In Spendthrift

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As much as we love Ms. Goswami, this dress (a ‘Spendthrift’ by Falguni and Shane Peacock) just isn’t working. While the silhouette seems all-wrong for Shahana, the make-up only adds to her woes.


Shahana Goswami At ‘Eskimovie’ Launch

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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    • balck and yello can be good …I have done it .
      but this a total eyesore ..tachy design / pattern oozing out of everywhere ..and whats this about one strap …did one came, or it was a delberate attempt to try somethng new ….

      • It could be a it could just be that one of her straps came off and she just tucked it in..sans leaving a part peeping out!!!
        but seriously the dress is so hideous that I missed out completely on the strap!!!!

        P&P…with such bad designs coming up and with actors and actresses having such bad taste…had your site been something specifically for gofugyourself… the number of your posts would still have been consistent!!! sigh!!!

    • oh god!
      thats what i thought when i looked at this dress – HIDEOUS!!!
      what would make anyone pick this dress from a rack and even try it out!!!
      seriously…i wudnt pay $2 for this dress!!!
      just because something is designer dosent make it automatically fashionable/pretty or wearable.

  1. Hideous! Why don’t people dress according to their body type?? The below-the-knee length just doesn’t work for someone of her height. And don’t even get me started on the loud colours, garish makeup and weird strap/straps peeping out!

  2. why these people have to wear tube-dresses ….if they cany carry it off just for few hours
    One strap is snapped off and tucked in and one is there.
    Or she needed support and style so she used only 1 strap and other is hidden (ofcourse badly)

    Color and style off dress-not flaterring on her.
    Hairstyle – adds to it.


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