In Kallol Datta

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For her appearance at a panel discussion in the capital, Sona picked a Kallol Datta dress, wearing it with a pair of boots and silver jewelry. It’s a look right up her alley and one that she wears well. (But as I write this from a very, very muggy Madras, I just can’t look past the boots which literally sent shivers up my spine. My problem entirely, not hers.)

Sona Mohapatra In Kallol Datta At US Aid Panel Discussion In Delhi

Sona Mohapatra At US Aid’s Panel Discussion

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  1. Aw you still call it Madras. Chennai is a city Madras is an emotion. ;)

    As for Sona, I can only laugh at her “fierce”looks. Shoes look bad doesn’t matter if it is seen from from a Muggy Madras, Dusty Dubai or a Hot Hawaii. :P

  2. she is such a beautiful lady but here choices are always very odd and weird. Wish we can see her some day in a bodycon dress with some regular black sandals :-)

  3. I can imagine sweat running down your spine (considering muggy Chennai, I mean) but shivers up the spine… Hmmm, tough to imagine. :)

  4. LOL, I cant stop laughing and sweating :))…
    The lady is out of control and not in a good way….I only wish she’d be necessitated to make a detour to Madras without a spare wardrobe or shoe change duffel bag with her and that she gets to shop in busy Pondibazaar for a desperate change of footwear, trekking through in THOSE shoes!.

    • LOL! I think it already looks like one of those shoes you get for Rs100 or less in Pondy Bazaar. :P She might enjoy herself there.

  5. Not just rural men, @Bertie, my father in law also does the L/4 or L By 4, as it is called, it stops at mid thigh, used around home, with L/2 stopping at knees and used for errands. The men who wear L/4 on street are street sellers or coconut. I am wearing L/4 as well in muggy Mumvai with the FabIndia sarongs and it works like hell

  6. Goodness!!! I cant wrap my head around most of her looks …I just don’t get how this could be appealing to someone. With all the money at your disposal, you choose to buy this dress and those shoes. What a waste :(


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