Front Row Fashion

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Anand and Sonam took in the Giorgio Armani show on Sunday at Milan Fashion week with the former opting for a charcoal grey suit and the latter, a velvet and grey gown paired with a matching blazer and contrast pendant earrings.

Yes, that was a lot more décolletage than we are used to, but she made it work by keeping everything else simple. As for Mr. Ahuja, should we be glad, he isn’t wearing sneakers. :P

Anand Ahuja and Sonam Kapoor

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  1. For a change, Mr. Ahuja isn’t wearing sneakers and it worked lol. I really hope he stops wearing those gigantic sneakers. Don’t understand what’s so attractive about them. :S

    • He owns sneaker stores in delhi and Mumbai. I agree about the fact that not every outfit looks good with sneakers, but mr. Ahuja has a quirky / interesting sense of style.

      • I agree with you too about him having an interesting style! It’s just that I feel like they don’t go with just every single outfit he wears. Maybe changing it up once in a while would help?

  2. I saw a picture of the couple sitting in the crowd. Cate blanchett was sitting next to her in a silk blouse. Sonam looked totally out of place. Everyone around her was fully covered, crisp and stylish and then there was sonam with her unnecessary boob show. And sunglasses. Inside. She looked clownish. I always thought that at times she tries too hard but nothing made it more obvious than this event.

    • I agree. I wish HHC allowed photo uploads (or uploaded such images) with other event attendees juxtaposed with Sonam sitting with her sweeping gowns looks. There are more appearances than this one where she seems totally out of place. Over dressed, over-accessorised or whiter than white make-up.

    • Factually incorrect. The show was held outdoors and pictures show sun and shadows. So, it’s wrong to say that she looked out of place because she was wearing sunglasses inside. She was not.
      Also, ugh what’s up with the whole “everyone was covered up and she is displaying her boobs” trope? This tone reeks of policing women’s bodies and the way they dress. Time’s really up for that. The gown she wore was especially beautiful up top and quite ill fitted in the skirt. Fact.

      • I dont see what policing womens bodies has to do with basic dressing sense. It is a fact that this wasnt a red carpet event and she was the only one sitting there eith a deep plunge. Fact.
        The photos were outside but the event was indoors where usually shades arent required. Fact.

        • I don’t see what the fact that this wasn’t a red carpet event have to do with the depth of her neckline. A deep plunge on a RC is A-ok but not in the front row of a runway show? Who made these rules anyway?
          Way to go ahead and prove my original point that policing women’s bodies and dressing is an ingrained/internalized behavior that jumps out in discussions like these.
          Once again, you’re incorrect about the location. There was sunlight beaming in pictures but at this point it’s like beating a dead horse with the HHC audience that has made up its mind. #factsonly

      • I agree with Sam.. y do skin show only to look apart when you can show class without skin show. Seriously y pick on people for body shaming while they aren’t .
        The cleavage really does look awkward n I saw some videos where she had to be in a particular position all the time to keep it as is. Most of the time Hollywood actresses wear very narrow cleavage or very very well hugging ones.

        also let’s not support skin show just for the heck of it, n be supportive of what’s aesthetically great only. #wannabeforward

        • Please point out where I said that she is being body shamed? Policing what women wear is not the same as being body shamed. Know the difference. Oh and that hashtag..uhh, better than being #ignorant, yes?

        • Yeah Sonam please don’t do skin show. Come to HHC to learn how to show class without skin show. Just take a peek at all these classy comments- not at all full of ignorant ideas.

  3. She looks great! The Sonam we love is temporarily back since we know she is going to get back to wearing garba tops with distressed culottes and sneakers along with aunty jhumkas once she is back in India

  4. He brings her look down. His suit needed to be sharp but it looks sloppy. She looks nice but needed a better dressed accessory – husband – same thing lol


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