In Manish Malhotra

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It’s been a while since I have liked let alone loved a Manish Malhotra creation. I think that streak was broken today. Yes, it’s the same ole, same ole from the designer but I guess because it’s a toned down look, am loving this white suit on Aishwarya. Such a vast cry from the horrendous velvet one that she wore at the movie’s music launch in Kuala Lumpur.

P.S. Robot is the hindi title of Endhiran.

Aishwarya Rai at Robot Music Launch in Mumbai

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Haha robot is hindi title of Endhiran ;). The dress is ok. But i have noticed Ash can carry gold and ‘chamkila stuff’ better than many, may be her skin tone, dont know.

    • Still i dont think the hair colour looks that nice. Her natural more blackish hair colour looks way better on her. I know she is the model for a certain hair colouring product line, but still am not sure if that means she got to use it all the time.

    • i think we are not willing to accept that she is getting old. after all she has been “marketed/promoted” as the most beautiful woman in the national and international platform from the beginning of her career till now that all her effort comes down to her looks only most of the time.

  2. I dont like anything about this look.
    She is looking tired and dull, and the hair color does not suit her. That gold border looks tacky, it should have been a nice rich gold color border on the white dress.
    I prefer the kaula lampur look over this one.

    • Nice to see atleast one other person also thinks that this hair colour does not suit her.
      As for the clothes, i dont like this or the KL look much.

  3. it’s so unfair to call her dull and old. She’s beautiful and ageing just fine. Please stop being so harsh on her. For someone who is literally living on the plane and out of suitcases and attending to both sides of her family, she’s looking damn fine. we need to start accepting Ash for the strong person she is and really stop with the insensitivity. More power to you, Ash.

  4. MM needs to be banned from the face of earth. Serious lack of vision and repetition of designs. I mean my Rani Tailors can do a better job, and they charge only Rs. 200 for tailoring the stuff MM makes.

  5. She has a gorgeous face. Not a fan of the MM suit but i think it fares better than most. The white & red suits her and adds to glam factor. Overall, a good look.

    PS: You mean Robot is the Hindi dubbed version of tamil movie Endhiran right?

    • yeah agree on that MM part. i am surprised to say that i like this salwar kameez, but she shouldn’t have worn any bracelets, bangle and big rings.

      the rich ppl need to know that we know that u are rich, and that u need not wear all ur big jewellery pieces at once all the time.

    • Yepm thats right. Actually the movie was called robot in Tamil initially too. but the govt there, offered some tax cuts for Tamil movies having Tamil names instead of english titles.

  6. Comments about how old aishwarya looks have absolutely nothing to do with fashion. You guys are very lax about what is appropriate on a fashion blog.
    Most of the time there are comments about how old/ broad/fat/thin/tall/chunky someone in the picture is

  7. everything is the same!!she always looks the same!!
    but i must say her hair color is horrible she looks like a vamp with that hair color and so much makeup on…she is beautiful she doest have to load herself with makeup…and i dont like the dress!!

    • D’you know that VAMP is defined as a woman who uses her sex appeal to entrap and exploit men…totally inaapropriate for a fashion blog or for addressing any one you don’t really know. P&P, I have to agree with the comment of A above – stick to the fashion. This is not a forum for airing your general frustrations with life or your limited vocabulary! You need to be more discerning when screening comments…

      • Trisha,
        She just said the color makes her look like a vamp. She hasn’t called her a vamp. Let’s not over-interpret things and take every word literally.

        We cannot predict all the time how someone will read into a comment. To us, it’s completely harmless, she is just comparing with movie vamps of the 80s because they had a certain look.

      • i think you should be more open minded when visiting a fashion blog and should be more perceiving about the way others comment on celebrities!! this is how we picture a vamp wearing too much makeup and trying to be light haired thats what i meant and its simple….but u didnt get it so its not my limited vocabulary, its your limited imagination but still i apologize!!

        • P&P its your blog and you decide how classy you want it to be..I don’t need an apology! – this anonymous Ash bashing may be a sport for some, but I would rather use my imagination (limited or not) for better purposes :)

        • Trisha ,I dont think she has written anything that pnp can object to directly. but i know where you are coming from. I am sure you must be reading this blog from long time like me . And so like me you must have got irritated with her sheer viciousness to Ashwariya’s post. Her dislike is so evident that it does look like frustation and may annoy some people.

          Ash is no god and has very ok sense of fashion so may draw lot of flak but imust say@ uumema your comments sound too personal when it comes to her more than a lot others and so i am not surprised that some one pointed that out ( and that i joined the bandwagon :)). We may be wrong and you dont own any explanation to anyone for what you think but so do.
          And what is this vamp explantion.. very funny!
          I hope you take it in good spirit.

    • reminds me of the horrible hair colour and perennially untouched roots Kareena used to sport 4-5 years ago. Its ironic that while Kareena has moved on to a more flattering look Ash would fall victim to the monstrosity.

  8. this is exactly what i wouldnt NOT wear. ever. tacky tacky tacky cheap bling outfit out of an ekta kapoor serial. ugh. throw it away immediately. i agree with PnP, her outfit in the other endirhan music promo event was even worse, if thats possible.

    • LOL, Varu, You are right. She is wearing watches in both hands… I had to scroll up again after seeing your comment.

      Wow, I wonder why. Maybe she is keeping time for two places… LOL, or I guess she is showing diff looks as per her endorsement deal. Only Ash knows.

      • GAWD!!!!!!!!!!! what kinda fashion is this… looks stupid to me. If she did it intentionaly, she has no sense at all, forget about fashion. But its funny…

        Atleast we found out something more interesting then just discussing her same old boring hair color and dressing up sense …. :P :P

        Next time Three watches… May be as a pendant….

  9. hmmm i dont like this look, somehow its just same ol same ol. I want to see her in something younger, cooler and western. She’s so beautiful and she’s just wasting it under all this cloth.

  10. she reminds me of Maduhri and 80s hair style and makeup..I think we wont see a day that Mrs. Bachen will get her fashion right..if the outfit is nice her makeup is not if the makeup is fine the hair is past due and old…she needs to fire her stylist

  11. There are so many remarks on here about how old Ash looks, or how tired yada yada yada… if we could but see how her esteemed co-star was dressed for his movie… 70 year old desperately trying to hang on to his youth wearing outlandish toupees, pretending to be young with horrible make-up, acting with beautiful women half or one third his age… sick-making!! Women are not allowed to age gracefully, and the older men making fools of themselves trying to be young forever are never called out on it… what an industry.


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