno show dress looks a bit loose in the pic- not her best choice. And what’s wrong with having a stylist? Most of Hollywood has one, it’s practically standard procedure.

  22. I am looking for the designer of the SHOES she wore with the dress on Leno. IF you get a photo of those you will see they are AMAZING! They look like the Gucci pair, but I am unsure. Any help??

  23. The dress Freida is wearing in the Jay Leno dress might be a Catherine Malandrino Fall 2009 collection though the neckline is a little different

  24. What’s so great about her? She looks like the girl-next-door. And NOT in a good way. Ordinary looking. Any average girl from India can be transformed into something like this with make-up and some grooming.


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