Cat Call!

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Is this a trend you’ll be getting on board with? As far as am concerned, I can’t wait to get my hands on that DvF dress! ;)


Left: Manish Arora Spring 2009
Right: Manish Arora Fall 2009


Left: Stella McCartney Leopard Sweater Dress
Right: DvF Asher Dress


Left: Stella McCartney Tiger Tee Tunic
Right: Salvatore Ferragamo Spring 09


Left: Bebe Panther Printed Sweater Tunic
Right: DvF Tiger Tank Top

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  1. That salvatore ferragamo is so beautiful, looks almost like a Satya Paul WWF sari.. and angelina jolie rocked that one! love it

  2. I totally <3 it.
    In fact, the Stella McCartney one was gifted to me a couple days back! And I haven’t stopped beaming over it! :D

  3. Love, love LOVE the blue manish arora dress. Love the Stella McCartney and DvF as well. I think the tiger motif works: it’s interesting, it’s different and it’s sexy in a quirky kind of way. Now if only b’wood would start experimenting and chanelling trends like this instead of repeating the same 2 or 3 shantanu and nikhil dresses for the thousanth time. *sigh*

  4. they’re all awwwwwesome

    i reeeeeally would love the stella mccartney sweater dress

    and the ferragamo dress is amazing

    too bad i cant afford ’em!

    lol, I’m a total cat person and people who love cats are my weakness. I just love how graceful and beautiful they are (and dainty, my kitty is very dainty), above all of that crazy power. As strange as it sounds I think their attributes are the epitome of sexy when applied to the homo sapien.
    I see leopards and tigers :D

  6. I like the Manish Arora Fall 2009 dress – I think it’s something different, I would love to try it on just to see what it looks like on me!

    And I love love love the Salvatore Ferragamo Spring 09 dress! I’m not tall so I’m not sure how it would look on me but once again, I want to try it on to see if it works! I love the material and the side pr

  7. I like the DVF outfits, maybe because they aren’t so obviously “tiger”. The print is folksy and sort of reminding me of tribal art from tiger country Madhya Pradesh…
    Manish Arora’s fall 09 dress? Well… if the tiger’s muzzle wasn’t so unfortunately placed (that’s my li’l one-track mind speaking…;) )
    What would REALLY make me like these dresses though, is if at least a teeny portion of the profits went to Project Tiger- it would elevate them, and surely set cash registers ringing…


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