At The Races

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Aishwarya attended the Royal Ascot race on Monday wearing a lace dress with a custom fascinator by Philip Treacy. Considering she was last seen in traditional wear at the Singapore race event last year, we’re glad that she stuck to the dress code here.

She looked nice but the belt felt like an after-thought and made the dress look too prom-ey.


Aishwarya Rai at Royal Ascot 2013

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        • That is her original skin color actually. Aishwarya is not Shilpa Shetty & other B-wood actresses to wear creepy foundation lighter than her original skin color. Kareena Kapoor also has very light skin why does no one say to her that’s not her original skin color? Aishwarya has light eyes & light skin we know that can we move on please?

  1. Is that a wedding present with a bow and all? Just kidding, I think she looks nice and I kind of like the belt as its breaking up all that white. Wish it didn’t have a bow on it though.

  2. How lovely is the real ash – no huge hair extensions , no caked on makeup and no tent like outfit . This is a lovely outfit for a pretty real woman . Thumbs up

  3. Watched the interview where she spoke about how this was her dress of choice from the selection she was given. I am thinking the others must have been pretty bad if she chose this one. I am not feeling all that lace, nor the hat really. It’s too girly. But her face is her saving grace.

  4. pretty dress without the belt. IMO, she is not aging well, and something about her expression has changed. I LOVED that red lengha she wore in Singapore. and I love how no one is commenting on her amazing shape now that she’s slimmed down…

    • lol @ the shape comment! Must be because they can not hate on her for it. People like to find flaws in charismatic actresses like her to make themselves feel better…

    • She is aging so much better than a lot of people in Bollywood and let’s face it even Hollywood. Catherine Zeta Jones age 43 couple of years older than Aish has wrinkles around her eyes with & without make up. Same thing with Heidi Klum who is the same age as Aishwarya. If you look at HQ pics of Aishwarya’s face from her recent appearances like from the Cleopatra premiere you will see no sign of aging. So sorry but I disagree with you on that age comment. I don’t see how anyone can see that. She has better skin than some twenty-somethings.

      • She does have good skin (which she sadly covers with loads of make-up), but it’s not fair to compare her to Zeta Jones, who has had major health and stress issues, and Heidi Klum who has had 4 kids, and the reason Klum has wrinkles is because she is thin. If Ash loses weight from her face, wrinkles might start showing up for her too. I also know many people in their 40s who are not celebrities and have naturally gorgeous skin, even without make-up.

        • I think it’s very fair to compare her to them. If ppl can say why can’t Aishwarya lose weight easily like Victoria B and Angelina J knowing that Indian women are different than western women then I can surely compare Rai to Klum and Zeta Jones and say how much better she has aged than them. I’m just speculating here, but I think Rai must take care of her skin through natural Indian methods of ayurvedic products & what not. And please wrinkles don’t appear on your face because you’re thin they happen because you’re getting old.
          I truly believe black women age the best look at Angela Bassett, Halley Berry, Kenya Moore, etc while white women age the worst.

  5. It is a prom dress and the fascinator is not great but how much better she looks compared to the green overworked Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla atrocity she wore some time back

  6. OMG ! what an aish !!!
    she’s looking so so good .. after so so long..
    Gorgeous !

    Thank god for having ditched the AJSK tents !!!!!!!

    yay !

  7. Good to see her wearing something that doesn’t hide her in a tent. Hope this continues! The fascinator is weird though – looks like a pigeon or something…

  8. Has to give it to her – she looks good. Having said that, the belt looks boring and I think she could have opted for some other bright colors to cheer the gloomy UK weather we had yesterday.

  9. Oh come on!!! She looks stunning! Pls stop with the nitpicking, one doesn’t even notice the belt when so much gorgeousness is going on elsewhere…plus the belt doesn’t exactly bring the look down.

  10. Give or take a thing or two she is looking beautiful.

    As for the shape comments, I hope Ash learnt through her flab-fight what unattainable standards of beauty these divas portray. The weight, the botox, what not. They make it impossible for women to come up to those standards and life down there isn’t easy.

    If anything she should use her celebrity clout to promote healthier images!

    • hasn’t she done that by being herself. By saying at Cannes that she’s not bothered by all the talk about her weight. By walking the red carpet when people were calling her fat.

  11. Can anyone id the dress? Sounds like she herself did not know who she wore.

    I actually like the hat. Although I found it too safe to be a custom Philip Tracy.

  12. I love the white on her, it makes her look so youthful. Why has she been wearing black most of the time? Also, Ash, please throw away cakes of make-up, because you look simply stunning in this kind of make-up. Hair is not styled too much, which makes her look fun.
    The dress could fit better on top, but she looks good nevertheless, and neck-up she looks gorgeous!

  13. Aishwarya has started to feel like an aunty who just can’t pull of these kinds of looks. Its all right in theory but on her it just looks so out of place.

  14. Neck up, she looks lovely. Figure looks good too. Wow! But that dress, with the belt and the frill at the bottom is totes barbie – if you like that sort of thing! Not fashion.

  15. Hair and make up are spot on. Her pretty face saves the look because the dress looks like something picked up from a suburban mall.

  16. Love the look, she looked the best at the event and even the international fashion police found her awesome!

    Wonder when ppl at highheelconfidential will appreciate how good Ash looks.

  17. to the blog owners, if you want the board to be taken seriously as a fashion blog you need to do a little more moderation with the comments..

    why are you approving ageist and sexist comments like “she’s looking like an aunty” “she looks old EWWW” ..

    she looks like an aunty because maybe hey she is an aunty, she has a nephew.. a 12 yo can be an aunty..

    • People need to realize this is strictly a fashion blog and need to keep the personal issues they have with her a.k.a jealousy out of it. Just saying.

  18. P&P you rarely say anything positive about Aishwarya. Even if overall you like something you always have to pick on something. Why so nitpicky with her? It’s like you judge her based on a different and higher standard or something.
    Anyway the belt was necessary. It brought her waist in and gave her a nice shape. Without the belt the dress would be a bit plain. Overall, stunning.

  19. Looking good! Thumbs up for the form-skimming, perfect-length dress! Sure, the look’s not a 10, but it’s appropriate and SOOOOO much better than the past. :)

  20. that belt is chosen so the bow rests over that area which she is always covering with a hand. dress is figure flattering, shape and length wise. face is beautiful as always!


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