You Asked. We Listened. Somewhat.

Comment image 37

Well, well, well! Wasn’t that an interesting 48 hours?

The layout changed, you guys left a whole lot of feedback and we listened

First and foremost, you missed that very readable layout, and guess, what! It’s back. Somewhat. Nope, the home page won’t be the same way it was before but you only have to click the CELEB STYLE category in the menu or VIEW ALL POST button to see all the celeb related posts the way you liked it before.

The P & P Section and Shop also have been changed to the same readable format.

Unfortunately, we will be keeping the HOME page as is. Think of it as a headlines section, a table of contents that helps one get to their favorite section. Or an interesting post. Like ongoing Giveaways that you would’ve missed participating in in the older format. Or a Star Speak section.

We will continue making tweaks here and there and believe us, we are reading every single one of your comment. So keep them coming. We may change some things but some things will remain. Case in point, some of the ads. It takes a lot of effort from our side to keep this blog running and hey, we also deserve to earn a lil’ bread and butter.

Thank you to each and every one for sticking with us.

P.S. Hope the images below help in explaining how to get to your beloved Celeb section.



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  1. Yay! So happy ( and secretly glad) that the old readable layout is back. Thanks! Ok, now off to binge read all the posts I missed since past few days. Ta-ta. :-)

  2. Hi P and P,
    The changed layout must have taken a lot of work. It is understandable that you get some compensation with the ads as well. However, the lay out is very reminiscent of Red Carpet Fashion Awards which was one of the similar fashion blogs. Anyways, here are a few things to maybe polish out the look ;)

    1) Please consider the margins. The lay out is stretched to the extremes of the computer screen which forces the eyes to quite a workout.
    2) The ads are meant to be eye catching, its understandable. But is there anyway to reduce the size of the boxes? Some of these ads are detailed, if one needs to, one can click to find out more.
    3) Please increase the size of the font of the link that takes to the Comments section…very hard to find.
    4) Wish there was some space at the end of the picture instead of the main body of the comment where you guys can comment what you thought of the clothes/look etc
    eg. instead of do you guys like this? or what do you think of this look? at the end of the pic, maybe you can have a section like: Our take: blah blah.
    Thank you for all that you do!

  3. It was lovely to see how well you explained the celeb style drop down it was just the same ole way comfortable way of browsing, so instantly i was happy.
    I do not want to take from the fact that I love love the upgrade, love the calendar feature, love how you have interviews and some video space put in. The follow us on Insta is really cute and what you like. Thank you for going all out of your way to work on making the experience such a journey for us.

    I was first introduced to your site when i worked with Esprit i look back over 6 years I think and I can only say its been lovely following you:)

    I cant imagine the crazy 48hrs you have had but I want you to know we really appreciate all the hardwork you put in for us. Sending you both loads of love

  4. Dear PnP
    I have been an avid reader of your site for last 5 years. However, since my workplace provides limited bandwidth, the new layout takes ages to load and let me not say about the time it takes to click on any post! I know you have to work hard to maintain the site and the ads are here to facilitate your efforts, but would you please keep in kind consideration about the time required for page load on slow connection networks. The simplicity of the previous site was awesome and I am already missing it.

  5. The font size is way too too small. Making it very difficult to read anything. Added with everything else, it is taxing to the eyes.

  6. Dear PnP

    Thanks for changing the style page in a very readable layout. As a user we dont want complicated click to read a whole post but the changing is great. Also I like the front page as it is. As for advertisement it should be up to yourself whether u want to change it or not. In fact it is not bothering me at all. You guys are doing and running this page with your work and investing time in it while we as users are reading for it for free – so OF COURSE u should earn money on this. Many other bloggers are doing so why not u. Nothing wrong with it as long – well in my opinion – that u are transparent when a post is sponsored or not.
    I think people should give it a time. It takes time to adjust to the changes :)

  7. Why fix something that hasn’t been broken? Miss the vibe of the old site and I agree with other commentators that it has become increasingly difficult to navigate the site. I understand that you’re trying to branch out from a wordpress-style vanilla fashion blog to a fashion editorial style function, and I hear you on the ads but was it really necessary?

    You might have hired a web designer for the site layout, but they seem rather inexperienced. Since you say you are reading ALL comments, here are my major gripes that makes this site impractical: Font size is tiny and everything is too white adding a lot of strain of the eyes. If you are going to go with the white and tiny font size, at least decrease the width of the margins.There is faaaarrr too much motion on the homepage. Instead of having big pictures swipe to the left and make your viewers nauseous, try a soft fade.

  8. “Unfortunately, we will be keeping the HOME page as is.”

    Unfortunate for you guys for sure, this rigidity and overall condescending tone of the post made you lose one more avid fan.

  9. I hate your new layout soooo much. I’m a regular visitor of your website but from the time you changed the layout, I’ve visited only once. I’m already searching for your replacement. I won’t be visiting here anymore.

  10. thank you for listening and proactively listening! sure wasn’t easy with all the negative feedback and making the change o fast..
    a tiny suggestion would be if you could add back the ‘tags’ under each enhanced the browsing greatly

    thanks again…best

  11. Thank you, I just posted a comment expressing my dislike for the new format and found that you guys have blessed us with the option to go back.

    Now I can congratulate you from my heart on the new layout.
    I will be continue to be a regular visitor (as I have been for past 5 years) to the celeb style page. Don’t care for rest of the pages (atleast not yet), first I need to recover from the trauma that I have gone through in the past few days when I couldn’t access the old layout.

  12. Thanks for bringing back the readable format. I don’t really mind the Home page as I can always navigate myself to the posts.
    I don’t mind the ads either but it the flashing ads that are a problem.
    If an ad was just an unchanging image or text, it would be fine. But when it flashes or changes images, it hurts my eyes.
    Please make the ads less flashy!

  13. Thank you for making it easy to read again. I was a little startled when the layout changed and thank you for taking opinions into account. Just my two cents worth, I did not find your post condescending at all. I just thought you guys capitalised the word HOME to highlight it as title or something when you guys said you were letting it remain as it is.
    Not a web designer or anything, but I find the new changes quite easy to navigate. afraid I can’t give you guys any useful comments, but just want to say keep up the good work.
    You guys have made me love Indian fashion and designers for the past… I dunno, 3 – 4 years? Coming from a Singaporean Chinese, who has absolutely NO CONNECTION to any Indian roots whatsoever… I think, this website rocks.


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