In Twos

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Anushka’s style mantra has always been easy-going. She almost always opts for simple looks which in a world where everyone is going for flashy, makes her stand out. You’ll also notice that the actress rarely ever is seen in heavy duty jewellery.

Of her two looks from the two awards show, which one are you liking more? Neither are glamorous, I agree, but like I said earlier, that just is Anushka’s style.

Anushka Sharma
Left: At Apsara Awards 2011
Right: At Radio Mirchi Awards 2011

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. she looks stunning in the black dress, also the hair suits her better than the awful fringe thing she has in the other pic.
    I love her simple style, its smart and sophisticated. Others when they do simple its done in a seriously casual way, jeans with hedious tops etc.

  2. i love the fitted look, i especially love that she stayed in a similar color family to the stripe detail on the outfit, but didn’t make the mistake of matching it perfectly. given that the outfit pulls your eyes all the way to the feet, an anklet on just one foot would have made for an unexpected but lovely accessory.

  3. Wow I think she looks great in both pictures… I like the dress with the pink stripes… she’s so pretty she doesn’t need all the other gear to dress up :)

  4. I think it works for her!When you are young and in good shape, you can pull off anything. Really like the no/little jewellery approach- the clothes are nothing to write home about- but she isnt excatly a fashion icon!

  5. gawsh u guys why do you always make excuses for her. i mean arent you the chaps who want women to look all put together even while travelling.

    if this were someone else youd be “a little effort never hurt anyone” .

  6. When I first saw the black dress on Anushka, i was not a fan. However, having seen it again, I am starting to like the look. The thing is, Anushka always elevates her looks; it’s never her clothes taking her to the next level. She just seems so comfortable and unfussy in whatever she wears. I mean, this is the girl who wore a Mango dress to IIFA, if my memory serves me right, and ended up looking better than most of the couture-clad ladies at the event.

  7. I love this kid… she is gorgeous! I think we have another star on our hands. I wish though that she would dress up…she would look fabulous in anything! HHC, maybe you can style her? ;)

  8. She looks great – and is such a breath of fresh air..just what Bollywood needs! Simple lines, a face not caked with makeup, gorgeous hair. I love it!


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