In Alexander McQueen

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Looking goood was Sridevi at a recent do… She hit all the right notes in her purple McQueen. Even the shoes I normally would’ve been iffy about, I like.

Left: Sridevi At Anil Kapoor Birthday Bash
Right: Alexander McQueen Angular-Shouldered Crepe Dressls

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. I love how Sridevi has maintained herself. She looks fabulous. Perhaps different type of shoes would have been a better choice but hey, we shall not nitpick too much.

  2. She looks good, but I have tried this dress and the neckline is very low, No wonder she has placed her hair on the neckline. Not a practical dress.

    • yeah i agree, the neckline is super duper low. and given Sri’s assets in that region, i wld be surprised if the hair pulled their wasnt out of minor discomfort. lol.
      But she looks fab ! What a figure !

  3. Va Va Vooooom! This is easily sri’s best appearance in a dress and i disagree with everyone who thinks the neckline is low and does not compliment her assets … people, i think the neckline and the waistline perfectly compliments her voluptuous yet statuesque figure … the thing with sri is she know how to amalgamate sexy with femininity …certain miss PC should take a lesson or two from her when it comes to not going OTT with the ‘skin show’ …

  4. Sridevi is such a stunning woman. Even more so than her younger counterparts today.

    Having said that something about this dress doesn’t suit her shape…can’t pinpoint it…

  5. WOW…lovely color n those radiant comlexion..uptil now i thought only arabs can luk gr8 in those colors…but SRI u r outstanding…LUV her..


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