Yin And Yang

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Two blue dresses worn to two very different results.

Dia paired her blue dress with a matching pair of pumps and some black beads which let’s face it, weren’t (the beads) quite needed. However, I loved that shade of blue on Ms. Mirza, as well as the messy braid which totally worked.

I wish I could find something salvageable about Tanaaz’s look but it’s a hard-sell! The dress, the jewelry, the shoes, nothing worked. And as for the stage make-up…

Though not particularly fond of Dia’s dress, I’d take that any day over Tanaaz’s recent appearance. You?

Far Left, Left: Dia Mirza At Panasonic 3D TV Promotion
Right, Far Right: Tanaaz Doshi At A Jewelry Launch

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Oh Man ! Diya totally makes it work. she always has the right accessories for everything. I wonder how huge her wardrobe is and how she keeps it all organized !

  2. How does Dia get it right? Like every single time. Be it dresses, saris or denims. <3. I don't mind the beads since there is no other accessory on her.

  3. prefer dia s dress and the color does suit her…but do not like the matching pumps…dia always plays it safe and wish she had paired the dress with contrast pumps…however as always dia is looking gorgeous!

  4. Y is everyone trying that pout look? Is it because, that it hides the chubbiness of your face and makes u feel sexy!!!God knows!!!
    As far as Dia..Yawn!!!

    • Totally agree. Dia is a beautiful girl but her constipated smile is so offputting. I would rather have Dia take chances with her fashion choices than always being 8/10.

  5. I like Dia’s look. Thats how I would dress…the black beads actually breaks the monochromatic blueness of the dress and is the perfect way add some pop to the dress.

  6. Dia’s look is perfect.. .love the hair, the dress and the beads..nothing overwhelming. Tanaaz is trying to too hard and not making it! Who is she by the way?

  7. Love Dia and her dress sense..she’s not usually int o designer labels as well and can make a look work better than other women in designer clothes..however one grouch…she tends to wear a lot of long necklaces..that seems to be very common with her outfits..i wish she’s try different jewellery


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