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At a press conference for L’Oreal, Sonam Kapoor put in an appearance in a Carven top, Row jacket, Sandro pants and Dolce and Gabbana pumps. Hair and make-up perfectly complemented the look. So well put-together; we think she looked great!

Especially dig the pumps.

Sonam Kapoor At A Press Conference For L’Oreal Paris L’Or Electric Make-Up

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  1. Sonam looks but ugh I hate this outfit so much! The pieces separately are very nice but all together it’s just not working for me.

    • Exactly what I thought. Her make-up looks great but the ensemble is far from being cohesive…there is so much happening in one outfit.

  2. Sonam looks great. I’m on the fence about the top but love everything else.
    I like that Sonam takes risks and tries different looks.

  3. Blue with orange is not working for me….. May be thats just me!…… The shirt is gorgeous individually n loved the pumps too.

  4. Cute, casual-chic, fashionable,in-trend,effortless all at THE SAME TIME!! How does she do it?! Gotta LOVE Sonam :)

  5. Flawless, head to toe…hair, makeup, outfit, everything! She took a risk and boy! did it pay off! I don’t know one other Indian celeb who gives us so many new and interesting looks. This should definitely be part of HHC’s hall of fame, yeah?

  6. You really think the orange, blue and black is working together?
    She is a beautiful women. But this combination does nothing for her

  7. Quite a mishmash of a look – so let me show that I have this designer piece and then this one and this one! Overdone – I find this about most of Sonam’s looks.

  8. Does anyone know who her makeup/hair stylist is???
    no matter what she wears she always ends up looking stunning thanks to the flawless make uo and beautiful hair!!!

  9. Inspite of this being a difficult look to pull off, Sonam does complete justice to this bright & cheerful look!

  10. I donn like the rust orange top with the bloue and she could have done without the jacket…those shoes dont go with this look. Its a fail for me…but neck-up she looks great.

  11. I think she looks really cute! I love the make up, the hair, everything. Not sure about the shoes but I don’t hate them. Bravo, Sonam!

  12. love love love it….u just gotta have a unique sensibility to instinctively know that seemingly disparate pieces work together

  13. Sonam looks absolutely fab n fresh! Personally I would have never picked that orangish brown top but she works it out effortlessly!!

  14. LOVE all the pieces individually. Kudos to her for experimenting, but this time its not working! Not for a beauty event for a cosmetic brand! Expected something more glamorous than this casual look!

  15. a very ordinary look
    u walk into these low budget teen stores in america
    like forever 21 u can put together this look
    except for her face nothing else is striking ..

  16. I would say wrong shoes or something is not working!! but fab make up! I would like to see sonam working non branded clothes some day!

  17. i actually think this would’ve been a super chic look if she had chosen different shoes. what happened to your pet peeve about pointy-toed shoes? or i guess that stipulation doesn’t apply to sonam. anyway, i think a pair of black loub pumps, the kind with a slightly lower heel, would’ve rounded the look out excellently.

    looks like she’s got two stains on her shirt.

  18. Since when do such mismatched outfits count as fashionable? Simply because it’s Sonam? Neck up she looks great but otherwise def not.

  19. Maybe I am nitpicky .. but can’t get past the spot on the ruffle of her shirt, looks like she dropped some food .. :-D.
    Once beyond that!!! .. the shoes don’t gel with this look.

  20. Woohoo…luk who’s back! Sonam’s been havin a tough tym gettin her game back & now that she has…wel she’s blown me away for 1. Though I wud’v opted for open sandals or wedges, left at it, she delivers,left right & centre!


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