
Comment image 17

Where does Rosa end and the wallpaper begin? :) That apart, this is the nicest (relatively) we’ve seen her dress in ages. Appropriately covered up, a ‘decent tunic/shirt dress over denims’ look, hair pulled up… yup, definitely an improvement!


Rosa Catalano

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. wow! India is great! everyone can find a job here.. even Rosa!! cant blv it! she does look neat.. but her makeup should have been better..

  2. I think it’s nice.. just unfortunate that she happened to be standing beside a busy wallpaper print but otherwise I would have really liked it.

  3. Yikes, what unfortunate placement. That said, I do like the tunic. A younger, more artsy looking girl would have carried it off much better. Rosa, well, she’s never gonna make it in this industry, I’m sorry to say…

  4. Something about her is so.. ya know… ordinary and Italian Amma like. There are a million women like her walking around the malls everyday. No star quality even if she wears really bad or really good clothes.

    Like Surbhi said.. atleast she looks neat.

  5. not shabby, def. more on the elegant side and this reminds me of that scene out of Garden State where Zach Braff’s shirt matches the wallpaper… haha poor Rosa I think it was jsut an unlucky situation.

  6. I agree, I thought Italian women had that innate European stlye…obviously not
    but LOL she blendsinto the wall- talk about wallflower

  7. I don’t think Rosa has been living in Italy.. and trust me when you go to any city with a huge immigrant population.. like Vancouver.. you realize that stereotypes about groups are just that…oversimplified generalizations that are largely untrue…


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