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Priyanka Chopra was photographed in a strapless jersey jumpsuit (by D.Exterior) recently. Now, the poll!

Priyanka Chopra Photographed At Mumbai Airport

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Finally you got around to featuring this! She IS IN a potato sack, literally! Probably much worse is her let me show off my tattoo while I am being photographed pose! LOL! Did she really think no one could tell? How many times has she posed like this? LOL she is definitely one who likes to show off!

  2. she has NO personal style. Looks like her stylist was missing that day and she put on the first thing she found. Yikes!!!!!

  3. She was travelling in this? Why? What if she has to go to the loo in the tiny aircraft bathrooms. Part of style is how appropriate an outfit is for the occasion. Shudder.
    And the bangs must go.

  4. The bleached part of her hair looks badly damaged… but then again you would have to put black hair through some major trauma to get it to be that colour.

    Wonder how she dealt with the whole getting-naked-in-a-tiny-airplane-bathroom- everytime-she-had-to-pee situation. LOL

  5. Wow that is one ugly jumpsuit and her hair…my Lord, no matter wat she does her hair is always a mess!!! And I have to agree with the Mad Momma above…jumpsuit for travelling???? Hoping she changed out of whatever she was wearing on the flight into this not that there is any redeeming factor here.

  6. YUCK…hasn’t anyone noticed the hair, terrible blonde ends it looks like hay, and like someone said she is dressed in a potato sack!? is this designer? looks like some road side threads. clearly the stylist was on holiday

  7. Priyanka is a beautiful woman, but man she really need to get herself a decent stylist, i’ve never really been blown away by her more casual looks. and if bang are really necessary please make them look nice!!!

  8. Other than the fact that she chosen her undergarments well, there is nothing much to compliment her upon.
    She really has the world to choose from, then why does she do this to herself???

  9. Terrible… and as as someone commented, how can she travel wearing that??? Only saving grace, she has not painted her face (and the rest of her body) in white makeup as usual… she looks comfortable in her own skin colour…

  10. She has taken tackyness to a whole new level. The jumpsuit is ugly, looks totally inappropriate for travel and I don’t even want to get started about her hair. She needs serious fashion intervention

  11. I am speechless and disappointed, because I like Priyanka. But this is an ugly jumpsuit, althouth she carries it well only because she is so thin. Did she really wear that while travelling…amazing. I like her new bangs, which when styled will probably suit her face.


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