Not Quite

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It’s rare that Anushka has a miss-step and I believe this appearance is the first. Neither digging the top nor the necklace…

Anushka Sharma at Taj Express Musical

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Anushka looks very prettyd radiant..especially in the last pic. I dont see anything wrong with this top, though I am not sure of the beads.

  2. U know – on anyone else I would’ve agreed. But she manages to pull this off too. So jealous of how she can make just about everything work.

  3. Really? I for one like the top as well as the necklace, infact the top is quite cute…& overall its a smart look. Also, she’s working the hell out of those wide legged pants!

  4. I don’t like the top, but I think she pulls it off quite well.
    On anyone else it would have looked terrible!

    Btw.. your spam protection by making us do math…hilarious! :D

  5. I might be one of the few that agree with P&P. Except, I think it’s far worse than a not quite. Necklace and top are a mess and not really digging the trousers.


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