In T Bags

Comment image 9

Like the dress but the addition of the chain-belt seems unnecessary. Agreed it adds some structure but it kills the dress for me.

As for the slingbacks, how I love ’em! Love.

Surily Goel At Blenders Pride Fashion Tour 2010

T Bags Dress And Christian Louboutin Very Croise Slingbacks

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  1. so many celebs ruin the dress with an unnecessary belt… PC, Queenie, Mallika …
    why cant we enjoy the “drape” for what it is… flattering but not obvious…shows off the curve but hides the bulge :)

  2. The Black dress looks nothing but a black bath towel wrapped together..Hate it seems like anyone wearing it has just stepped from a shower

  3. Quiet often that i think that tube dresses look like towel wrapped around. Though this is not really a tube dress, it gives me the same impression from the side angle. Despite that, she looks pretty ok.


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